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Messages - air1

Pages: 1 2
General Chat / Re: This is mean
« on: March 08, 2008, 03:30:36 am »
Quote from: "a1b23"
look at this this Montreal Boston
a    Fokker F27-500     10    €50
a    Fokker F27-500    10    €50
b   BAe-146-100    1    €200
b   BAe-146-100    1    €200
d   Fokker F28 Fellowship 2000    1    €199
e   BAe-146-100    1    €200
f   Fokker F27-500    1    €198
g   Boeing 737-200 Adv. HGW    0.5    €200
h Hamilton Westwind III    1.5    €260

i took out the names and replaced them with a(twice, same guy) to h

Would you cry if you were United and AA has a flight leaving from Dallas to Chicago every hour on the hour?

General Chat / Wow, *I am* sooooo hardcore
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:52:54 am »
*deleted by dktc: provoking post*

General Chat / Why are people allowed to return leases..
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:29:59 pm »
Quote from: "dktc"
As we are retarded (quoting you), we are incapable of improving it. Case closed.

I never said you were,  I said the leasing system is... but seeing that you lack reading comprehension abilities, I think you might be

General Chat / Why are people allowed to return leases..
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:27:05 pm »
Quote from: "travismb99"
Quote from: "air1"
No one is forcing someone to buy a 9999 month contract... let people live with the consequences of their actions

The only reason anyone takes up a 9999999 month lease today is because they can reject it at any time.

Were a realistic lease mechanic to be implemented, applying penalty fees for early lease rejection, market forces will quickly push toward shorter-term lease agreements.

Furthermore, as I said, there will be more interesting financial options for lease offerings; that is, lower lease rates for longer-term agreements.

Umm ok thanks for supporting my point that this system is horrible

General Chat / Why are people allowed to return leases..
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:23:26 pm »
Quote from: "travismb99"

The contract would likely apply certain penalties and fees for exercising that option, but the option would be there nonetheless.

Did I ever say that isn't true?

General Chat / Why are people allowed to return leases..
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:19:09 pm »
Quote from: "travismb99"
Retarded? In the real world, airlines can return leased aircraft.

I was referencing how the leasing is done here, not in the real world

A more realistic lease system would set up better game mechanics... i.e., cheaper lease rates for longer-term leases. And no more silly 99999999 month leases

No one is forcing someone to buy a 9999 month contract... let people live with the consequences of their actions

General Chat / Why are people allowed to return leases..
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:07:44 pm »
Seriously, that is retarded

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 10:48:46 pm »
Quote from: "pseudoswede"
Quote from: "air1"

A realistic game wouldn't be any fun.

I agree with you. From a financial standpoint, it's better to teach the uninformed of their mistakes so that you rake in more profits while they squander their profits doing silly things.

How about this analogy... You and two of your friends are sitting at the only blackjack table in the casino. You all know perfect strategy, and all three of you are making good money. A doofus sits down at 3rd base and immediately starts making stupid plays (splitting tens, hitting 13 on dealer 6, etc.), causing you to not make as much money. Given this is the only blackjack game in town, wouldn't you want to help the doofus out and let him know he's making mistakes? At that moment, guiding him along towards perfect strategy will help everyone out.

After he leaves, he'll probably forget what you taught him and will go back to making stupid plays.

In blackjack your playing against the dealer, not against each other.   And if you want to use that game as an analogy for a route, that isn't "the only game in town".... theres a billion more different options you can go to

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 07:30:45 pm »
Quote from: "pseudoswede"

Here is an inherent problem with the game: unless the majority of the an airline's routes are <5% loads, they won't go bankrupt!

Moderators: I believe this is a very valid, on-topic discussion about the subject.

A realistic game wouldn't be any fun.  Airlines operate billions of $$ worth of equipment fairly efficiently (better than they used to) and still manage to lose money

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 06:37:52 pm »
Quote from: "rocketboy"

Air1, perhaps YOU should look it up. Might I suggest reading Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations first.

I was referencing his statement about making his competitor "better" instead of letting him go out of business

I've read WON, I have a degree in economics... maybe YOU YOU YOU YOU should understand what people are trying to say

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 04:33:24 am »
Quote from: "pseudoswede"

So you have no desire to make him a better tennis player?

I'm worried about myself and no one else

It's called capitalism.. go look it up

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 04:19:49 am »
Quote from: "pseudoswede"
Quote from: "air1"

So do you all start whining when people do stupid things in real life or do you FTBSDO

Let's put it this way. You are playing tennis with a friend. You hit the ball over the net to him, he then whacks it as hard as he can over the fence. You hit another ball, same thing. Repeat until you've run out of tennis balls.

You aren't going to tell him to try to keep it in the court?

Then you find someone else to play tennis with

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 04, 2008, 01:38:26 am »
Quote from: "MusicAIR"

No kidding.

This is a game, but this is a multiplayer game where the actions of others affect you.  If there is a player who doesn't educate themselves on proper yield management, then the work another player puts in to research & plan their routes is affected negatively.

The point of these posts is to give those kids some learnin' (as in, educate them on how to SUCCEED in the game, not do poorly and bring everyone else down with them).

So do you all start whining when people do stupid things in real life or do you FTBSDO

General Chat / Another rant: Clueless price-matchers
« on: March 03, 2008, 11:42:06 pm »
its just a video game

u mad?

General Chat / Jobs in real life like AM
« on: February 28, 2008, 08:02:40 pm »
-FBO ops
-Executive jet management
-Charter ops

I'm a CFI right now, definately don't want to fly for a living though... not enough upside capital wise.

Theres always someone willing to do your job cheaper.

Airline operations is a low profit margin business

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