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Topics - Brintakis

Pages: 1
Bugs / [Not bug] Airline value decreased in the same day 1,000,000,000
« on: April 13, 2010, 11:14:35 am »

I am in world #1297 with player id 36076.

The date now of the game is 20 May 1993. The previous day at 19th of May I was editing the routes in order to increase the loadfactor and I increased it almost 1% from 97% to 98+%. Suddenly when I checked the ranking I saw that I fell 3 positions from 16 to 19 and loosing 1,000,000,000 value
The exactly numbers are
16   Cretan Air   GCA   €21,470,244,968   417,186   96.53%   36076    19th of May
19   Cretan Air   GCA   €20,484,013,412   426,209   98.19%   36076    19th of May
19   Cretan Air   GCA   €20,546,237,073   426,630   98.21%   36076    20th of May

In parallel the 19th of May I had this transaction:

The following aircraft has been bought from you by Maki Airlines: #11469 - BAC 111-475 at a price of € 27,500,000

Maybe this is not a bug, but it seems strange for me. Does anyone knows something? I have also screenshots of the same day.

Bugs / Bug with airports names and route map
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:19:58 pm »

I have a problem with 3 airports:
Ljubljana Joze Pucnik Airport

I can not see the map when I open the the aircraft summary which is very helpful.

Public World #1297
Airline ID is 36076
Aircraft ID: 17575
Aircraft ID: 17578

Bugs / [Fixed] Bug with a Greek Airport
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:52:23 am »
Hello, congratulations for your work. I want to note a bug with a Greek airport named "?oannis Daskalogiannis International".
In the menu of the "view routes" everything is ok but when are in the "Aircraft Summary" of an aircraft that has a route in that city, the name of the city appears with only the symbol "&" and this probably causes the disappearance of the route map in the same page for the specific aircraft.

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