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Messages - StephenM

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Game News / Re: Scenario World #1 Deregulation
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:20:22 am »
I have one point as i looked my base was changed, if i will not be flag carrier at ORD against flag carriers i will not have any chance after about 3 - 4 months will be my LF about 40 - 50 % with zero chance to progress my airline. 

Regional carriers will have more flexibility with newer aircraft, the Flag carriers will have older aircraft and less of them. It should balance out a bit more once we get the routes etc setup. I'll aim for a similar DOC but regional carriers will have lower maintenance costs.

Game News / Re: Scenario World #1 Deregulation
« on: January 30, 2012, 11:32:44 pm »
Progress is going well on the setup of scenario world deregulation. Tomorrow the routes will be configured. Full details are available here.

General Chat / MOVED: [Fixed] Site down?
« on: January 30, 2012, 07:28:26 am »

Bugs / Re: Site down?
« on: January 30, 2012, 07:28:18 am »
Sorry about that, I made a slight change to login but never tested it. It was caught by one of the other devs overnight thankfully.

General Chat / Re: What is Your DOC?
« on: January 29, 2012, 05:31:18 pm »
It must take time to get to that amount of routes though...

Thats partly why we have the three prize categories for the scenario world. Give people different ways to win and not always top value.

General Chat / Re: Guess the aircraft!
« on: January 29, 2012, 02:47:16 pm »
Damn, I though this would be a hard one. How many know the APU of the A380??

What matters is if VS knows. :P Most others don't I'd say!

General Chat / Re: 50000
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:40:16 pm »
Will it be implemented all across the game, or only in new worlds after release?

This change will be across the game. Other features need changes to the database or game play which means they are new worlds after the release. I will always make that clear when I'm announcing something.

Game News / Re: Scenario World #1 Deregulation
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:34:07 pm »
Are the categories independent of the type of airline you run, or are there three categories for each type of airline?

You can change the airline you get to what you prefer but you still need to work towards one of the three categories, and depending on what configuration you start with it might be easier or harder to do that. The idea is that hotswap will not be long behind this world so it will make it really easy to do fleet and route changes.

General Chat / Re: 50000
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:25:55 pm »
Seriously, I'm pretty thrilled with the updated news of hot-swapping. :-*

I would have liked to release it today, but it hasn't been tested enough to do it in time for the other things going on. I don't want to release it early and have to pull it back if we find issues. Glad your looking forward to it though!  :)

Game News / Scenario World #1 Deregulation
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:20:36 pm »
Airline Mogul is proud to launch the first scenario based world. We are allowing up to 50 users the chance to take part in re-writing history and putting their mark on the airlines of the world in the deregulation era of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Competing as either a Legacy Carrier, a Regional Carrier or a new "Low-cost" start-up each user will have to work towards one of three goals in order to win inside the 8 game year time frame. Adding to these airlines there will also be two aircraft brokers helping the airlines along and keeping everyone fulfilled with new aircraft orders and financing deals.

We have worked hard to build up these airlines for you to take over and run as you please, so as places are limited we recommend you join as soon as possible! We will let users first register, and then in the 72 real hours afterwards the airlines will be configured. Once we are ready to go we will let everyone know in advance and give you 24 hours to get ready before the clock starts on a new exciting game.

To win the game, we will allow three categories:
  • Category A: Best Business Airline (>= 3 frequencies as an average across the network).
  • Category B: Best return on investment (Return on capital employed [ROCE]).
  • Category C: Most efficient (Average gate utilisation is highest in the game).
The winner of each category will have their choice of prizes; either a €25* voucher on Amazon or a €45 Airline Mogul Paid Token Package. For the second and third place airlines in each category we will offer 2 months free access to their preferred premium feature. Airlines must also have both a positive value, and a projected monthly total indicating a profit on the Finance page at the end of the game. * Or similar equivalent value depending on which Amazon site is used to purchase the voucher, it will remain wholly at the discretion of Airline Mogul staff.

Once you join the world, send us a message using the Support link on the top right of the game, and let us know what preferences you have for being a Legacy Carrier, Regional Carrier, Low-cost Carrier or Broker, ranked 1st as being most preferable to 4th least. Spaces for each are extremely limited so we cannot guarantee your preference. Anyone who doesn't tell us their preference will have an airline type assigned by the staff.

As a special promotion, anyone who joins the world and purchases tokens within 7 days of today (28th January 2012) can have their world join fee refunded in full.

That is all of the details, why not join up now at Public World 2195. Scenario World #1 Deregulation.

Game News / Airline Mogul Celebrates 50,000 Users!
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:49:09 am »
Airline Mogul Celebrates 50,000 Users!

After recently passing its 6th Birthday, the celebrations were kept quiet as the milestone of 50,000 registered users was fast approaching. And after those six short years the milestone has arrived! The game first started on the 23rd of December 2005 with a small community of airline game fans who wanted to see a fresh approach to the genre. Since then it has steadily been expanded due to the hard work and determination of Airline Mogul's voluntary staff, the very many users over the years and those who have helped keep Airline Mogul running by supporting it with paid tokens.

Progress on development of the game has always been at a steady pace, building a reliable game for everyone to enjoy, one of the biggest achievements of the game to date is the launch of the ever popular private worlds. Allowing users to play with their friends, co-workers, classmates, and other AM players has been a hugely successful addition to the game and continues to evolve to this day.

As part of these celebrations the staff at Airline Mogul decided to start it off by sharing a massive 2,000,000 tokens! Each existing user will receive approximately 40 free tokens to their account in the next 24 hours to allow them to join a new world, or add one of those ever useful premium features.

We will also improve the Aircraft Search feature to allow some greater functionality, and improve the visuals of the game by including some aircraft photos. Making a choice about an aircraft has never been easier, and with deeper integration with the aircraft market, it will make it easier and faster than ever to add a new aircraft to fleets. To start of 2012 we also released the long-awaited Reduce Terminal feature, and as the year progresses we aim to release Hotswap, a new Statistics Centre and some updates to the Maintenance of aircraft. Hotswap is currently under test and is expected to be released very soon.

Airline Mogul has always been reliant on the free time of the members of the community to contribute, we add to our staff pool occasionally and are ever grateful for all the work past and present players and staff have done for the game. As a recognition of this community spirit around the game, we are going to try something a little bit different. The first scenario based game will be created in the next 72 hours, where a group of only 50 users can join a pre-configured airline and work towards one of three goals. This exciting and challenging world will provide a new experience for those that have played Airline Mogul many times before and promises to bring a new dynamic to the game. In order to make it that bit more competitive we are also offering a prize of either a €25 voucher for Amazon or €45 worth of Paid Tokens. Those coming second and third will also have their pick of AM prizes.

So after reaching this first significant milestone I hope you will join with us in celebrating the achievement. We would like to thank you for playing Airline Mogul over these years and being a part of it. We look forward to what our 6th year brings and we hope you will get some fun out of it too.

Airline Mogul Staff

General Chat / Re: 50000
« on: January 29, 2012, 11:40:03 am »
 :lol: I was thinking about having a cake for it! Watch out for a new releases I'm about to make for this milestone! Work in progress.

Suggestions / Re: Spacing in the purchase aircraft table
« on: January 28, 2012, 07:33:00 pm »
Just a thought. How about right justifying all the numerical columns. You have to add a little right margin to make sure it doesn't crowd a text column to the right. Right justifying allows you to read down the list and see them in order better, for example it would be obvious which planes are 10 million euro or more. It would also eliminate the crowding to long text in the left column.

That is probably worth considering as well. The whole process is likely to be revisited in the future to improve it and at that stage I will definitely consider this suggestion.

For the moment 88% of respondents voted for the option I've just deployed to the site. So I hope its better!

Suggestions / Re: Spacing in the purchase aircraft table
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:47:21 pm »
I think a few more (horizontal) pixels of spacing (2 or 3) would be great, as it is still a bit cramped. But it already looks better :D

The problem is the bigger it gets the harder it is to fit all the information in without text wrapping etc. Great for widescreen computers though!

Suggestions / Re: Spacing in the purchase aircraft table
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:19:34 pm »
Slightly off topic norge, but I like your logo. Pretty cool.  :)

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