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Messages - JM1878

Pages: 1 2
Bugs / (different) brokerage bug (maybe)
« on: October 26, 2007, 07:00:05 am »
Hi, Union Air ID 4809

Very small thing this one, doesn't directly affect the game, but puzzling me.

I have ordered a plane via the open brokerage system, which some kind soul took on :) .

Thing is, when I have used this before I have got an in game message informing me of the brokerage request being accepted. So far I haven't got a message, but it is listed under my deals in progress.

As I said, not a big thing but just wanted to bring it up incase it was a sign that things may go a bit squiffy with this brokerage request!


General Chat / Anything to be done about Under Cutters
« on: October 25, 2007, 12:22:20 am »
Maybe less accurate loadfactors, or rather ranges, might cut down a little on constant undercutting.

General Chat / Anything to be done about Under Cutters
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:38:54 pm »
I dont quite understand what could be done....We are all free to set whatever prices we want - if they want to run making little or no profit thats up to them. You need to either ride the storm or redistribute your resources to get a better yield.

General Chat / Lacking substance?
« on: October 22, 2007, 05:51:24 am »
I only started this round, but I already see what you mean. The fact is, the game advances too quickly - people have got stupidly rich in just several game months, and the pace of the game must be slowed down considerably imo. I'm finding that as soon as I have a competetive fleet I have to upgrade virtually straight away - in just a few game months this has happened loads. I know this is only a game and not a simulation, but the rate of groth in under a year of game time is too much imo - I am dreading what it will be like in late 1959. :shock:

As well as adding new stuff like you suggest (which is good as it is something else to spend your cash on so overall growth should be slower), there a loads of thing that could be done. Getting rid of short haul 0.5s is a must imo, and the whole 0.5 stuff needs addressing as a whole (which everyone knows).

Perhaps also limiting how much you can do day (either game day or real day). For example, people who have millions of euros set up at a new airport and immediately open 70 new 0.5 routes (2 issues in one :) ) -spamming every airport in reach of them. They get rich, ruins the balance of the game etc. Instead, if you could only open a set number of routes per hour or something, progress would be slower and the game would be more strategic and need more skill/thought. Players could react to each others strategies and try and influence the game, rather than logging in to find their whole 'airline' in tatters.

I also think more measures to limit certain aspects of the game would b better too - for example players could sign contracts with manufacturers so that they may only buy that make of aircraft or something - or sign to a set number. With the right selection of aircraft available something like this could really give the game more balance, as players may have to really work at being a certain type of airline rather than just alphabetically buying every gate and setting up a route.

I think the brokerage system speeds things up too much. At first I loved it and even thought maybe there could be an automated finance system too, so you could pay on the 'never, never' - but I have since thought that maybe getting rid of brokers altogether might be an answer - if people have to wait to buy outright, they cant order until they have the cash and groth is slowed a little.

These types of ideas may be rubbish, but my point is that I think there needs to be a slower pace to the game and try and get more strategy in there somewhere. Dont get me wrong, I am loving it but I have soon realised that it needs a bit more of............something!

Bugs / Plane purchase/broker
« on: October 19, 2007, 08:19:51 pm »
Ok, don't know if anyone did anything but it has now gone


Bugs / Plane purchase/broker
« on: October 19, 2007, 07:50:19 pm »

I have just purchased a plane via a public broker deal, and have renamed it and put it into service. However, when I click on 'Your Requests' in the Aircraft Market it is still listed, and delivery is coming up as 'Days' (ie no number, not '10 Days'
or '3 Days' - just 'Days')

My airline ID is 4809,
aircraft ID is 11477.

Not a huge issue, just a little odd,


Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 19, 2007, 01:30:42 pm »
As I said, I thought some more experienced people would disagree  :lol:

I also said it wasn't perfect and wasn't the final solution. And, part of my thoughts are to slow down expansion - going from 500k euros or whatever we started with to 1000,000,000 in just a few game months is too quick in my opinion. So I think slower progress would be a good thing, with the efficiency of your planes (ie the extra hour or two they have left over if you cant fit them into round trip routes) improving over time.

I myself have got my DOP up to two million in 6 months - I dont know how this rates to others but I think that is too much too quick, so I would be all for measures that limited routes and things early in the game.

Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 19, 2007, 12:45:53 pm »
Quote from: "Jps"
Quote from: "andylawrence"
The .05 routes absolutely suck, for those of us here for a SIMULATION, not a game, you cant compete against 68 .05 routes.  At this point i dont think they should be allowed unless your just using them to round out a planes flying hours.

Tell me what freq you can use on AMS to BOS... if you ever find a plane (in 1950) that can do 1 freq.. tell me

Well, one argument could be that (regardless of actual history) this is very early in the game, so perhaps not having 0.5s and thus not long haul would naturally slow down expansion a little bit which I think would be a good thing. I am new and looking at how quickly airlines expand in a few game months is insane to me.

But, what about (as a short term fix) limiting 0.5s to over a certain distance. I know this isnt perfect (as there are justifications for short haul 0.5s) but for now this would allow people to get these long haul routes up and running with the current planes, but cut out someone setting up 70 short 0.5 routes in one go to all routes from a major airport.

On that note, I also think there should be a limit to how many new routes you can open up each game day. As this is a game people arent here 24jrs a day. By not letting someone move into a new area and wipe out the competition literally while they are sleeping :) and holding back their expansion a bit, this would allow competition in the area to react with a little more realism. It would mean players could try and alter their strategy gradually to fend off a new threat, rather than logging in after work and seeing that they have to change everything in one swoop.

Just some thoughts from a newbie - so I am sure more experienced players will have plenty to disagree with! :D

Bugs / Problem Viewing "Rankings" Page
« on: October 18, 2007, 01:00:01 pm »
If the page is very large it may help to have your rank displayed in the top right hand corner, by your DOP??? So you always know your own outright rank, and can look at the rankings page for more details and check on others. (BTW, to check another airline in the rankings do I literally need to try and manually find their name on the rankings list or is there a quicker way that I am missing....)

There are so many players that its making my eyes hurt scrolling up and down down the page :) Plus I am using a silly lap top mouse :evil: so really annoying!

Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 18, 2007, 03:36:39 am »
Ok no problems  :)

However, I would argue that the fact this is just a game would mean that I wouldn't (or I am not) hell bent on coming top, but would rather everyone enjoyed it.

But I don't really care that much for it be too much of an issue tbh.

As they say, when in Rome....!

Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:39:02 am »
Thanks for the email dktc  :)

Pacific - any chance you could adjust your strategy a little? For the sake of the game and the fun of others, even if it is technically not against the 'rules'? Turn a few of those one-ways into round trips or something.

Would be great if you would have a think about it.


Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 18, 2007, 01:34:39 am »
INA - completely agree - just started in my base and set up 68 (out of 69) 0.5 flights, killing my DOP. :(
Is this how you win this game....................

(psssst you arent meant to name people ;) )

Bugs / Route Map not loading
« on: October 17, 2007, 11:39:58 am »
Sorry to slightly hijack your thread for a second Simius, I just wanted to thank Air Elbonia for fixing my other slightly different map problem - rather than clog your PMs, in game messages or start a new thread I thought I would put it here (my topic is now locked).



Bugs / [FIXED] Route Map not loading?
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:44:32 pm »
Right, here is the list of all the airports I currently utilise.

STN     London Stansted         
BHX    Birmingham       
BLK    Blackpool       
BOH    Bournemouth       
BES    Brest - Bretagne       
BRS    Bristol       
CRL    Brussels Charleroi       
CFE    Clermont       
CPH    Copenhagen - Köbenhavn       
ORK    Cork       
CVT    Coventry       
EIN    Eindhoven       
LUX    Findel Airport       
GCI    Guernsey       
NOC    Ireland West Knock       
JER    Jersey Airport       
LYX    Kent International       
LLR    Llanbedr       
LTN    London Luton       
NQY    Newquay       
NWI    Norwich       
NUE    Nurnberg       
PRG    Prague Ruzyne       
RNS    Rennes - Saint-Jacques       
SXB    Strasbourg


Bugs / [FIXED] Route Map not loading?
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:37:35 pm »
Ok, thanks.

I think I may have stumbled across the problematic airport, LLR Llanbedr in the UK. None of the maps load on any pages relating to that airport.

I'll go off to get a list of the others just in case,


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