Airline Mogul Forum

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Topics - EFish

Pages: 1
General Chat / Researching an airport?
« on: September 05, 2009, 08:04:23 pm »
I cannot find a way to research an airport within AM? for instance, when wanting to select a focus city, I would like to see how many players are already at that particular airport and how many gates are left, etc.... Is there a way to do this?

Game Strategy / Replacing aircraft on a route
« on: September 05, 2009, 07:28:00 pm »
Hello all, fairly new but getting the hang of it. Once i earn enough money to purchase an aircraft outright and replace my leased one, are you able to replace the new aircraft on the routes that the leased one is currently flying or must you close the route and reopen it with the new aircraft? Thanks.

Pages: 1
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