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Topics - DE763

Pages: 1
General Chat / Second Base
« on: July 14, 2007, 12:14:24 pm »
I have got a problem. I want to create a second base at a second airport in Germany. I bougt at least 5 gates at this airport, but I can not choice this airport as the departing city?
Does anyone has an idea how to create a second base? :(

But it does not work or I do something wrong ?!?

Many thanks for your answers, please help me

PS: I have read the topic

General Chat / 744 or A340
« on: July 13, 2007, 12:28:32 pm »
Hi @ all
I have got a question about the deliver time from the 744 an A340.
How long it will take to construct and deliver? 144/216 days in the game or in real time?

Thanks for your answers


PS: Sorry for my bad english :(

Pages: 1
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