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Topics - hairways

Pages: 1
General Chat / Cheating from the get go.
« on: October 14, 2007, 01:48:38 am »
It looks like I am out of the game.
It a complete cheat from the get go.
Airlines with 15 aircraft and the game is only starting!!!!

If people are going to cheat at least make it less obvious.

I was 85 on the list now I'm down to the 440's

If people cant play fair then its not worth playing at all.

General Chat / Route Abuse
« on: October 04, 2007, 10:53:13 pm »
Where can you report Route abuse.

the 0.5 route is great to fill hours on your aircraft but its getting over used.

Such as *a certain airline*

I have noticed on a number of routes they are on they have 2 or 3 0.5 slots with the same aircraft on them all.

Is this not route abuse????

*edited by dktc: plz don't accuse members publicly*

Pages: 1
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