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Messages - Thurifur

Pages: 1
Bugs / When I logged in I was sent into other peoples accounts!
« on: December 24, 2007, 03:23:21 pm »
I sent a list of accessible accounts to the staff email, and probably have a few more written down if needed.  It happened to me at about 11pm MST and I was able to replicate it until logins were closed.  In total I probably saw 12 or more different accounts, most being accessable more than once.  I didn't touch the accounts past seeing their ID.  Hopefully the same courtesty was done for me (unless you wanted to complete that last route I was trying for when this all hit the fan).  Also, it seemed that the ability to get to a new account was a sure thing after a failed login.

-Alepou Airlines

Pages: 1
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