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Messages - StephenM

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Suggestions / Re: Spacing in the purchase aircraft table
« on: January 28, 2012, 11:50:42 am »

Is it possible to add some spacing between the data in the 'Purchase Aircraft' page? Like it is now it looks very, very cramped; you have to read it slowly to read what it says. Sometimes you mistake the number of seats for the model number.

Is it a Gulfstream I24? Is the engine a RR Dart 529-8X135?

Pretty annoying

When you put it like that, you definitely can see the possibility of making mistakes.

Here are two options for the change, select which one you prefer:

General Chat / Re: Hotswap
« on: January 26, 2012, 11:27:07 pm »
Its one of those things that keeps getting put off because its extremely difficult to get done in the current route creation process.

I have it penciled in for end of February/beginning of March. I just need to persist and get it done.

Bugs / Re: Change logo
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:18:06 pm »
Make sure you are not seeing a cached copy of the old one. Force a page refresh in your browser, I think its Shift and F5.

General Chat / Re: Trying out a new in-game tool
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:41:52 am »
It emails us too but provides a different system to manage the messages. Some players dont use their registered email address so this is our way of getting in touch with people who we cannot get through email.

General Chat / Re: get out
« on: January 22, 2012, 12:13:16 am »
Hello Stephen

is it possible to delete me from the new Public World aswell? I'm "Air Brussels" (ID33559).

Thanks in advance
Kind regards

Done as well. Not a very popular world at all is it?  :lol:

General Chat / Re: get out
« on: January 21, 2012, 08:22:26 pm »

I've now removed you from World 2189 and returned the tokens you used to join, since you asked to be removed within 24 hours.

General Chat / Trying out a new in-game tool
« on: January 20, 2012, 11:48:47 pm »
I've added a small link to the top right of the screen, beside your user information and the current server time. Its called Support and it is basically a messaging system to contact the AM staff without having to email us or go to these forums, social media or the IRC. I've put it there to be subtle and allow us to change things around a little bit while we iron out how exactly we want to manage it.

I sent out a message through that new system today to highlight a new public world that has opened. The message will disappear tomorrow so it won't be hanging around for too long. If you want to use that system to contact us directly feel free, we will be trying out different ways to best use it in order to highlight changes to the game and features/worlds that may be of interest. I don't want it becoming spammy with marketing messages though so don't expect us going overboard.

It is designed to get in touch with the many players that don't engage on the forums or other media and hopefully get their interest and feedback. Just something to watch out for. :)

Suggestions / Re: Islands affecting loadfactor
« on: January 12, 2012, 09:21:04 pm »
How about a cross-border bonus? If you cross the border of a state or country, there is an additional bonus?

The game wouldn't know what cross border is etc. So it would have to be done manually.

Suggestions / Re: More consistency in "States" in gate rentals
« on: January 12, 2012, 08:51:22 pm »
States is a project that the players can contribute to as locals can often identify states/provinces/counties/regions better than our staff can.

General Chat / Re: Does the game end TODAY?
« on: January 09, 2012, 10:01:41 pm »
Ok guys, many thanks for your answers... So my life has suddenly become meaningless without my Airline CEO Job  :'( 
When does the next public world start? I want to be able to join from day 1!

The worlds are started automatically once other worlds end/fill up. We normally post on Facebook and Twitter once a new world is about to start, as there is a 24 hour period where players can setup before time moves.

General Chat / Re: Does the game end TODAY?
« on: January 09, 2012, 08:50:51 pm »
It ended in fact somewhere between 18:00 and 19:00. The number after it is a bit meaningless because the updates occur on the hour. You can always see the current server time on the top right of the screen in 12 hour format.

Suggestions / Re: Islands affecting loadfactor
« on: January 09, 2012, 06:18:42 pm »
There will always be special exemptions that exist that you cannot generalise, and that sounds like one of them!  :)

So I will eventually be able to create a profitable Greenlandair?

I don't think the current LF formula is anything to write home about, what is missing which really is key in route profitability is weekly frequency. That said routes in AM are already to easy to make money from!

Just realised I didn't answer your question at all. It may be possible with the right changes yes, it just depends on if I mod the existing one or just put together all the bits and pieces I've done over the year for a new one.

Suggestions / Re: Islands affecting loadfactor
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:48:04 pm »
There will always be special exemptions that exist that you cannot generalise, and that sounds like one of them!  :)

Suggestions / Re: Islands affecting loadfactor
« on: January 08, 2012, 08:35:15 pm »
Come to think of it, for small islands there could be a pax bonus for up to 100 miles as most people only travel to and from the main access points to the islands which are usually close by.

What about big islands, such as Greenland? Thats more than 100 miles.

Large Islands/Countries work differently from small Islands that have a high traffic pattern to the mainland thats near by. Such as Jersey/Gurnsey/Isle of Man etc in the UK.

Suggestions / Re: Islands affecting loadfactor
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:45:21 am »
I saw a great diagram in uni last year that showed the number of air passenger journeys by country. The UK and Ireland were extremely high on that list vs places like France or Germany. So a factor for countries as islands could be based off population vs airport pax. For small islands a manual tag could be flagged for a bigger boost in traffic.

Come to think of it, for small islands there could be a pax bonus for up to 100 miles as most people only travel to and from the main access points to the islands which are usually close by.

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