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[++] Suggestions / Re: Cargo
« on: June 30, 2013, 09:09:52 am »
ah ok, cheers i didn't realize, thanks for your reply :)

[++] Suggestions / Cargo
« on: June 27, 2013, 02:00:22 pm »
I was wondering if there would ever be an option to do cargo flights? Maybe having a cargo fleet to work alongside the passenger services.

  • Cargo values are already on the airports so that should be an issue.
  • New aircraft variations if it isn't too difficult.
  • New cargo leaderboards could be added.

It was just a thought, sorry if this has already been discussed, i thought it might be different.

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: June 26, 2013, 11:10:00 pm »


We all love a bit of HEX ;)

Sorry to change the conversation but I do love this game :P

Ill just keep popping in now and again to check the progress on the count ;) you can carry on like I wasn't here now :P

General Chat / Re: Count to 10,000
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:49:24 pm »

where does the road go? maybe they should have just built a very long incline :P

(thought id check out the forums  :P)


By cuilliere at 2012-03-22

Tried an old paint scheme, first attempt, not too bad


By cuilliere at 2012-03-19

I just made my first one, it has taken me about 4 hours haha but i think its a start :D

By cuilliere at 2012-03-18

Thanks  :)

I just used paint, thats why it is all pixelated.

I just downloads GIMP tho, i think it will produce better results, im just trying to get a hang of it. Seems way too complex.

Templates found on

no credit taken. unofficial Paint schemes added for fun

By cuilliere at 2012-03-17

By cuilliere at 2012-03-17

By cuilliere at 2012-03-17

Pages: 1
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