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Messages - Hampo

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 34
General Chat / Help needed from a native english speaker
« on: February 04, 2008, 03:19:09 pm »
Well I got a B in my english language GCSE i took in November so it's up to him  :D

General Chat / Help needed from a native english speaker
« on: February 04, 2008, 03:14:30 pm »
PM me and i'll have a look

General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 03, 2008, 03:16:38 pm »
Top photo of the last 24 hours, im loving it!

Sea King and the RAF in their element yesterday. Fighting the 50mph wind winching people onto the vessel. Shows how highly trained they are! Kudos to the RAF!

General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 03, 2008, 11:24:48 am »
I even managed to get my picture on the homepage  :shock:

General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 02, 2008, 11:46:31 pm »
I suppose there is 2 types of wrappers...

With cookies they're normally foil type packaging that are sealed, you cant get into them...

Where as with the Mc Vities ones, its just a piece of packaging with a bit of glue stuck to each end holding it together. ( look at the end of it).


General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 02, 2008, 11:07:31 pm »
There was. But most of them had opened in the strong waves

General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 02, 2008, 08:39:45 pm »
You can have some of my salty sea water ones

General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 02, 2008, 06:16:02 pm »
Didn't see any other boats so they must have, or it got out at high tide.

There was just a big amount of coastguard vehicles / helicopters / police around trying to keep people off the beach near the vessel.

Certainly something you don't see everyday, and i doubt i'll see again!


General Chat / Blackpool Biscuit Invasion! (Pictures!)
« on: February 02, 2008, 05:34:10 pm »
Hello all.

Had to take a visit to my nanas in Blackpool today and thought i'd take my camera along to get some pictures of the ship that got blown onto the beach in the storm. When I arrived i got a bit of a shock! Heres the pictures! :D

Mc Vities Chocolate Digestives all over the beach!

Soggy biscuits

Oh dear!

Shows the sheer number of biscuits washed up!

People walking along the prom looking down

The vessel

One of the Blackpool Residents!

More residents!

'RiverDance' in a rare bit of sunshine!

Onlookers on the beach

All alone...

Different angle in a bit of sunshine

Close up of the stern. Those trucks don't look too safe!

Just as we were in the car heading back home I heard the un-mistakeable noise of a Sea King! I grabbed my camera, ran over the tram tracks and up to the sea front to grab a pic. The Sea King (Based in RAF Valley, i think) was lowering some dutch salvage experts onto the vessel to unload all the fuel.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures! It was extremly windy and very dark!

Comments welcome!


General Chat / No New Official Brokers for this Round
« on: February 01, 2008, 10:34:18 pm »
I personally think brokers should pay -20% for aircraft so we get at least 10% profit on each sale to help us along...


General Chat / Lost
« on: February 01, 2008, 07:33:10 pm »
Used to watch it but gave up after it went to SkyOne...

It was dragging on way too much...

Is fatty still alive on that island?


General Chat / New Graphics Card - Help Please
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:46:44 pm »

I need your help guys.

I managed to install the card, install drivers etc and it was working. I restarted computer and when i got to the log in screen it just turned black and i couldn't see anything. I went into safe mode, uninstalled etc tried again but once again nothing worked.

Now when i try to go into safe mode the screen has all random black lines over it, everything is distorted and i cant see anything. I cant get onto anything in side my computer because the screen refuses to work.


Thanks, Sam

General Chat / What happened to HAMPO!!!!!!!!
« on: January 31, 2008, 04:42:11 pm »
As i said, take everything i say with a pinch of salt.

TBH, take everything anyone says on the internet with a pinch of salt! You can't always get the right 'impression' on forums ;)

Time for me to lurk in the shadows some more! toodles!

General Chat / New Graphics Card - Help Please
« on: January 31, 2008, 04:40:21 pm »
Got my gfx card from the post office just then. I think the post office still have my RAM tho, but i'll get it tomorrow.

Time to install...

General Chat / What happened to HAMPO!!!!!!!!
« on: January 31, 2008, 04:38:29 pm »
Wow look what i've caused...

Calm down Iran.

We're only having a joke with you, in case you hadn't noticed...

Take everything i say with a pinch of salt boi

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