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Topics - FSgGroupe

Pages: 1
Bugs / [NaB] Error in GCM
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:19:02 pm »
Airline Mogul - See my airline

As you can see, GCM thinks I have a route to some place in Australia - which I have not.
I noticed it when creating the route Madrid-Barajas Airport [MAD/LEMD] - Madrid-Cuatro Vientos Airport [MCV/LECU]. When creating it (or editing it), it shows like in the link; as a route to australia. It's only a 14nm route though. And whats weird as well, is that when I click to view the route, it shows up normally; two dots next to eachother.

I hope this can be solved?

Route id; 5379
Airline: Royal Spartacus Airlines - RSA, ID; 39014, PW#2068

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