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Topics - OliAir

Pages: 1
Game Data / A340-300
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:33:13 pm »
With regards to the A340-300 Range i believe it is about 500nm under what it actually is. "Range (w/max. passengers) 13,350 (13,700) km. 7,200 (7,400) nm. " Wheras on AM with the best engine it is "Range 6,750".

To use another example the MD-11 (as obtained from the Boeing information page ) "The nonstop range of the standard MD-11 operating at a maximum takeoff weight of 602,500 pounds (273,290 kg) is approximately 7,630 statute miles (12,270 km) with 285 passengers and their bags. The extended-range version of the MD-11, equipped with an auxiliary fuel tank and operating at a higher maximum takeoff weight of 630,500 pounds (285,990 kg), has a range of approximately 8,225 statute miles (13,230 km)." Now i know that Delta had to MD-11's modified to do Los Angeles to Hong Kong so perhaps that version was used for the range quote. AM has the range as "McDonnell Douglas MD-11 7980"

I am not saying you guys have made a mistake but perhaps this one was overlooked. Thank you for taking the time to read this message.


General Chat / Auto-Bankruptcy function
« on: April 26, 2008, 01:14:21 am »
I was reading in the forum earlier than there is a script that would auto-bankrupt our airline if we are too much in debt. I am just asking for a bit of clarification on it, for the past couple of days (AM months) i've been leaving about 200 mil for when the new month begins to cover my costs so i don't go in debt. What would happen if i bought an A/C right before the new month and went to say -180 million considering it would only take about 5 RW hours to get back into the green? Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.


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