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Messages - Hampo

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General Chat / A day of bordem...
« on: February 13, 2008, 08:31:37 pm »
I only have a very basic 75-300mm III USM which isn't great for contrails. However, I can either use my tripod or rest it against the loft window while taking pics

General Chat / A day of bordem...
« on: February 13, 2008, 08:10:42 pm »
Only have a 300mm lens for now  :(

Going Chester Zoo tomorrow and i'll give my camera a good use... I'll post the picture tomorrow night if you guys want?

General Chat / Aircraft Stats
« on: February 13, 2008, 08:09:23 pm »
I'll have to get the spreadsheet from Ste

General Chat / A day of bordem...
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:56:29 pm »
...produced these crap attempts.

D-AIHQ   Lufthansa   A346   FL340   MUC-JFK

G-NWAA - North West Air Ambulance flying past my house

A6-EBU   Emirates   B773   FL340   DXB-YYZ

D-ABVT   Lufthansa   B744   FL340   FRA-IAD

G-TAMR - Doing some aerial survey work

A6-EBO the afternoon EK flight going over me

F-GLZO   Air France   A343   FL340   CDG-ATL

Pretty crap quality but hope you enjoyed

General Chat / Aircraft Stats
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:54:36 pm »
Thanks for adding nothing to this thread  :roll:

General Chat / Aircraft Stats
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:51:34 pm »

Just want to check the stats of an aircraft

General Chat / Aircraft Stats
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:48:12 pm »

Is there a page anywhere to look at aircraft stats for all aircraft (not just this round) i need to check something :P


General Chat / Army
« on: February 13, 2008, 02:51:04 pm »
I agree with Stephen.

To be honest, who is going to attack America? No one...

America is by far a superior country with one of the worlds largest army, and probably has the biggest number of nuclear weapons. If you did have to go to war, it would probably be in another country.


General Chat / Army
« on: February 13, 2008, 12:02:06 pm »
Theres a guy over here on a few TV Programs called 'Ross Kemp'... He normally does documentary's on gangs all over the world, but his recent think has been 'Ross Kemp In Afghanistan'. If you can, have a look on google and i'm sure you'll find somewhere to watch some of them.

He follows a British regiment in Iraq, and trust me, it isn't nice. For example last night one of the lads got shot (Very unlucky, got him through a tiny gap in his body amour!). That one single death affected the whole regiment, all the lads wern't the same after his death (obviously not).

It may seem all fun and games, going out to Iraq shooting terrorists, coming back and being seen as a hero, but it really isn't Robby, it isn't. No offense, but your only 13 and your probably just going through a phase of thinking what you want to do. You've probably just watched too many films and played too many games where it all seems easy  :wink:

If you did go to war in the future, I can almost guarantee it would be completely different to the current ones. Weapons will be more advanced, and the tactics will get dirtier. I wouldn't rule off the fact of a nuclear war, or the 'enemy' using chemical weapons, its the sad truth I'm afraid. There is only so much humans can do before weapons take over.

Don't worry about it yet, get your head down at school, concentrate on your grades and having a good time! When the time comes to leave school you'll probably have a better idea of what you want to do.


General Chat / Army
« on: February 12, 2008, 02:05:40 pm »
No offense, but you've never been in the army so you can't possibly know if you'll like it or not.

You will never see half of the stuff that happens in places like Iraq because its all censored. After the Vietnam war the government finally realised that they cannot allow cameras to be with the armed forces willy nilly. When people sat down for their evening meal and saw images of children being horrifically burned to death, they started to oppose the war.

If the government let TV crews into Iraq and allowed them to publish videos of the stuff going on in Iraq, there would be a hell of a lot more opposition to the war. The government are smart and will not allow TV crews into situations that may shine them in a bad light.

Next time you see film from Iraq or Afghanistan, I can almost guarantee it will be of US soldiers coming under attack, but they manage to kill the taliban/militants and all ends good. If you ever do see footage of a soldier being wounded, they normally manage to get them off the front line and they recover in hospital. Unfortunately, this isn't the reality of war my friend. If you are one of the unlucky ones who gets injured, you could spend the rest of your life missing limbs or possibly mentally unstable.


General Chat / FSX or FS9 or FSwhat?
« on: February 11, 2008, 09:11:57 pm »
I couldn't live without FSPax  :D

General Chat / FSX or FS9 or FSwhat?
« on: February 11, 2008, 08:59:05 pm »

However might consider FSX when i sort my new graphics card out

General Chat / Army
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:05:25 pm »
I'm not sure what the system is like in the USA but in the UK we have a week called 'work experience' where we go to a place of our choice and work their for a week. You could see if its possible to spend the week at your local army base when the time comes.


General Chat / Army
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:04:17 pm »
Hi Robby.

Your still only 13 so you don't have to worry about careers just yet.

The main thing for you is to concentrate as hard as you can at school and get some good qualifications. When I was 13 I had some mad idea about what I wanted to do, but most of them were just in my head. Now i'm in my final year of school (well only 12 weeks left) I've had to seriously consider what I want to do in my future. I've decided to do an aviation degree in college with the option of going onto university and continuing further studies. After some long thinking I've decided that I'd like to become a pilot (taking into account if I can pass a medical, or if anything else goes wrong). If you want to join the army, no one can stop you, it's your decision, the only thing people can do is try and persuade you to what you want to do.

No disrespect to the guys in the army, but most of them aren't the brightest people around. It's pretty poor pay for the job that they do. You seem to be a bright lad and it would be a shame to see your brains be wasted in the army. If i was you i wouldn't worry about what you want to do just yet as you still have a few years left of your school life. From experience I can tell you, enjoy yourself! School has been one of the best parts of my life and I have only come to realise how good it actually was!

Worry about career choices when your a little bit older and have more of an idea at what you want to do. When the time comes, I'm sure your school will have a careers adviser which will help you choose what you want to do.

All the best!


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