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Topics - JayP

Pages: 1
General Chat / Route Frequency: 1 vs. 2, 3, etc.
« on: April 15, 2008, 03:43:55 pm »
Hello everyone,

I do not want to start a flame war, so please do not hijack this thread with hateful comments.  I would please like a meaningful discussion.

I am very new to this game, but I have already seen comments about the "haters" who create routes with frequencies greater than 1.  Such players are considered as "not knowing how to play the game" or similar comments.  I open this thread to understand why some players make these comments.

I would like to start with an example.  

When I attempt to start a route, say Chicago to Detroit, I try a frequency of 1.  I increase the price until the return starts to drop (profit begins to fall).  That way I find the maximum price I can charge to receive max profits at that frequency.  Let's say it comes to be ~$45,000 DOP.  I then try a frequency of 2.  I must drop the price to entice more passengers to fly. However, I am able to obtain a DOP of $65,000.  I then try a frequency of 3 and end up obtaining a DOP of $89,000.  I then try a frequency of 4 but cannot obtain a higher DOP (I have to drop the price too much to entice more passengers).  So, I settle on a frequency of 3.  I would think that makes perfect business sense.

Now, I am VERY careful not to lock in a ticket price lower than the lowest price already on the market.  I understand that it is bad for everyone to start a price war.  So, in all of my routes, I have made sure to set my price at least a few dollars higher than the lowest price already on the market.  Even so, I am able to use frequencies of 3 and receive good profits.

Why would I want to settle for a frequency of only 1 when it would result in less profit?

Thank you for your help!   :D

Bugs / [Not bug]Lease Aircraft: "You do not have enough cash .
« on: April 15, 2008, 03:31:42 pm »
I wanted to lease an aircraft with a fee of 600,000 per month.  I have 1.652 million.  Why did it tell me I do not have enough cash?  Maybe I do not understand how leasing works.


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