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Messages - blastpast

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General Chat / someone help me
« on: September 18, 2007, 11:53:08 pm »
yeah but don't i have to only pay 35%? so i have 102 million now in the bank. and i make 84 million/month. and i thought i was told i have 3 months to pay the rest off. which means if i use all my resources, i have a max of either 272  or 356 million. that's max though, would want to target 220 or 300 million total. so am i right or wrong? do i have the right idea or wrong idea? could i not get a 340, 747, 777 for between 200-300 million?   thanks

General Chat / someone help me
« on: September 18, 2007, 10:27:41 pm »
tempting hampo. very tempting. -10% seems very good.. currently having 99,000,000 in the bank. not sure what i could afford. nothing small. no airbus except for a 340... 747 would be great but i dont think i could pay that off in time... not sure what they'd go for, none on the open market to help judge... something with 7500nm+ range. 3.5mill DOP, 99mil banked. what could you offer me?

and how long til the reset? anyone know?

Bugs / maximum alliance routes from this departure airport?
« on: September 18, 2007, 07:16:03 pm »
when do i know if it's fixed?

General Chat / someone help me
« on: September 18, 2007, 07:13:27 pm »
i want to experiment but im still a lil afraid. lol. i have 3.5 mill dop.

General Chat / do you have to keep all 4 gates to keep your base?
« on: September 18, 2007, 09:25:40 am »
well i think i see the reason for this. the reason's that if you only had to have one gate somewhere to make a base, you could make a base anywhere that a single gate may be available. but they don't want the biggest airports being bases to everyone because one gate may have been available. it can't be too easy

Bugs / maximum alliance routes from this departure airport?
« on: September 18, 2007, 09:22:08 am »
me or the person in my alliance? don't know theirs. mine is 3416 and the airport id is BGR

General Chat / someone help me
« on: September 18, 2007, 09:19:48 am »
i feel so stupid. i think i understand but im not quite sure. which side are you talking about, taking liability with open broker requests on the market, or whatever the other option is. im not even sure how to do it. like is it under "request aircraft" or "purchase aircraft" on the side, or what?   sorry for the trouble. thanks

General Chat / someone help me
« on: September 18, 2007, 06:05:04 am »
first of all, i have checked the wiki. but i don't understand what the brokerage system is. i'm sorry i don't understand it. can someone please explain it to me? thanks

Bugs / maximum alliance routes from this departure airport?
« on: September 18, 2007, 04:04:56 am »
i am getting a message when i try to create a route from one of my bases. my own bases. not an alliance base. and i currently have 0 flights out of there, and i know that my ONE alliance member does not have any flights departing out of there. is this a bug or what can i do to fix this?

General Chat / do you have to keep all 4 gates to keep your base?
« on: September 18, 2007, 02:01:16 am »
i recently created a base. i rented 4 gates, paid the fee, and made it a base. but i haven't had the time to put more than a few flights on it, especially as i have other areas of focus. but at the first of the game month, i got a notice saying that 3 of my gates are flagged and will be returned if i don't use them.

well now i have the question. if i was to return 1-3 gates right now, will i lose the base status because i don't have 4 gates rented?

or will i be able to keep base status because i paid that fee, just not have many gates available? because if i paid 10million to make it a base, i don't want to lose that money. and i don't have the cash to build a terminal right now either. but if i kept base status, and got rid of three gates, i could then build it later down the road. anyone have any answers for me?

thanks in advance.

General Chat / Terminal build problem
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:36:38 am »
ok because under my "to date" profit it shows -55,000,000. not even but 55 million something. but i noticed that when the game month changed, it didnt take that much. only like 10 million in fees. i just wondered if this was going to go on or if things are being slowely adjusted or what. as long as i don't get any unnescisary charges, i'm not complaining. just was wondering. since it lists like 45 million as my monthly gate rental fees. i was just reading up on the 75% thing. im fine with that. and what that means is that if a gate is 200,000 to rent at the airport, my monthly fees are 150,00 for each gate in my terminal? right?


General Chat / Terminal build problem
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:25:05 am »
well my question is, when you build a terminal, is that a one time fee, or is it monthly? it says monthly in the finance page, but 40 million/month seems pretty hefty, don't you think?

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