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Topics - RedSoxFan417

Pages: 1
Bugs / "Editing" and "creating" routes
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:22:51 am »
I would just like to say that the speed on editing and creating routes is horribly slow currently.  Which it has been for the past week or more.  Now i dont mean to come across as a jerk or anything, but my personal thought is that you guys should stop AM for a week or how ever long it takes to fix the bugs that is dogging down the system, because right now I am finding AM starting to become not enjoyable.  It use to take less then an hour to drop 100 routes on a hub, now if i were to do 100 routes, i would be here for probably 24 hours.  It is slightly ridiculous that editing a route takes 3-5 minutes, with the updating button, and then the actual creating the route again, it is horrible.  That is my take on what should be done, whether or not you take my advise, it doesnt matter i guess.  But something definately needs to be done.

Bugs / [FIXED] Seat % and number of routes [W10]
« on: October 07, 2008, 05:22:38 am »
It seems like the number of routes in all my hubs has more then tripled, and it looks as though the seat % has gone out of this world as the leader in boston has over 100% of the seats which i find as probably impossible.  Now i wish that i could claim to have put up over 800 routes up in Boston but i know for a fact that i havent done that. (although if you want to leave me at that i wont mind ;) ) just thought id leave this bit of information for you guys :) take care

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