Airline Mogul Forum

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Topics - PiR

Pages: 1
Game Data / Can't add airport
« on: October 18, 2007, 06:46:59 pm »
Hi, I've tried to add Lille Lesquin (LIL / LFQQ / France / Europe / Capacity: 2 000 000 passengers (936 000 passengers in 2006) / Tonnage: 63039 / Runway lenght: 9268 / Lat 50.5633 Long 3.08694)

But the system said:

Error: That airport has already been added to the game, sorry!
Error: The airport latitude that you entered is not in the correct format.
Error: The airport longitude that you entered is not in the correct format.
Error: You forgot to enter the cargo tonnage.

I looked on the View Gate pages and there is no Lille Lesquin in France ...

Can someone explain to me what I did wrong ?  :(

Thanks  :wink:

Game Data / Decimal Format
« on: October 18, 2007, 12:55:00 pm »

Can someone explain to me how to convert DMS in Decimal Format ?

Actually I have

50 33 48 N    - 003 05 13 E  (this is , I think, the DMS fromat (= 50° 33' 48" N)) do you have a tool to convert it ?


General Chat / Question About Frequency
« on: October 17, 2007, 08:50:48 pm »
Hi guys

There something that I don't understand about frequencies.

If I do twice a day a flight (freq = 2), why should the ticket price be cheaper to have a 100% load factor ?
It also appears that having 2 same routes with freq 1x is better than 1 route freq 2x. Can someone explain ?

Thanks for answer ;)


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