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Messages - TTA

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8
Bugs / Re: Cant move aircraft?
« on: December 16, 2008, 10:06:53 am »
Does your 737 come with a guy called "Scottie" so he can beam it around the country?  :P You need a physical connection, even 2 routes to the same airport (eg LGW-ORY, MAN-ORY etc) so that the plane can fly the MAN routes.
Oh? A subtle hint to your new game? "Space Transit Mogul"?

Game Data / Re: YCBY (Coober Pedy) PAX Numbers.
« on: December 16, 2008, 10:04:29 am »
13th page is actually page 10 for those who care to actually use the page numbers listed at the bottom of it.

Game Data / Re: Updated pax&cargo for EIN,RTM
« on: December 09, 2008, 12:42:40 am »
Besides the fact that that is an awesome site made like a book, I'll attach a cookie to this post for you in hopes of getting someone to update it.

General Chat / Re: How do I get AI Traffic and other planes onto FSX?
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:31:56 am »
In terms of FSX air traffic, if you want a free option try - Gives you decently realistic traffic.

General Chat / Re: Bit of help...
« on: November 24, 2008, 10:46:46 pm »
Also note that if you have less than 30 tokens, and are not in any worlds, you can join a public one for all your remaining tokens.

Hey now, your suppose to suggest that if they don't have 30 tokens that go to this link!

Game Strategy / Re: Need Help!
« on: November 24, 2008, 05:34:55 am »
Yes, Secondary airports can be ideal. Look at Shanghai, Hongqiao and Pudong. Pudong does have 6million more in PAX, but in terms of overall populartiy, Hongqiao would be a smarter choice since there are less people hubbing it the pax is still very high and it's work the lower pax for the less competition.

As Clipper said, Shopping around is smart.

General Chat / Re: Guess the airport
« on: November 22, 2008, 10:16:01 pm »
On behalf of LostWorld

Bugs / Re: PW#101 missing money
« on: November 13, 2008, 05:34:36 pm »
Wanna list your expenses for us?

Game News / Airline Mogul IRC - We need your love!
« on: November 13, 2008, 12:42:13 pm »
Hello! I’m TTA and I’m an Alc… No wait, wrong forum.

Hello! I’m TTA and I’m addicted me… -checks his flash card notes.-

Hello! I’m TTA and I’m an IRC Lurker. We folks here at Airline Mogul enjoy the comforts of a forum reigned over by the oppressive hand of Stephen M. (Just joking) But don’t you want an escape? A place where you can laugh, enjoy a sandwich, cookies and poke at smaller airlines with a stick?

Than the AM IRC is for you! I happily sit there, waiting for your company! Everyday I’m lurking, in the depths of the AM server with DKTC… Is this really how you want me to end my life with you?

On a happier note, here is what the IRC can offer:

Tech support! Have a question of what’s what? Or need some overall strategy advice?
Chit-Chat! It’s random chat friendly! Topic jumping and sometimes utter nonsense roam free!
Pin-the-tail-on-the-Aussie! Need I say more?

Of course, these are just the obvious issues. The truth is, me and DKTC are just lonely and want your company. So, after a mini-chit-chat we’ve decided to start our IRC campaign! Encouraging you to join, lurk, and watch.

The IRC is not always talkative, as I said, we “lurk”. Feel free to just stay in the IRC until someone strikes up a conversation.

When you come for tech support, please give us time. So many people join and leave within 3 minutes of asking their question. Remember, we can’t always be looking at the window, be patient with us, you should eventually get a response.

Visit us at: - Or by downloading an IRC client and enter "/attach" and then "/join #airlinemogul".

(Message Sponsored in part by “DKTC Banana Costumes Incorporated”.)

Flight Simulators & Online Flying / Re: Illegal things you have done in FSX
« on: November 10, 2008, 03:08:08 pm »
To bring back a slightly outdated thread.

Landing my Heli on a runway just to make a plane go around. ;)

A380 - KDFW 35c right turn after take off to land at KDAL 13R - I do this a lot.

Land at KDAL 13R while a Southwest plane is landing 31L, needless to say, I was going to fast and hit him.

Does running out of fuel 30 seconds after landing count? Stupid go arounds!

Plus, millions of other violations.

My list is very long

Game Data / Re: misleading numbers for airport Rørøs (RRS)
« on: November 08, 2008, 06:59:20 am »
Can you post an official link to where you got that number?

General Chat / Re: Pop Up Ad On Safari
« on: November 07, 2008, 07:30:29 pm »
Aww.  :'( :'( Playing favorites with that Aussie?!

General Chat / Re: Pop Up Ad On Safari
« on: November 07, 2008, 11:09:13 am »
See... Stephen enjoys getting your hopes up of winning some epicly uber prize then crushing them as his evil laugh echos in the background.

Game Strategy / Re: Need Help!
« on: November 01, 2008, 12:37:56 am »
Your profit is fine, if you can afford new planes to continue to boost that hub. I always buy at least two new planes for a starting hub ( more if I'm progressed in the game ). Since I'm guessing you only have one hub, try setting up another in Osaka.

Or if you feel your planes can handle it, toss a hub in Seoul. The Nippon - Choson crossing is a bit long, but planes with decent range ( 1,300 ) and speed ( 250 )can operate a lot of mainland flights form Seoul. Generally, you'd want to swamp the Choson Market, then move over the border, I hardly use a new-by airport when I make routes.


Osaka if you want to save money on gates, Seoul if you want to spread your network a bit, but still be within range.

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