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Topics - SLAA

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General Chat / What to name an airline from Phillippines and Thailand
« on: July 29, 2008, 09:25:42 am »
I'm in the process of rebranding my airline again, and I was wondering, what I could name it. It has hubs in both Bangkok and Manila, so I want a name which will address both of these nations and have a cultural aspect to it. Any suggestions? If you guys could answer seriously pls  :D  Thank you.

« on: July 29, 2008, 07:19:09 am »
I created an alliance in World 9 about a month ago game time, and I named it JetSett. I spent 11.6 Euros creating it, as well as the precious time of a few other airlines, as well as mine, trying to get them to join it. After I created the alliance, I logged in, and out, as it told me to do. And then I voted in a member airline. Afterwards, I looked to see the alliance bases, and all it said was the names of the bases of the other airline. That airline also told me that it could not see my bases. Then today, he sent me a message saying that I'm not even part of the alliance!! He can't even see me as part of the alliance! Of course I can see him, and all the bases, and I checked the alliance page, and it says I'm part of the alliance, but he says he doesn't see anything. Could someone pls help me, and this other carrier?

My airline is Sky Wings Thailand (ID:14565)
I need this resolved urgently. Thank you.

General Chat / Questions about hubs and focus cities.
« on: July 09, 2008, 07:43:23 am »
Okay so I have 4 gates in Colombo Sri Lanka, which is where my airline started operations from. So is it already a base? Or do I need to confirm it as a base? Also, I want to create a base out of another city, maybe Bangkok, and I was wondering how I could do this? Because everytime that I go to creating a base option, and click on either the domestic or foreign options they say that no airports exist for me to create a hub...

Any help is appreciated :) Thanks

General Chat / [FIXED] HELP HELP HELP! Real Fleet Issues Pls Help
« on: July 08, 2008, 10:05:12 am »
Hi all,
I'm in World 8, and I'm in a big issue. My airline, Air Lanka International has been prospering well, and fast. Today though, I placed an order for 3 Excalibur Queenaire 8800's. I went to the link saying "Aircraft" on the top of the page, and then clicked on Aircraft search. I then bought the aircraft. I only had about 183,000 or so, but I clicked on the aircraft which was roughly 1.9 million. After I clicked "Proceed", it said that I had successfully purchased the aircraft. There also was no change in my airline money. I went on to buy two more of that aircraft, thinking that all the money I owed would taken out of my bank account at the end of the month.

The when I went to the "View and Buy" section, under the "Aircraft" link, the three aircrafts appeared. But the weird thing was, under the aircraft type column, there were blanks. So meaning, under the aircraft type column, there was no labels saying "Excalibur Queenaire 8800". I thought this was nothing to worry about and proceeded to add cities for the aircraft to fly. I then proceeded to buy 2 "Hamilton Westwind IV's", and again the purchase did not change the amount of airline cash I had. Thinking that, as before, I will have to pay the money at the end of the month, I proceeded to buying it, and went onto to renting more gates at various cities. I had got this under control, when I realized that I was 3 million in the red of Airline cash. Also I realized that all my gates at my base in Colombo, Sri Lanka were full, so I went to rent another gate, but they turned me down saying I didn't have sufficient cash, cuz well duh, I was 3 million in the red. So now, I'm stuck. I don't know what to do.

Things took a turn for the worst when I tried to sell the last two aircraft I bought, cuz I was not using them for any routes, cuz all my gates were full, and when I tried to sell them, they said that these aircraft did not belong to me. I also tried the option which said to scrap them, but that didn't work either. I don't know how to get rid of them.....


I went into airline ranking, and then clicked on my airline, and ALL THE 5 PLANES I HAD JUST BOUGHT DID NOT APPEAR IN THE FLEET SECTION... NO WHERE!!!

Somebody please help me, I'm stuck in some real piece of airline wreckage right now  :(

Bugs / [FIXED] HELP HELP HELP! Real Fleet Issues Pls Help
« on: July 08, 2008, 10:05:12 am »
Hi all,
I'm in World 8, and I'm in a big issue. My airline, Air Lanka International has been prospering well, and fast. Today though, I placed an order for 3 Excalibur Queenaire 8800's. I went to the link saying "Aircraft" on the top of the page, and then clicked on Aircraft search. I then bought the aircraft. I only had about 183,000 or so, but I clicked on the aircraft which was roughly 1.9 million. After I clicked "Proceed", it said that I had successfully purchased the aircraft. There also was no change in my airline money. I went on to buy two more of that aircraft, thinking that all the money I owed would taken out of my bank account at the end of the month.

The when I went to the "View and Buy" section, under the "Aircraft" link, the three aircrafts appeared. But the weird thing was, under the aircraft type column, there were blanks. So meaning, under the aircraft type column, there was no labels saying "Excalibur Queenaire 8800". I thought this was nothing to worry about and proceeded to add cities for the aircraft to fly. I then proceeded to buy 2 "Hamilton Westwind IV's", and again the purchase did not change the amount of airline cash I had. Thinking that, as before, I will have to pay the money at the end of the month, I proceeded to buying it, and went onto to renting more gates at various cities. I had got this under control, when I realized that I was 3 million in the red of Airline cash. Also I realized that all my gates at my base in Colombo, Sri Lanka were full, so I went to rent another gate, but they turned me down saying I didn't have sufficient cash, cuz well duh, I was 3 million in the red. So now, I'm stuck. I don't know what to do.

Things took a turn for the worst when I tried to sell the last two aircraft I bought, cuz I was not using them for any routes, cuz all my gates were full, and when I tried to sell them, they said that these aircraft did not belong to me. I also tried the option which said to scrap them, but that didn't work either. I don't know how to get rid of them.....


I went into airline ranking, and then clicked on my airline, and ALL THE 5 PLANES I HAD JUST BOUGHT DID NOT APPEAR IN THE FLEET SECTION... NO WHERE!!!

Somebody please help me, I'm stuck in some real piece of airline wreckage right now  :(

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