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Messages - Klose

Pages: 1 2
Bugs / Re: Empty Alliance
« on: November 04, 2007, 11:24:21 am »
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "Klose"
I need help here, I responded to a thread regarding the recruitment of an Alliance - Air Team. I got accepted but there was no one else in the Alliance. Bascially, I got 1M ripped off. Just wondering is there anyway to recover this?

Hmmm... Caveat emptor?

Bummer  :cry:

Anyway 1M is just 1.5 DOPs so it's alright  :P

Bugs / Empty Alliance
« on: November 02, 2007, 11:13:43 am »
I need help here, I responded to a thread regarding the recruitment of an Alliance - Air Team. I got accepted but there was no one else in the Alliance. Bascially, I got 1M ripped off. Just wondering is there anyway to recover this?

Pages: 1 2
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