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Messages - Lord Voldemort

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Bugs / Re: Slow page loading
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:36:10 am »
Out of curiosity, what exactly goes into moving a server?

Private World Discussion & Invitation / Re: PW#1823 - Across the Pond
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:28:19 am »
If you do one of these short games again, I'd like to join.

Game Strategy / Re: Question about route length
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:27:23 pm »
How my a answer guys.
I found a less than 1000 PX airport in NA from CDG, it was excellent, 2500+ pax.
For my shorter routes, CDG - X is usually Very Good for similarly sized, or indeed, large airports.
Also Nate, I will stick with my KFCs until I have exhausted all gates within 1600 nm.
Then I will use a Fokker 70 (79 Seats) until I have exhausted all gates within 2200 nm.
Only then will I buy any Lockheeds, Boeings, Airbuses, Illuyshins, MDs, or anything above 100 seats.
I <3 low maintenance costs.

Oh I have long since figured out which aircraft do what to MX costs and profits.

I was just wondering why my MX costs were cut in half overnight. Didn't know if you guys changed the MX formula or not. Not that I'm complaining.  ;)

All that said...I erm... :-[ ...make more than enough to cover excess MX costs of 30 767s, 10 777s, and 50 757s with my fleet of 300 MD-90s making the bulk of the profit.

I'll go away now.

My fleet age is 0.7 years and I have 170 aircraft but the majority are < 90 seats, so my MX costs were only 97 Million, but overnight they went down to 77 million. What a pleasant surprise!

General Chat / Activity and Tokens
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:47:40 am »
Just wondering, you long can you not log in and still receive your daily 2 tokens?

General Chat / Re: Todays random thread
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:45:55 am »
13327, yay! I'm sort of in the middle  ;)

[++] Suggestions / Re: Airport-based turn times
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:41:02 am »
Also number of traffic movements, if this were to be implemented, would be a better statistic to use than passenger numbers.

Now, since the formula uses an average fleet age, is it hypothetically possible to actually lower your overall MX costs by, say, buying a large amount of a very cheap aircraft?

Game Strategy / Re: Question about route length
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:33:48 am »
Well I mean not in overall expenses but in route profits.
Like, my 119 seat AC gets 80,000 on a route in revenue. However, 9,000 is on expenses, much of it fuel.
On the other hand, my 78 seat AC gets 70,000, and only 5,000 is on expenses. Thus, the profit difference is smaller than it would seem. Also I don't know the seating capacity of the aircraft you listed, but it seems like in the short term around 80 seat aircraft are only slightly worse than larger aircraft and much better in the long term due to drastically lower maintenance costs.

Game Strategy / Re: FAQ
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:42:23 pm »
Do building terminals decrease your Airline Value?
I swear when I first built them it didn't, but extending them seems to.

Game Strategy / Re: Gate Search Premuim
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:31:13 pm »
Yeah, for me it definitely cuts time making routes by 50%, if not more.

Game Strategy / Re: Question about route length
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:28:43 pm »
Well, its definitely not the latter. I sorted by gate utilization and all were the same percent.
Interesting. I'll have to change some routes around then...

Also thanks for the info.
I just don't like putting 100+ seat aircraft on routes that are simply Good (in terms of pax count), since there seems to be a point where even if there's no competition, you provide too much supply and the profits go below maximum. Also larger AC are typically faster and thus have higher fuel usage and have higher expenses.

[-] Suggestions / Re: Aircraft Rankings
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:54:44 am »
If I'm correct you want two options, one for currently operated, or at least in service aircraft, and one that just shows how many of each have been bought.

I suggest staying at or around 100 seat aircraft.
I tested this out - for several routes, my Fokker 100, with around 110ish passengers, only got an extra 10-15% on most of my routes than my KFC thingy, with 78 passengers. It's not much of a difference, especially when you go to airports which have fewer passengers - this, I think, is a combination of supply optimality and the higher fuel costs which cut into your profits. The KFC costs around 13 million, the Fokker 100 around 40 million. Thus, much higher maintenance costs as well.

You know, this would all be manageable if there was hotswapping - or even better, fleet hotswapping, like say if you had 2 fleets, each with the same number of AC of the same type, then it would replace all the routes. yay.

Game Strategy / Re: Which continent and why?
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:52:42 pm »
Better make good use of that Foreign base then  ;)

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