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Topics - Royal First Fleet

Pages: 1
Yep it`s a long title, but...

I noticed that in long running worlds it becomes increasingly harder to start as a new player.
For example. In PW452 you start with 2 Farman F.60 Goliath, but the gamedate is nov 1965.
Making it almost impossible to start up your airline as a new player.
Would it be a suggestion to change the start-up aircraft to a more modern one say every 10yr. as time moves on in a world.

Second thing I noticed is that when a world starts in the 1910`s or 1920`s an airport like Atlanta already has like 90Mil. passengers. How can that be when the Wright brothers just flew for the first time a few years before. Airlines make enormous profits with thousands of aircraft in the early years of flying, affording them to buy the most expensive aircrafts for years to come. While someone who enters later in this world is hindered by outdated start-up aircraft and unrealistic competion.

Would it not be possible to give passenger numbers by aproximation per decade. Say Atlanta in 1910 800 pas., in 1920 8.000 pas. etc, etc. I know exact passengers per year per airport are not available, but maybe a formula that gives you in 1920 a certain percentage, say 5% of the passengernumbers from now. And in 1930 7.5% for example.

Maybe this was suggested before, it`s just a thought.

Greets RFA

General Chat / Returning build gates
« on: August 26, 2010, 03:38:19 am »
I small question.

Can you return gates which you have build? For example, I bought gates instead of renting, because of the lower gatecosts in one world I`m playing in (PW452). Now I`m cutting down on flights from those hubs, closing down routes to smaller airports. The gates rented at those smaller airports are returned, but I`m stuck to the (now) surplus gates a build at my hubs. Am I overlooking something or is this correct?

Ron Overdijk aka Royal First Airlines

Bugs / [Fixed] msql error when mass-buying aircraft
« on: August 23, 2010, 06:16:06 pm »
I noticed that when a want to buy several aircraft in one go using the check boxes, either on the open market or when aircraft are offered privatly, I receive an msql error. Forcing me to buy the aircraft one by one, a long task when you recieve over 20 aircraft on a private offer. This problem occurs an all worlds I`m playing sofar.

Greets Ron Overdijk (NL) aka Royal First Airlines.

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