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Messages - tom355uk

Pages: 1
General Chat / I cant find a competitor...
« on: October 15, 2007, 04:53:13 pm »
Quote from: "StephenM"
Yeah that airline has been banned, having a quick look here there were 13 airlines registered by the same IP.

Just a quick one, me and two friends are all playing at work, sometimes using the same computer (but obviously competing). This won't be flagged will it?

General Chat / More questions about plane and duration of this age
« on: October 15, 2007, 04:37:28 pm »
Quote from: "pseudoswede"
... The plane will be around for all 10 (game) years of the round.

So, just to clarify, this round will last until ~ mid Feb 08? Then what???

General Chat / New Aircraft Models Entry Into Service (EIS)?
« on: October 15, 2007, 04:26:18 pm »

Thank you very much.

Must remember that link.

General Chat / New Aircraft Models Entry Into Service (EIS)?
« on: October 15, 2007, 03:02:13 pm »

Had a scan through all of the links on the homepage. Nothing there.

Even checked the minor links (like 'basic route research')

Nothing there either.

Oh well, i'm sure our administrators will add this soon?? Or publish the link. Either would be great!!

I wanna get me some Low Bypass Smoke Producing Environment Destroying Power! (eventually)  :lol:

General Chat / New Aircraft Models Entry Into Service (EIS)?
« on: October 15, 2007, 02:53:14 pm »

This one?

If so, that means that there will be no additional aircraft models?

BTW, I know its only just started, but what 'year' will this game run till?

General Chat / New Aircraft Models Entry Into Service (EIS)?
« on: October 15, 2007, 02:37:59 pm »
Could anyone tell me when new models will appear in service? for example, the venerable DeHavilland Comet entered service in January 1952 with BOAC. Will new aircraft appear in the game in similar fashion? If so, will the order book open beforehand?


Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 13, 2007, 04:48:37 pm »
Quote from: "Armygrognard"
Quote from: "tom355uk"
Look guys, the game is less than 24 hours old. Frankly, the cheating a***holes who are sitting there smugly thinking 'look at me im way up the list already im such a smart ass' will soon be banned (I hope) and it will leave a truly excellent game where only the serious enthusiasts will compete.

Although, on a more cynical note, I suppose the game has already become like the airline industry, full of imbeciles who only see the immediate return, will do anything possible to produce that and care nothing for a sensible network routing and operations schedule!! :lol:

Or is that just me?  :?:

Tom --

I certainly appreciate what you're saying.  Pretty much the whole forum is abuzz with annoyance at the obvious cheats.  Being that the game is still a project at work, we have to expect that and point out (via PM or email) the obvious cheats to the mods.

Glad you like the game and look forward to competing against you.  Try and take the 'long look' and see past the cheats here at the beginning.  They'll be weeded out eventually.  Enjoy the game and the true gamers here in the forum.

Amen to that.

EDIT: Any word on the new aircraft EIS thing?????

Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 13, 2007, 04:30:11 pm »

Just gets me frustrated. Why cant everyone play nicely???? Surely the Satisfaction will be far greater?

BTW, will new aircraft be introduced in line with their real time EIS?

Game News / Zero Tolerance
« on: October 13, 2007, 04:21:13 pm »
Look guys, the game is less than 24 hours old. Frankly, the cheating a***holes who are sitting there smugly thinking 'look at me im way up the list already im such a smart ass' will soon be banned (I hope) and it will leave a truly excellent game where only the serious enthusiasts will compete.

Although, on a more cynical note, I suppose the game has already become like the airline industry, full of imbeciles who only see the immediate return, will do anything possible to produce that and care nothing for a sensible network routing and operations schedule!! :lol:

Or is that just me?  :?:

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