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Topics - dragoon

Pages: 1
Game Data / BAC 1-11 and A300
« on: May 26, 2008, 06:55:03 am »
There are some aircraft data are incorrect. Actually, most of them are incorrect

In game, the A300B1 range is 2421nm, but it should be 1080nm(2000km)
A300B1 is a shory-range high capacity aircraft

the A300B2-100 range is 2071nm, in fact it should be 1800nm
A300B2-200 should be 1850nm

their speed same as A300B1, 495kn/h

BAC 1-11-200 range is 2130nm, in fact it should be 760nm
BAC 1-11-300 range should be 1100nm
BAC 1-11-400 range should be 1240nm
BAC 1-11-475 range should be 1620nm
BAC 1-11-500 range should be 1480nm

Bugs / [Not a bug]I cant login
« on: March 08, 2008, 02:59:45 am »
when i login it appears "Either the email address and password entered do not match those on the file, you have not activated your account or you are not appoved for testing."

My account is

What's going on?

Pages: 1
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