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Messages - StephenM

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Bugs / Re: Can't remove aircraft from lease or scrap it
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:56:11 pm »
I am on my way back from a short trip so once I get to my laptop I should be able to sort it. :)

General Chat / Re: AM Livery competition mark 6 - VOTING
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:52:48 pm »
Well done Doug!

Suggestions / Re: Select more countries when creating a world
« on: August 31, 2012, 10:04:31 pm »
We set the criteria at about 50 airports in a country before you could select it on its own. We wanted to make sure there would be enough choice of routes for players in such a small world. The reason we only allow one country or a whole continent but nothing in between was due to our ability to store the map type in the database. I can manually go back and add additional countries to the world but it wont get reflected on any information screens like the Select World page or the World Info page. It wouldn't be terribly hard to allow multiple countries in a world but it is very difficult to clearly present the list of countries if someone selects a large number.

You can see if you select a full world however on the second screen we have a bunch of custom maps like EU27 etc. The intention early on was to allow users to create more custom maps. I think an implementation of custom maps finally would satisfy your suggestion.

If you have a world or would like to create one with specific countries in mind, email us and I will price up the map and implement them.

Game Data / Re: B737-800 fuel usage
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:52:32 am »
I think the way I built the formula may be giving the -800 series too much of a penalty for being introduced earlier. I must take a look at the data behind it and see why it would come up with that.

Another idea is that I manually changed the -800 to a real number and the -900 came out of the automated system.

Game Data / Re: B787 / SU-95
« on: July 13, 2012, 12:28:03 am »
We need an agreed standard for new data entries to the game. When we populated the database with the first 1,300 or so aircraft we did it progressively over 2 years or so with hundreds of man hours put in by staff. We have since lost access to the resource that we got the data from so I want a new agreed source before moving on. It may mean that some data is inconsistent as a result.

General Chat / Re: new world
« on: July 13, 2012, 12:19:14 am »
I hopefully will setup an email system when a new world is generated. What we can do actually is send it out through our support application Intercom. There is usually 24 hours notice before a public world starts.

Suggestions / Re: Two suggestions
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:06:21 am »
My other suggestion is related to continents. Would it be possible to have an option where continents can be set to arrivals only? I'm currently in the Asia/Australasia/Middle East public world and I was thinking of what it would be like to have US markets available in that game. However, to keep the game As/Au/ME-centric, if North America was available, it would be arrival only and you could only fly to that continent, not from it. Would it be possible to implement that as an option when choosing continents during world setup?
In theory it is possible to do this with a bit of messing, if you start a world with just one continent, lets say Asia, and select no foreign bases. You can then email us to add the rest of the continents, and provided you don't increase the foreign base cap, you will be forced to fly into those additional continents only. To get it to work without that work around would take a bit of changing around. I'm not 100% sure if the benefit would be that impressive, there may be other items that need attention first.

Suggestions / Re: Two suggestions
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:05:47 am »
It's not as much of an issue for the standard 10-year public worlds, but if a player joins a long-term private world later in the game, they might be outclassed with the starting aircraft. Maybe it should be possible to set the starting aircraft to change every set number of years (either five or ten) so players who come in late won't start with such an outdated aircraft.
It is definitely something to be addressed. What I do normally is if the world owner emails us at  :staff: I will change the starting aircraft to what they want, with an associated cost if its greater than the value of the world at the time of creation, plus the standard change fee. This is only to stop someone selecting a small prop at first then changing to an A320 later hoping to get the upgrade for free.

Suggestions / Re: Emails about public worlds
« on: June 29, 2012, 02:54:43 am »
I have one being sent to me every time a new world is generated. Its supposed to remind me to go find official brokers for the world but even then I don't always get a chance. It would not take much to change it to a format I can send publicly, but I would not like to spam people either. I've clearly not been doing much related to AM recently but I am in a position to start chipping away at the mountain of work, so I will get to this sooner rather than later. :)

Game News / Re: Scenario World #1 Deregulation
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:35:30 pm »
I need a few hours to sit down and work it all out. Unfortunately when I launched the world life got very busy again so I didn't give it the attention it deserved. I will see if I have a chance this weekend.

General Chat / Re: Issue with World 2232
« on: April 01, 2012, 11:23:46 am »
Hi Timo,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Our membership team will investigate it and get back to you.

Suggestions / Re: Some suggestions
« on: March 12, 2012, 11:13:09 pm »
1: As Matias said other features have priority. I would rather get the revenue model right first before adding extra cabin types. I do have a model that would take into account different ways to satisfy demand such as multiple cabins.

2: Research route could be modified to allow creation of route from there. That should have it in the order you have suggested.

3: Maintenance won't be available for each aircraft but may be available for fleet types. In the real world its virtually impossible to get exact costs per aircraft but you can get parts/labour for the most part.

4: The game market should work out itself due to the lack of profitability at different airports would drive airlines elsewhere. It goes back to the revenue model, once we revise that running routes at €1 would not make sense.

5: Gate fees were there instead of airport charges. I did put in airport charges but you cannot see them, they are built into the route costs. Depending on airline profitability we can remove gates and their costs for the more realistic approach of airport charges.

6: Try the aircraft request system. That is a form of credit and a mechanism for fast growth. You don't even need a broker but they will give you better deals.

7: This comes back to the revenue model again, the current one just dilutes prices too much with widebody aircraft.

8: Small world's give people on a smaller token budget more options or focuses a small number of players in a concentrated area making more competition.

Suggestions / Re: Spacing in the purchase aircraft table
« on: March 03, 2012, 11:09:57 am »
Oops will take care of that next week too.

Bugs / Re: In-game forum table break
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:07:46 am »
Somebody copied and pasted a table into the post. As a result the software that gives formatting is getting confused with the stuff pasted. It's something I think I have investigated for you before but we need to work on a propped fix.

Bugs / Re: GCM error
« on: February 29, 2012, 07:20:07 am »
To be honest we haven't looked at the new version really to implement it. One of those things we will eventually get to do.

We can exclude airports that are faulty, if you have any of the airport codes that do not work?

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