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Topics - KapShtriQi

Pages: 1
General Chat / Unused gates at base airport
« on: October 15, 2007, 06:48:11 pm »
I had unused gates at first base airport and due tp non usage those were automatically returned. So now I find myself with a base airport and no more gates to launch routes from. I can buy, but it'll cost me some 300.000 per gate...

I think this gate return policy from initial bases during the initial stages of the game is a  bit unfair. give us a few months to get it together first... we just started, there aren't that many planes to go around, cash is scarce for most of us.

Bugs / [Fixed] cannot create base
« on: September 18, 2007, 06:03:38 am »
so I had 2 gates at this airport, and I built 5 more. Since I had a bit of a gate surplus, after the build, I returned the gates I had rented. Now however, I want to make that airport a base but it isn't listed under the "make base" option. And if I want to extend the terminal, it tells me that the terminal cannot be extended because that airport is no longer my base....

Any help would be appreciated.
ID 3524
Airport in question is TIA

Game Data / [Fixed] cannot create base
« on: September 18, 2007, 06:03:38 am »
so I had 2 gates at this airport, and I built 5 more. Since I had a bit of a gate surplus, after the build, I returned the gates I had rented. Now however, I want to make that airport a base but it isn't listed under the "make base" option. And if I want to extend the terminal, it tells me that the terminal cannot be extended because that airport is no longer my base....

Any help would be appreciated.
ID 3524
Airport in question is TIA

Bugs / Couple of bugs...
« on: September 14, 2007, 12:57:52 am »
1. Rented and returned a gate at ILM but that airport still shows in my "arriving" list. I now have no gates at ILM and the airport itself doesn't show in the gate list.

2. Have 2 gates at BMA, due to alliance. However I no longer can start flights from there. I can end them there though... and that airport does not show in the "Departure" list of airports.

ID 3524

General Chat / Leaving an alliance
« on: September 14, 2007, 12:03:50 am »
What happens when one leaves an alliance? I have rented gates at the alliance members' airports and set u routes from-to them. If I leave the alliance, will those routes get deleted?

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