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Messages - blastpast

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General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:48:23 pm »
no wait i got it. lol. ummm well see still can do the d1: a-c 12hr. d2: c-a, a-b. d3: b-a. but you can't do what you're drawing. what it looks like you're drawing is 12hr a-b, 12hr a-c in day one. but if they're 12 hrs, and you can make two 12hr flights in a day, there's nor reason you couldnt do a-b and b-a in one day, and a-c, c-a in the next day. this of course like i was saying with the profit, would have to have either a better calculation or be divided in half, as you're flying between a-b one day, and a-c the next, and continueing every other day. so doubling the profit would continue.

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:44:42 pm »
i feel totally lost right now.....  :shock: ...we've been arguing (politly may i add  :lol: ) back and forth, yet i don't know what we've agreed on...   :shock: .. lol

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:42:51 pm »
Quote from: "LOT 737-300"
Here is what I'm saying:

On the 3 hour part, like I said, I try not to go past 2x .5s per plane, what I would do is see if there is any shorter runs I can put it on that would allow a 1x (1 had 3 hrs left on my newest plane, thats where I used it on the 2.5 on a 106nm route), if not, then I just leave it alone. My loss, heck yeah, but thats just how I play. I can make another one explaining this, but with what one of my planes is doing right now. What it looks like we might not be understanding each other here.

that's how you play, but i'm pretty sure that's not how most airlines on here are playing. you do the right thing, but others dont. therefore on the last three hours, it should be 1, 2, or 3 frequency, not .5, 1.5, and 2.5.

now i am probobly one of the most guilty people with half routes. i'm using them because currently it's legal and everyone else is. and in order to compete, in most instances, you have to do what others are doing. if the "law" was changed, i'd abide of course.

i think we're kind of saying the same thing in different ways..? not sure. because i understand the whole day one a-c, day two c-a a-b, day three b-a, a-c thing. but when you start the route, if a-c and a-b were the same distance (say 11hrs total), then you could make it a-c and c-a in the same day. and a-b and b-a in the same day. meaning you should be forced to have 1 frequency, making a non-overnight stay. instead of a .5 and an overnight stay.

another idea just came to me. how about we keep .5 routes as they are, but add for every .5 route you do, you have to pay an overnight fee. this can vary per airport, or be a percentage of your dop for the route. 5% maybe. so you make 200,000 on a jfk-london route, you pay 10,000 for an overnight parking fee. this of course is waived if it's your bases you're flying between

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:14:54 pm »
Quote from: "LOT 737-300"
Quote from: "blastpast"
Quote from: "LOT 737-300"
Quote from: "blastpast"
i think i said somewhere else (maybe earlier this thread) that .5 routes should only be allowed between bases. since you cant start a route at any other airport besides a base. then do away with .5 routes except for the bases and only be whole numbers. then if you do a .5 route to another base, the aircraft then has to fly out of that other base. then you could have people maybe doing .5 one way and .5 the other way because it's more profitable. not sure about that point, or if it would even be more profitable. it's the same route, but the other way.

That wouldn't work though, since many people might not have a base on another continent, and .5s are sorta needed for that. As I've stated quite a few times, I'm in the boat that says .5s should be limited to only 2 per plane. THat way, it can be done realistically (one night, the plane will be overnighting at City B after flying in from City A, and then in the morning it comes back from City B and in the end of that day it goes to overnight in City C, then comes back to City A that next morning, and the cycle starts all over again. Same logic would apply for some long distance flights.

ok sorry i didnt read this right at first. so i did now and will respond. if you do this, you have .5 a-b, then you still have .5 b-a, and .5 a-c. but this time you're talking about  Day 1: .5 a-b. Day 2: .5 b-a, .5 a-c. Day 3: .5 c-a, a-b again. this means Day 1 is .5, but day 2 is really 1 freq, not .5. and if you could do 1 and not .5, then you should. that could be where you take .5's away.  so you're flying back from b-a without it counting against you, and i think without you paying for fuel or pilots, or counting it against you in your 24 hour flight time.

Not really. Remember that the planes are working 24 hours a day in this game. So that means I have been using that overnight example wrongly myself.
And you're still wrong.
Lets say that the last flight of that DAY is the is a .5 from A to B.
Then the FIRST flight of the NEXT day is a .5 from B to A. No 1 freq yet.
Depending on the routing, the last flight of that NEXT day should a a .5 freq A to C still nothing.
THe plane returns the next day to City A as the FIRST flight of the day and it restarts.
So still, 2 .5s make sense, I also did draw out a 12 hour flight example.
As for utilizing .5s, I only use them only when I need thm and not exceed 2 per plane. I only have 1 2.5 freq and hte rest are well rounded out 1s or 2s.

i think one of the problems with our arguments is that the distance between a-b and a-c vary if 1-b takes 12 hours each way, but a-c only takes 4 hours each way, then a-c should be forced to go a-c and c-a in the same day. resulting in a 1 frequency, and not .5.. then you could do .5 12 hr, and 1freq 4hr each way. 20 hrs+turnaround. then you can do this :   Day 1: a-c 4 hr, c-a 4 hr, a-b 12 hr.  Day 2: b-a 12 hr, a-c 4hr, c-a 4hr. Day 3: a-c 4hr, c-a 4hr, a-b 12hr. etc.

but then say you total 21 hours. you have 3 left. how can you then put another .5 route on an airport that's 2 1/2 hrs away and have it work right? the dop wouldnt really be dop. you'd have to divide the dop in half if you only fly a route every other day in order to get the real dop. or else you're doubling on your profits.

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:50:31 pm »
Quote from: "LOT 737-300"
Quote from: "blastpast"
i think i said somewhere else (maybe earlier this thread) that .5 routes should only be allowed between bases. since you cant start a route at any other airport besides a base. then do away with .5 routes except for the bases and only be whole numbers. then if you do a .5 route to another base, the aircraft then has to fly out of that other base. then you could have people maybe doing .5 one way and .5 the other way because it's more profitable. not sure about that point, or if it would even be more profitable. it's the same route, but the other way.

That wouldn't work though, since many people might not have a base on another continent, and .5s are sorta needed for that. As I've stated quite a few times, I'm in the boat that says .5s should be limited to only 2 per plane. THat way, it can be done realistically (one night, the plane will be overnighting at City B after flying in from City A, and then in the morning it comes back from City B and in the end of that day it goes to overnight in City C, then comes back to City A that next morning, and the cycle starts all over again. Same logic would apply for some long distance flights.

ok sorry i didnt read this right at first. so i did now and will respond. if you do this, you have .5 a-b, then you still have .5 b-a, and .5 a-c. but this time you're talking about  Day 1: .5 a-b. Day 2: .5 b-a, .5 a-c. Day 3: .5 c-a, a-b again. this means Day 1 is .5, but day 2 is really 1 freq, not .5. and if you could do 1 and not .5, then you should. that could be where you take .5's away.  so you're flying back from b-a without it counting against you, and i think without you paying for fuel or pilots, or counting it against you in your 24 hour flight time.

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:38:11 pm »
Quote from: "Scandalian Airlines"
Quote from: "blastpast"
you cant start a route at any other airport besides a base.

You are not actually starting a route on that one, you are completing the second leg on day 2, and it's like that on many places in the world. One example is Atran at MMX, they do not have a base there, but have a plane that comes in from Moscow in the evening and stay there overnight, and go back before the devil gets his pants on. That's why 2 0.5's per plane is the way to go.

no see legs are one way flights though. if it was a la-london flight, on the other person's example, with a stop over in washington, i could see. but you cant do this if washington dc is your base, because you cant start from la to go to london. i see the dc-london one way flight because that's all you can do with turnaround time. so really you are doing .5 dc-london, staying overnight, .5 london-dc staying overnight, .5 dc-la staying overnight, .5 la-dc staying overnight, and so on. although for that you only get counted for 2x.5's. and when you have two .5's in a day, you're saying that your plane is staying overnight at two different airports.

General Chat / dumb question
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:27:20 pm »
Quote from: "ALFC"
need to have all routes closed before sale.

good, thought so. so there you have your answer

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:26:23 pm »
Quote from: "LOT 737-300"
Quote from: "blastpast"
i think i said somewhere else (maybe earlier this thread) that .5 routes should only be allowed between bases. since you cant start a route at any other airport besides a base. then do away with .5 routes except for the bases and only be whole numbers. then if you do a .5 route to another base, the aircraft then has to fly out of that other base. then you could have people maybe doing .5 one way and .5 the other way because it's more profitable. not sure about that point, or if it would even be more profitable. it's the same route, but the other way.

That wouldn't work though, since many people might not have a base on another continent, and .5s are sorta needed for that. As I've stated quite a few times, I'm in the boat that says .5s should be limited to only 2 per plane. THat way, it can be done realistically (one night, the plane will be overnighting at City B after flying in from City A, and then in the morning it comes back from City B and in the end of that day it goes to overnight in City C, then comes back to City A that next morning, and the cycle starts all over again. Same logic would apply for some long distance flights.

well then maybe there could be either allowed .5 routes to continents that your base is not on, or this will help to slow growth, and increase reliance on alliances.

Quote from: "fozzybr"
blast - I do think the .5 routes have their place.  In this 1950's era we are in, that just gets exaggerated even more with the slower planes than the 2000's of last round.  Here's an example.  Base in Washington DC.  Have one .5 route to London, and another .5 route to LA.  That way the plane stays overnight, every other day, in LA or London.  That does make a lot of sense to me.  Base-to-base .5 trips make a lot of sense too.  If you had 6 bases, you could do 6 one-way flights between them, and wind up in the same place to do it all over again the next day, as you already said.

For the most part, here's an example I'm getting at.

Base (and this is just an example) in Chicago.  You have one plane.  You fly that plane on a .5 route to St Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, Nashville and Cleveland.  Once you do the .5 from say St. Louis to Chicago, and then Chicago to Kansasy City, how does the plane magically reappear in Chicago or Memphis for the next flight?

ok i do see your point. however the dc-london, dc-la route does NOT make sense to me. because it wouldnt be staying overnight every other day. it would have one way from dc-london, .5 london-dc, .5 dc-la, .5 la-dc, .5 dc-london. which means it would only be in london and la every 5th day. correct?

but i do see the point of .5 routes needed for routes outside of your continent. so maybe if those could be allowed, but not .5 routes to the same continent except for your other bases. i'm not sure how possible that is

General Chat / dumb question
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:20:07 pm »
well you go to the aircraft you want to sell, and click info. and then on the right hand side there should be something like "to sell this plane 'click here'", "to lease this plane 'click here'". however if you currently have routes on the plane, this will not show up. instead there will be something that says "click here to close all routes" or something like that. you have to close the routes before sell and lease will show up.

i belive this is correct. someone else can chime in if i'm wrong.

General Chat / Another kind of 0.5 frequency abuse?
« on: October 17, 2007, 07:44:29 pm »
i think i said somewhere else (maybe earlier this thread) that .5 routes should only be allowed between bases. since you cant start a route at any other airport besides a base. then do away with .5 routes except for the bases and only be whole numbers. then if you do a .5 route to another base, the aircraft then has to fly out of that other base. then you could have people maybe doing .5 one way and .5 the other way because it's more profitable. not sure about that point, or if it would even be more profitable. it's the same route, but the other way.

Game Data / MKG info/how to use the FAA report
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:18:58 am »
cornfield, where did you get your pax numbers for my airport from? i have 3 more airports to add, maybe more soon, but all i can find is the 2006 boardings on the faa website. and it was stated earlier that boardings aren't the number, it's total pax. pax is all that's holding me back.

Game Updates / Aircraft Info
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:16:17 am »
Quote from: "Air Elbonia"
Needs put aircraft for sale/lease on it.

i think it was there in the first place, but you have to have all routes closed before they show.

although i have a suggestion, and all of the sudden i can't remember the layout. you'd think i'd go back and check but i have no aircraft with zero routes. so i'll just suggest it and tell you what i can't remember.

after the words Sell and Lease, have a blank field to just type the amount, with a submit button. the submit button would then take you to a confirmation page. this eliminates the "click here" step prior to entering an amount. what i don't remember is if it was telling the value of the aircraft on the page. i seem to not remember it, but it's under your aircraft so it should be there either way. so if it's not, it needs to be added. sorry i can't remember.

Game Data / MKG info/how to use the FAA report
« on: October 16, 2007, 05:57:51 am »
awesome, thanks

Game Data / MKG info/how to use the FAA report
« on: October 16, 2007, 03:49:51 am »
Quote from: "blastpast"
Quote from: "CornField"
Quote from: "pseudoswede"
Quote from: "blastpast"
dont know what im doing but i cant get the form to work right. plus i dont have a passenger number. so im going to tell all the info i know here and hopefully someone else can find the passenger info.

Musekgon County Airport
Lat/Long:  43-10-10.1570N / 086-14-17.6030W
43-10.169283N / 086-14.293383W
43.1694881 / -86.2382231
Longest runway is 6501 x 150 ft. / 1982 x 46 m

i know northwest and midwest both operate about 3-4 flights per day out of there, so the passenger base can't be that big. but i dont think it's that small either. id like to see this airport in the database.


FAA says 35,937 boardings in 2006.

They haven't offically issued 2006 numbers yet....   Oct. 31st is when that is scheduled.

so....what's suppose to be done then... if someone can find numbers that we can put in the game, can someone please add this airport to the game? Thanks

what's the status on this airport being added to the game? thanks.

Game Updates / Aircraft Info
« on: October 16, 2007, 03:37:39 am »
love the new look and set up.

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