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Messages - Skyfox

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Quote from: "mg35pt"
Quote from: "nwadeltaboy"
The only reason I myself buy A300's is to be able to compete with those guys who buy them. :D

It's an arms race! :twisted:

hehe, They are route destroying nuclear missles.

General Chat / Re: Airbus
« on: June 02, 2008, 07:08:04 pm »
Quote from: "Skyfox"
Quote from: "MahonuuAir"
I Purchased Around 10 Of These Aircraft & Consequently Have Moved Up Down One Space Into 15th Ranking In Europe. They Vary  Rareley Make A Profit As They Have So Many Seats The Fares Are To Cheap To Cover The Expense OF StaffEtc. Larger/Mid Airlines I Would Deffinitley Reccomend Swopping Older Smaller Aircraft Of Your Least Profitable Routes For Boeing 737-200ADV. Or Carvelle 12S They Are Much More Profitable And More Worthwhile As Well As Being Very Cheap ! Happy Moguling :)

- Contact Me - :!:

Thats a lesson we all have to learn. the A300 looks great on paper, but works terrible in this games mathematics. For a case in point, look at buisy routes in places like w 4 or 6, then look at w3s before the A300. Narrowbodies are the way to go.  BTW your free to start MAN-CAI services, but please use a sensible plane with sensible frequencys. TU-154s or 727ADVs work wonders. There is no need for any larger aircraft within thier range bracket.

Ill start selling mine off sooner or later, thankfully I havent been forced to use most of them yet.

General Chat / Re: Airbus
« on: June 02, 2008, 07:05:29 pm »
Quote from: "MahonuuAir"
I Purchased Around 10 Of These Aircraft & Consequently Have Moved Up Down One Space Into 15th Ranking In Europe. They Vary  Rareley Make A Profit As They Have So Many Seats The Fares Are To Cheap To Cover The Expense OF StaffEtc. Larger/Mid Airlines I Would Deffinitley Reccomend Swopping Older Smaller Aircraft Of Your Least Profitable Routes For Boeing 737-200ADV. Or Carvelle 12S They Are Much More Profitable And More Worthwhile As Well As Being Very Cheap ! Happy Moguling :)

- Contact Me - :!:

Thats a lesson we all have to learn. the A300 looks great on paper, but works terrible in this games mathematics. BTW your free to start MAN-CAI services, but please use a sensible plane with sensible frequencys.

Ill start selling mine off sooner or later, thankfully I havent been forced to use most of them yet.

Quote from: "Dora"
I put the A300 in China and I think they are not bad, the profit is acceptable, just slightly lower than the 732s.

So you replaced an aicraft that worked ''not bad'' by your own standards, with a more expensive, less fuel effieciant altenative, and as a result the performance is less, albeit marginaly less than your previous aircraft, the lowly 732. Granted you are pushing more passengers, but passengers alone are by no means a measure of success. Anyone looking at daily passengers as an indicator of profitability is looking at the wrong numbers. Looking at Daily profit can also be misleading, as you must also factor in maintenance and fuel costs, which will cost you come the first of the month.

Exactly, by them in bulk, and sell or lease them to noobs. Thats the only smart way to opperate with them.

Theres only two reasons you should have one of these in your fleet.
A. Your a noob.
B. To screw over or compete with a noob.

They are a very fickle plane to use. There are afew routes they work splended on, but for the most part, they suck.

The A300 was origionaly built to ferry large amounts of passengers between large hubs cost efficiantly. In this game theres no need to worry about that since high density routes are already packed with 500 airlines trying for a piece of the pie.

Another reason these birds where so popular IRL, is that they have cavernous cargo capacity. But of course, cargo isnt a factor in this game yet.

With massive competition, constant feul prices, an invariable number of potential passengers. theres no real need for it.  

They are the fastest way to turn a mutualy profitable route, into a very competative slash fest where where nobody earns anything worthwhile.

If you must have a widebody, be my guest, If you decide to drop it on one of my hubs, ive got a fleet of these waiting to compete with you. Im not afraid of useing 2x frequences either. For me a route is effectivly dead once an A300 is on it, so im not afraid to write it off as a loss.

Screwing with people is about all they are good for. I totaly dont recommend this plane.

Game Data / DC9-40
« on: May 09, 2008, 12:36:45 am »
Out of a gameplay standpoint all the DC-9 prices seem fairly rediculous. The 10 and 20 are very overpriced. Given thier utility, which is between the caravelle and the 737. Some Caravelles match the DC-9s performance and are much cheeper, which is odd. The DC-9-30 is definatly a 737 competator, but its range is greatly inferior. The DC-9-40 is about right, though its range still sucks.

Ill also compain about the price hike on the 727-200, its performance just isnt worth that price. It was better where it was before it was changed. The 727-100 also is highly overpriced. Variants of the trident outperform it in every way, inludeing fuel effeciancy. This is not only counter intiutive, it is also unrealistic, the trident was known as a gas guzzeler, and the region it never sold well was because it couldnt match the 727 variants in performance.

Its just a wierd system at the moment. could i please simply request fewer nerfs?

General Chat / Show your colors - The Liveries Topic
« on: May 06, 2008, 07:26:27 pm »
Heres a pic of one of my aircraft in W3.

if someone has a blank caravelle, Fokker F27, or better F-227B template lemme know, it'd make my day.

General Chat / Price of the DC-9 went up?
« on: May 04, 2008, 01:55:40 pm »
I noticed the same thing on the 727-200. Ít went up from 104 million to 116 million. It was kind of overpriced to begin with when compaired to aircraft of symilar pax. Also. The price of the 727-200 ADV remained the same, while being an arguably better aircraft in most aspects.  Wierd.

General Chat / Done
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:18:10 am »
PM sent. Thanks for your patiance with me.

General Chat / nope
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:14:00 am »
Nope. I found the link to login actual.

I click on that and get to a page that resembles the actual login.

I type in my data as usual. And promply get ushered back to the page with the puppies, and i am not logged in.

I changed my password, double checked my cookie settings. No clue what to do.

General Chat / grr
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:01:34 am »
All its doing is bouncing me around. Either theres an ultra hidden link to the actual log in, or link on the top left isnt working for me either. So far all this is is an exercize in frustration.

General Chat / password
« on: April 01, 2008, 08:53:52 am »
Okay.. what do i need to do to login?

Both the pet shop login, and the hidden AM login dont work for me. I get forwareded back to the petshop home page every time and am not logged in. I tried reseting my password aswell. Whats a step by step instruction to get into the game?

General Chat / cute
« on: April 01, 2008, 08:37:41 am »
Yea, im also having log in problems, the whole home page seems buggy as hell. It says i should enable cookies, when they have been enabled all along. I dont mind the pink, or the cute lil" critters, but the fact that it wont let me log in is pissing me off.

General Chat / Boeing 767 (NOT -ER) vs Boeing 732Adv
« on: March 25, 2008, 08:36:09 pm »
The 747 has perhaps the worst cost per profit ratio in the game. The game works on diminishing returns, the more seats you put on the route the less you can charge for them. 500 seats one way means you cant charge that much to fill them all.  Add to that massive operating costs, and you get fairly meager profits.

Last round i was making more using 990s and 737s on a route than i was making with a 747 on the same route, even if i was the only one on it. If there was a benifit i was marginal, and wasnt really worth the fuel costs.  I operated afew token 747s for prestige only.

Origionaly the 747 was built for high density routes, more as a service to the passenger and the airport than the airline operating it. They where built to move people, alot of people, cheaply. to reduce airport congestion and make air travel mainstream and cheeper for the average citizen. Airlines couldnt fill them charging what the used to charge with 707s and the like. Prices sank and so did profits. Larger airlines could manage on the count of economics of scale and though identifying the proper nieche market of this aircraft. Other airlines tanked, or suffered because they aquired it as a prestige object. Back in the day, every airline had to have a fleet of these because they where big and sexy. Think Delta, Eastern, American, National, Braniff, SAS, Swissair, Aer Lingus.  Airlines that no longer exist, or only operated 747s for a matter of months of a year or two.

The biggest pro of the 747 was its cargo capacity, which was and still remains the 747s saving grace. It was built with cargo in mind (elevated cockpit and short upper deck are there for a reason). However, we dont have any cargo in this game yet.

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