Airline Mogul Forum

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Topics - lars

Pages: 1
Bugs / [not our bug]Llanbedr - LLR, in california?
« on: April 19, 2008, 01:52:38 pm »
This british airport appears to be in northern california according to the map :)

Bugs / Alliance bases dissapear in create route menu
« on: March 24, 2008, 01:22:56 pm »
Dont know if this is a bug or what, but ive built some gates and set up some routes at a couple of alliance bases. When i want to create another route, the airports stop showing up in the "depart" section but i can still find them in "Arrive".

This has happened to two airports now

Bugs / Cant lease aircraft
« on: March 24, 2008, 01:20:01 pm »
Im trying to lease out a Fokker F27-500 (AC ID: 23435), but regardless of the price im putting in the game tells me this:

Sorry, the minimum rate on a lease for this aircraft is €301,473. Please go back and try a different rate.

And btw: if i press the link to search for an airline in the "options" after i get this message, i end up with this:

Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.

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