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Topics - crabking

Pages: 1
General Chat / account deletion
« on: January 29, 2008, 10:40:00 am »
Would like my airline dissolved.

Name:  Crablines
Airline ID:  5638

Has been fun, but it just isn't worth the time it takes having price wars over a dollar difference on a dozen routes.

General Chat / Pricing and resultant wars...
« on: December 15, 2007, 05:02:07 am »
Something I've noticed after turning into some big airline (boooo!) is the whole $1 wars and such.

I wonder - is there any way planned or possible to average things out?  You drop your price a buck, wait for your competitor to come around and do the same, repeat....encourages micromanaging and time expense over good ol' route fun.

Not really complaining - price of doing bidness - but I can't see customers going hogwild over a buck IRL.  

Any sort of fuzzy logic in the works?

General Chat / Base/terminal building!
« on: November 27, 2007, 07:53:16 pm »
Will offer no suggestions - but entry into huge cities is impossible after a pretty short time.

I'm finally starting to learn the game and I'm stymied.

Even with exorbitant capital to build my own gates/etc - can't do so.

Need 4 gates somewhere just to get a foothold.

Seems that with the whole gate shortage one should still be able to just build their own damned terminal - even with huge expense involved.  Or I could be an idiot.

Short of killing the game for a good, long bit - letting it fester for the rest of the game period, or going with multiworlds to fill up - something's gotta be done.  We're past saturation already.  Or not - interesting question of capitalism involved there. :p

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