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General Chat / Mai Tai Air looking for new CEO / Merger opportunity!
« on: February 11, 2008, 06:21:21 pm »
Hello All -  Mai Tai Air is currently worth 6.8 Billion, has a DOP of 12million with a 73% LF and unrestricted Cash of 727 million Euro.   And this amount of unrestricted cash is growing every game day.   Mai Tai Air operates a fleet of 1 BAC 111-400, 1 BAC111-500, 1 Boeing 707-120B, 16 Boeing 707-320B, 5 Boeing 727-100, 1 Boeing 747-200, 10 Convair 880 Model 22-M, 1 HS-748 Srs 2, 17 HS-748-Srs 2A, 8 HS121 Trident 1c, 1 Lockheed L1011-1, 24 Tupolev Tu-104V.    

Mai Tai Air has a huge upside potential.  By readjusting route structure to 100%LF, DOP could easily rise up to 14 million.

Additionally, Mai Tai Air currently has several planes grounded. They are:
1 Boeing 707-120B
11 Boeing 707-320B
10 Convair 880 Model 22-M
5 HS121 Trident 1C
7 Tupolev Tu-104V

that's a total of 34 grounded planes.  If each plane were utilized to make an average DOP of 300k, that would be a net increase of 10 million on DOP.  So with proper reconfiguring Mai Tai Air could easily be looking at 25million DOP instantly.  Not to mention what you will do to grow the company.

Additionally, Mai Tai Air operates flights out of Lucrative Airports such as MSP, LHR, CDG, LAX, ATL

Mai Tai Air flies to North America, Europe, Africa, South America and Asia.

As CEO you will be in charge of all aspects of Mai Tai Air from Route selection, to fleet organization, to price strategy.   Or as the acquiring partner in a merger you will assume all assets of Mai Tai Air.

Please, make an offer - Mai Tai Air will decide which offer to select and will notify the winner via PM.

General Chat / thank you for gate rental mods!
« on: January 05, 2008, 07:58:55 pm »
i can't tell you how awesome and appreciated OCP and the green/red light for if you already have a gate there are!

seriously, i've wasted millions on renting gates i didn't need to, because i was lazy (or played AM while drunk)

oh , and the amount of time saved with OCP is BOSSWESOME!

General Chat / whew, it's really cold!
« on: December 28, 2007, 02:40:50 pm »
i live in Uralask Kazakstan - and it is freezing.

Man i'd love to go somewhere warm.... maybe Fiji?  Anyone know any good places near that.....

I hear vanuatu is a cool island... maybe i could fly to norsup?
has anyone been?

General Chat / 2 hours till disco
« on: December 27, 2007, 09:34:08 pm »
i'm ready for the 70's!

Bugs / Login not open at this time
« on: December 24, 2007, 06:07:05 pm »
it's christmas eve (dec 24) and 1:05pm eastern which makes it around 7pm in england right?  anyway - when i try to log in to airline mogul i get an error informing me that login is closed at this time.  just wondering what's going on?

General Chat / game question
« on: December 23, 2007, 05:21:13 pm »
so i logged in 22 hours before the game started and created a few routes.   So far however, I have realized no income from those routes.  However, if you look at the rankings (and it's 2 hours before the game begins) the top airline has 6 million.  It looks like they are making money from routes (they don't have any planes leased out and they are operating routes and have passengers).

so the obvious question is how come they are making money before the game while  i am not?

General Chat / happy day after halloween
« on: November 01, 2007, 02:32:59 pm »
for all those airline moguls suffering a hangover today - -

you aren't alone  :(

General Chat / Stop the Undercutters, start the CAB!
« on: October 24, 2007, 07:23:16 pm »
let's be honest... this is 1950 people (okay 1951 by the time you read it)
you think the airways were "open", you think "competition" existed.  

HECK NO!  Bring back the CAB - they will set route frequencies and prices!

(and if you want to fly from LAX to NYC and you don't have a CAB approved slot, too bad - you are out)


General Chat / merry christmas and happy new year
« on: October 24, 2007, 02:34:59 pm »
to all my fellow 1950ians, hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

may your load factors be high, your yields incredible, & your delays few.

Bugs / error in finance
« on: October 23, 2007, 02:15:17 am »
Stephen, i've got to congratulate you on taking on the task of setting up this mammoth simulation game.  But i've found it very frustrating, maybe it's because i use IE - but the navigation is very frustrating (important buttons are always hidden in weird places near the bottom of the screen) - the manual/directions isn't very imformative  and of course a link from airline mogul takes you to where you discover that you aren't already registered.  If this is such a vital piece of the airline mogul game, how come my airline mogul usersname wasn't already activated here.  

Well - here's my major bug - i'm Mai Tai Air (MTI) airline ID 6335 my operations log showed that i owed 350k, while my finance showed i owed 350million.  at the time the numbers were exactly the same except the addition of a zero

358,081 mysteriously became 3,508,081 with an added zero between 5 and 8.  I personally think this is way to coincidental to be a mistake on my part.  But it's entirely possible as the finance sheet and operations sheet is really confusing.

there are no real column headings to describe anything like if the numbers are talking about the current month. etc. etc.

then earlier today i got a message from a leasor that my lease was running out in 3 months, and i also got an email today saying that the lease had run out ( for plane 4416) and that the plane had been returned.

if 24 hours = 1 game month, then how is that possible that 3 months would pass on 22October ?

Another thing is that my ASE gate has been flagged for not being utilised.  well, that's fine - but i already followed the steps to return that gate.  So why was it flagged for not being utilised? Why wasn't it returned?

I also have a question about how leases/gate rentals work - are they charge on a pro-rated basis.  If not, then people who join at the wrong time are at a significant disadvantage.  if i only get 1 or 2 days service out of my plane while i have to pay for a full month rent you can see that would be crummy.

I'm hoping you'll say that if i switch to mozilla or something that all these problems will disappear.  But i'm guessing you won't and i'll be googling for other airline simulations.

thanks mate!

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