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Messages - ah1998

Pages: 1
Suggestions / Re: Suggestions for the game
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:47:25 pm »
Thank you for your reply  :)

Suggestions / Suggestions for the game
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:10:12 pm »
Hi everyone,
                   Let me know what you think about the following. My idea is to make it easier to swap aircraft on routes. At the moment when you buy a new aircraft to use on existing routes, you have to close all of the routes then restart them all using the new aircraft. I may be a good idea for a simple aircraft swap option to be made on the edit route option.

Secondly it would be good to see certain worlds that have a ready given scenarios to play with, for example the goverment of a country requires you to set up a national airline, it must have connections to the following places andd have carried (so many) passangers by the year (...) to be profitable for the goverment.

See what you think guys and let me know.
Many thanks, Alex.

Pages: 1
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