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Messages - StephenM

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 ... 281
Bugs / Re: Research Route...
« on: November 21, 2012, 09:42:56 pm »
I did make some changes recently to research route, but I am not encountering any issues. Can you give me some examples of what world, and what routes you are researching?

I switched to IE and now I see the issue. I use Chrome Version 23 where it was working fine.

General Chat / Re: ??? Why am I constantly being banned ???
« on: October 24, 2012, 12:22:47 am »
My direct email is fine. I try not to use actual email addresses as text on forums etc to try and reduce the amount of spam we get.

General Chat / Re: ??? Why am I constantly being banned ???
« on: October 23, 2012, 12:52:06 am »
I'm still banned :P And it's not the first time. My temporary solution is to use a proxy (send data via a third party server, thus hiding your IP), but it is so damn slow!

The host is waiting for more details, which we don't have much of. They claim the IP I provided (Matias') is not blocked.

General Chat / Re: ??? Why am I constantly being banned ???
« on: October 20, 2012, 01:58:55 am »
If you could send me a copy of the error message next time you see it that would be helpful. You can email it to  :staff: thanks. :)

Game Data / Re: Having some gate issues
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:23:35 am »
This is what I have in the database for your airline if you want to compare.

Game Data / Re: Having some gate issues
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:50:05 am »
No, Istanbul is 250,000.

Okay the world I was looking at had IST at €300,000. You are right. On further inspection I did a comparison of what the database has on file for you versus your own table. Your missing the following airport:
SUF   Lamezia Terme International   100,000   100,000   1,645,730

But you have the following airport listed that you do not serve.
Lamezia Terme International   1   0   40.00%   50,000   50,000   187,754

So that is where the €50,000 difference is coming from.

Game Data / Re: Having some gate issues
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:45:20 am »
I am always interested to see how players manage their airline, especially extra tools like your spreadsheet. It appears you have Istanbul listed as an airport with rent of €250,000 but it should be €300,000. That should fix it.

Bugs / Re: Can't fly route???
« on: October 17, 2012, 12:39:24 am »
It is something that has come up from time to time. I never looked at putting in a range cap to make sure an aircraft could get to its range limit within 24 hours. If you spent a lot of money buying the plane for routes it cannot fly I can remove them and refund you the price you paid. I am sure you can find somewhere else to fly them though.

General Chat / Re: ??? Why am I constantly being banned ???
« on: October 17, 2012, 12:35:19 am »
The problem lies with the hosting provider. We do not directly block you from the forums. I have in previous cases reported to them when users get banned but for a variety of reasons they may or may not urban an IP address or range. The situation is a little difficult to maintain. I have often debated just moving the forums to one of the AM servers but we benefit when things go wrong from having them here. I will notify the host of your repeated issues, Matias (one of our staff) also suffers from problems here too.

Bugs / Re: Can't remove aircraft from scrap it
« on: October 10, 2012, 04:13:28 am »
Hi there,

The aircraft you have only have a range of 241 miles that is why it cannot fly one of the routes you are trying, (Amsterdam - Doncaster). You will need to find shorter routes from Amsterdam or planes with longer range.

Game Data / Re: Airplane Registration
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:38:49 am »
There was never a plan to be able to re-register after you have finished a purchase. It is because people can then use up too many registrations for a country if they are constantly re-registering an aircraft. My biggest worry is for countries with 2 letters or numbers that change, they have very few registrations available when you have a large airline base in that country.

If it is something special and you really want it reregistered let me know and I can do it manually.

Suggestions / Re: Complete World Route Map?
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:25:06 pm »
Sigh, Oh well... was worth a try :roll:

It is possible to do it on the AM route map but it would be a huge file, and probably near impossible to load. Might be worth trying though as a once off though. :) What world are you in?

General Chat / Re: My Airline Logo?
« on: September 23, 2012, 11:37:54 pm »
It is likely because of caching of images. If you force a page refresh using CTRL + F5 I think that will make the new logo show up. Since we keep a common file name for airline logos the browser doesn't realize that the logo is different so it serves up the old one.

General Chat / Re: My latest A&E trip
« on: September 17, 2012, 12:55:14 am »
There are certain people that need to be wrapped up in bubble wrap and kept inside all the time. I think you are one of them!  :lol: That is quite a lot of bad luck...

Bugs / Re: Can't remove aircraft from lease or scrap it
« on: September 16, 2012, 11:10:31 pm »
It was a 24 hour transatlantic trip. I'm hoping my body didn't realize either so I don't have to worry about jet lag! :)

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