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Topics - D-ABTH

Pages: 1
General Chat / Question re: Maintenance
« on: October 19, 2009, 06:21:03 pm »
Couldn't find this in the Game rules: does the age and number of cycles/hours of an aircraft in any way affect maintenance costs etc. in the game? In other words, is there something to be gained from replacing an old aircraft with a new one of the same type? In reality there would be, but I'm not about to spend my cash on it if that has no effect in the game.

On that note, it amuses me to no end that it is possible on any given route to beat a competitor by using a much smaller plane, yet charging higher fares! I suppose the calculus of the game works such that there is only x number of premium customers willing to pay a certain price and to get more customers you have to charge less, so if I fly, say a Do328 on a route I can basically fill up the plane with all the premium customers, while the poor bloke who is using a 757 on that route has to lower his prices way down to fill up his plane. That has a certain logic to it, but in reality I can't see why any passenger would pay premium to fly on a small turboprop when he can have the comfort and speed of a 757. Any way this could be adjusted in the game? It would be interesting insofar as it would add a twist to the competition aspect, forcing competitors to have the latest and most comfortable equipment on a given route. It would prevent people with BAC-111s from usurping customers from others operating A320s on the same route.

General Chat / Returning Leased Aircraft
« on: September 11, 2009, 02:35:32 pm »
I recently returned a leased aircraft to lessor but my Finance Report still shows a charge for the leasing rate. Why is that? When I previously returned an aircraft I stopped being charged for it. Thanks in advance.

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