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Topics - JM1878

Pages: 1
Bugs / (different) brokerage bug (maybe)
« on: October 26, 2007, 07:00:05 am »
Hi, Union Air ID 4809

Very small thing this one, doesn't directly affect the game, but puzzling me.

I have ordered a plane via the open brokerage system, which some kind soul took on :) .

Thing is, when I have used this before I have got an in game message informing me of the brokerage request being accepted. So far I haven't got a message, but it is listed under my deals in progress.

As I said, not a big thing but just wanted to bring it up incase it was a sign that things may go a bit squiffy with this brokerage request!


Bugs / Plane purchase/broker
« on: October 19, 2007, 07:50:19 pm »

I have just purchased a plane via a public broker deal, and have renamed it and put it into service. However, when I click on 'Your Requests' in the Aircraft Market it is still listed, and delivery is coming up as 'Days' (ie no number, not '10 Days'
or '3 Days' - just 'Days')

My airline ID is 4809,
aircraft ID is 11477.

Not a huge issue, just a little odd,


Bugs / [FIXED] Route Map not loading?
« on: October 16, 2007, 07:14:42 pm »
Hi :)

When I click on the link to show my route map nothing seems to be loading. No errors or anything, just completely blank. This also occurs if I click on my airline from the rankings, but if I click on a competitor their map shows up fine.

I'm not sure if it related to this at all?

Not the biggest problem in the world, just thought I would point it out. Pretty sure it was working earlier today.

My airline is ID 4809

Thanks for any help


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