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General Chat / Sharing some AM experience (Product of OpenSkies)
« on: November 13, 2007, 11:22:59 pm »
Hey PTr, Can I put this on the Game manual wiki Page?


General Chat / Wiki needs updating
« on: November 13, 2007, 11:21:57 pm »
I was a jerk and edited your edits.  See the talk page for the reasons why.  the wiki talk pages are a useful tool for collaboration.  I too am Interested in improving the wiki.  the first place to look is

I'd like to tackle the new player intro, but I'm really still a new player my self.


Game Updates / Rankings Update
« on: November 13, 2007, 04:16:29 am »
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"

actually, i doubt that Boeing will make an A380 sized plane in the near future, it won out it seems on what the market wanted.  A380 sales have been relatively poor, whereas the 787 dreamliner has had the most successful launch of any new aircraft design.  they've shown an edge in innovation, and read the market's demand for range, flexibility, and fuel/cost efficiency in a manner which seems to have had significant success and given them a significant edge over Airbus (as the a350xwb is not to be released until around 2013) compared to the A380's small sales and questionable profitability (there's some sneaking suspicions going around that the only way airbus can sell it is through heavy discounting, cutting into the ROI on the entire project).

Boeing simply answered the a380 with an upgraded 747 (the 747-800) which was a relatively cheap project, doesn't match the girth of the A380 but simply provides an expanded, more fuel efficient, longer range 747.  which seems pretty prudent to me, as the A380 seems to only be desired by Emirates (as they account for about 1/3rd of the A380's order books) and to replace some high density, hub to hub routes in high traffic airlines (British Airways purchased a few A380s and several 747-8's, stating this in essence).

I think Boeing's next big move will be a new model of the 777 or 767. maybe in 5 or 10 years a new composite model of the 737.

Thats exactly right.  The next phase for Boeing is replacing almost their entire line.  for an idea look at


General Chat / A Distance Calulator Would Be Nice
« on: November 08, 2007, 02:45:36 am »
Id like to see the Research routes menu allow me to use airport codes.  We just hit 2,000 airports, and having to scroll threw them all every time makes it un-usable.


Game News / Re: AirlineMogul Reaches 2000 Airports!
« on: November 02, 2007, 02:35:16 am »
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "CMS"
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "hpscot08"
Airline Mogul Has Reached 2,000 Airports

Thanks to everyone for submitting airports as it has helped the number grow much faster than I ever could have done alone! I am sorry I'm not always as quick as you would hope but they do get added ;). Thanks again!

Do you use actual figures or potential figures?  Worcester, MA has a decent airport with absolutely lousy road access to it, resulting in low use.  However, it is located in what was (and may still be) NE's second largest city (not metro area).  I started to do the info for you guys but backed off due to it's low REAL use.

A screwed up road situation in Mass?  that never happens!

(who, missed the 93 exit had had to go to 3 while driving on 95 this AM)

You know those wonderful rotaries?  They have them here in Germany too!!!!    :shock:

Aiiiiyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

A: Its a circle, not a rotary.   :wink:
B: we like them in the North East US, its a kind of gut-check for the tourists.

The comment was more about the state of roads in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Want an interesting read?


General Chat / aircraft depreciation?
« on: November 02, 2007, 02:26:20 am »
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"
Depreciation is straight-line based on a 20 year life from date of delivery.

All used aircraft are depreciated from the purchase price based on the remaining expected useful life of the plane (20 years - age).

maintenance is based off of fair value at present, which needs at least a minor shake up and is likely getting it in the near future. but... so busy of late. -_-

A wise man (I'm sure some one can tell me who)  said "You get what you pay for."  Well, This game is probably the exception that proves the rule.  The amount of work you guys have put into this game without requiring payment is staggering.   Thanks for you hard work for my enjoyment.  


General Chat / aircraft depreciation?
« on: November 02, 2007, 01:42:24 am »
I'm noticing that my aircraft of the same type have different values.  I suspect its depreciation.  How is the Depreciation calculated? is it based on distance traveled or hours?  Does the difference from new affect maintenance costs?  What happens when the value gets to 0?   I did a quick search and didn't see any thing in the fourms on this, sorry if I missed it.


Game News / Re: AirlineMogul Reaches 2000 Airports!
« on: November 01, 2007, 08:40:06 pm »
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "hpscot08"
Airline Mogul Has Reached 2,000 Airports

Thanks to everyone for submitting airports as it has helped the number grow much faster than I ever could have done alone! I am sorry I'm not always as quick as you would hope but they do get added ;). Thanks again!

Do you use actual figures or potential figures?  Worcester, MA has a decent airport with absolutely lousy road access to it, resulting in low use.  However, it is located in what was (and may still be) NE's second largest city (not metro area).  I started to do the info for you guys but backed off due to it's low REAL use.

A screwed up road situation in Mass?  that never happens!

(who, missed the 93 exit had had to go to 3 while driving on 95 this AM)

General Chat / Best Real-Life Airlines
« on: October 30, 2007, 09:03:08 pm »
Quote from: "Blue Sky Mine"
Quote from: "iranair777"
i would say Iran Air (even with their sanctions) are doing extremely well in terms of the quality of their flights (and not to mention their sexy a/c ;)). I have flown with them many times and they were always helpful and polite and I would give them more than 5*'s ;)
as with emirates (only flown once on a A332 with a return from IKA (imam khomeni airport in tehran) to DXB) they are 5* on the luxury factor

I'd love to fly Iran Air's 707 or 747SP one day... I'm astonished they can keep these planes flying! I heard that they'd get a leased 747-400. Is that true?

I wish I could remember the publication, (I work at a news stand, so I see A LOT of magazines,) but some aviation history magazine had a reporter go to Iran to fly on one of thier 707's.   It was an intresting read.  It might have been "Avation Classics."


General Chat / Re: Best Real-Life Airlines
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:30:28 pm »
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "nwaboy"
I'm thinking of making a poll of the best real-life airlines.  If you have any suggestions please post them here!  :)

Nowadays?  I think they all reek (in the U.S.)

Back in the early 80's I really like Piedmont.  Then they were bought by US Airways (I think).  Then...

 :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Piedmont still exists.  It operates for US Air express.   They fly the REALLY REALLY loud Dash-8 (which many of you probably know from the previous generation.  I didn't play, so I dont know for sure.)  


General Chat / merry christmas and happy new year
« on: October 24, 2007, 08:14:03 pm »
so now we see the true value of Thanksgiving.  Its a Border holiday -  keeps Christmas from sneaking up into June.   Halloween helps too.  


General Chat / Stop the Undercutters, start the CAB!
« on: October 24, 2007, 07:51:23 pm »
Quote from: "ALFC"
i have a far better suggestion, lets give everyone a fixed income of 50m per month and get lottery tickets for 1m each, if you win a certain ticket you get up to 500m more, that way there is no competition, everyone can buy what he wants and there is no undercutting since there is no ticket pricing!!  :roll:  :roll:

I see you've been reading comrade Stalins book on Air Travel.  very good read.   We will teach those Counterrevolutionary pig-dogs! :wink:


General Chat / ultra short rutes
« on: October 24, 2007, 04:37:49 am »
this is, well, retarded.  A sampling from the MHT (Manchester-Boston Regional Airport) to BOS (Boston Logan airport)
Competition Information
Airline                    Aircraft                    Frequency      Fare
MS Airways            Curtis CW-20            6.5                €75
Pilgrim Airways    Douglas DC-4-1009  1.5             €75
Pilgrim Airways    Convair 240            1.5               €75
Yankee Airways          Douglas DC-3    2                   €10
Pilgrim Airways    Douglas DC-3    1.5    €75
K1-International    Douglas DC-3    1    €70
Disney Airlines     Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049    0.5    €90
Disney Airlines     Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049    0.5    €90
Sky Lines              Douglas DC-3    1    €539
AirXpress [FT]     Douglas DC-3    1    €525
Sky Lines              Curtis CW-20    0.5    €545
Average Fare: €197   Passengers: 1,084

In real life the connection between MHT and BOS is a green bus.  And its not even a big green bus.  It takes about an hour to run.  The really really short routes like this one (45 miles) are abusive.    I'm not sure how to fix it, but the the bus comes to mind.  any route that is short like that (say less than the amount of time it would take to realistically travel between the two is faster by car then by air. (don't forget security etc) then create a system created very high capacty 0 cost route - the bus.)


Bugs / Re: Someone needs to check their spelling
« on: October 21, 2007, 05:52:39 am »
Quote from: "Jps"
Subject:     Aircraft Out on Lease has Returned
Message:    The following aircraft, #10834 - Douglas DC-3, has automatically been returned to you from its lessee, New Zealand Airline.

To coder: Please don't tell me you don't know to spell lease. Unabridged (v 1.1)
les·see      /lɛˈsi/
a person, group, etc., to whom a lease is granted.

I'm sure he does know how to spell lease.  He also knows English.


Game Data / Airport update - MHT vs. MAN
« on: October 19, 2007, 06:21:13 am »
the List of airports lists two Manchester's (Manchester, England and Manchester, NH USA.)  A few years back (2 or so, I can't remember,) The Manchester, NH airport renamed itself the "Manchester-Boston Regional Airport."  The codes stay the same.  Changing the name might help with the two Manchester issue.

(Just to be honest, I work at MHT.  Though not for the airport authority)

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