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Messages - StephenM

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Game Data / Re: [Work in Progress] Flags of missing countries
« on: February 29, 2012, 07:18:25 am »
Good work!  :)

Game Strategy / Re: Buying airlines?
« on: February 28, 2012, 05:15:19 pm »
As OO-SCZ said its due to the fact we only allow one airline per ID in the game. Everything is tied back to your unique user ID so it makes it nearly impossible to change that.

Game Data / Re: Union of Burma, plus Kawthuong Airport
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:17:19 pm »
Hi Anthony,

We used a stock pack of country flags so unless one of our graphics guys want to have a go at creating a minature flag the best solution is to just remove the existing one in-game. The pack we use is not currently maintained.

The particular airport you refer to may be using some special character resulting in the sort becoming out of alignment, rather than a normal letter that gets sorted normally. We will take a look soon.

Game Updates / Re: [Debug] New Table Structure
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:45:41 pm »
Already is, just select 'new view routes' on the view routes page

The link is currently disabled on that page.

General Chat / Re: Question on the Revenue Model
« on: February 23, 2012, 04:25:25 am »
If the admins fixed this one problem, I think the game would be revitalized.

There are a number of those items kicking around the game that need to be changed. In terms of changing the revenue/economics side it could only work as a "go-forward" fix, since it would have such a drastic impact on existing games we would annoy more people than we would please. Let me read through what you have posted in better detail tomorrow and I will try and reply then.

Bugs / Re: [NaB] Wrong Image Showing Up
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:23:47 pm »
Ah ok. That must be my laptop acting up lately. Thanks a lot though, MrOrange -- I saw my new image on the world. :D

The way we save images, your browser just assumes it hasn't changed and displays the old one. We save images using common file names as it saves some space on the server as people change their logos and we don't remove the old one, we just over-write it.

Suggestions / Re: More 'New Forum Posts' on the world home page
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:58:44 pm »

In the worlds with many players, the in-game forum gets used a lot. As it isn't possible to see if there are new posts in a thread like in a normal forum, I use the index page to see what new posts there are in the forum. But it only shows the three newest posts, leaving many more posts unseen. I really like reading the airline news threads, when new posts arrive I like to just take a pause and read the new post.
I think adding a couple more posts on the index page will improve the in-game forum.

I definitely agree with you and it should be an easy fix. When Rens (MrOrange) originally set out to build it we discussed how to make a new posts system but didn't quite get the logic of it, so that's why we have the three newest posts appear. As an term measure I could increase it to 5/7/10, limited to one post per thread or all posts or allow a user preference. I'll think about the user preference end a bit more but hopefully will get a chance to do a quick fix.

Game News / Staff Position(s) available: Membership Officer
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:33:00 pm »

Position: Airline Mogul Membership Officer
Brief duties & requirements: To manage the user base of Airline Mogul, moderate the forums and carry out administrative duties on the game when required.
Payment: No financial reward.
  • Aged 18 years or older (This may be asked to be confirmed)
  • Have a good knowledge of Airline Mogul, and its recent developments. Long standing members are preferred.
  • Strong interest in aviation & Airline Mogul
  • Minimum time availablility of 5-8 hours per week. (Periodic high work load at times)
  • Have a good written manner in all forms of communication.
  • Act in a professional and personable manner.
  • Act in a responsible manner with regard to duties and any tasks/privelages set on them.
  • Fluent in the English language is a requirement. (Does not have to be first language)
  • Knowledge of how to use Gmail is an advantage.
  • Not be in any significant position in any other airline game, including; beta tester, administration or staff member.
Detailed Duties
  • To manage user accounts
  • Help those who cannot register
  • Update any information requested
  • Investigate mutliple accounts and remove them
  • As part of a membership team, maintain a 24 hour service level for response to emails and support requests 363 days a year (Dec 24-26th excluded).
  • Other membership tasks as required and deligated by staff
  • May be asked to maintain social media channels
  • Take part in on-going projects and test on Airline Mogul as required

Closing Date: Sunday 19th February 2012 - 23:59 GMT.
Applications to: Applications for this position are no longer being taken.
Required Information:
  • Full real name
  • Forum nickname
  • User ID
  • Reason(s) why you want to apply for this post
  • Any details you think are relevant
Other: Extra weighting will be made for those that put in significant effort and/or visible aspiration to attain the position. Bonus will also be given to those with third level education (College/University), either current or previous.
There are a total of 2 positions available.

Bugs / Re: [W2195] Hotswap bug
« on: February 04, 2012, 12:34:06 pm »
Hi Matias,

Thanks for the report. I will take a look tomorrow evening as I am travelling this weekend.

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 03, 2012, 09:55:07 am »
I will be patching up access to hotswap early next week so enjoy it while it lasts Matias. :)

And I have an idea how to resolve Ali's reported issue. Once we are happy with it further details will be released.

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:44:16 pm »
Exclusively in W2195? That screenshot is from W2169?

May be I missed something when I stuck it in.  :lol: You should only see it appear after you log into W2195.

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 01, 2012, 06:34:06 pm »
That is the first stage of hotswap yes. :) Available exclusively in W2195. When we are happy with it we will make it available in all worlds.

Game News / Re: Scenario World #1 Deregulation
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:43:56 pm »
But the point is that ORD is airport for flag carriers and not for regional airline. Another flag carriers will make hub there too and there will be firce competiton.   That was my reason to take Detroit.

Well regional carriers start off with a lot of aircraft, much more than the flag carriers have. We do need to work on balancing worlds a bit more when we launch the next scenario, but we will have more time to prepare for it. I will be sure to ask for your opinion when we do!

On a side note, the world is now available to login to. The game will begin in just under 24 hours.  :)

Game Data / Re: Cargo planes
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:40:36 pm »
Yeah, but in the game too?

No, since we don't have range/payload charts for aircraft. It would mean we would apply a load factor cap for a route which some users may find unfair. If its setup correctly it could work nicely.

Game Data / Re: Cargo planes
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:14:54 pm »
So what you say is that the capacity of the plane is dependant of the length of the route?

That is how it is in real life alright.

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