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Messages - BigDerriAir[FT]

Pages: 1 2
Bugs / Airline 8111 Aircraft 5977, cannot cancel route.
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:48:52 pm »
Nevermind, cancel all cured all. duhhhhhhhhh!

Bugs / Airline 8111 Aircraft 5977, cannot cancel route.
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:04:26 pm »
The problem is that i can't cancel ANY route. I've tried cancelling every route the plane flies. None will cancel.

Bugs / Airline 8111 Aircraft 5977, cannot cancel route.
« on: January 04, 2008, 05:36:41 pm »
I see the problem... somehow I have three .5 routes on that aircraft.

Bugs / Airline 8111 Aircraft 5977, cannot cancel route.
« on: January 04, 2008, 03:19:33 pm »
All routes on the A/C state "This route is the only route connecting between two points" or something along those lines. I can't cancel ANY route the A/C flies. Help!

General Chat / What's Your DOP?
« on: January 04, 2008, 04:46:38 am »
3.1 mm.... and about to hit that watershed critical mass point... not quite there YET.. but close.

General Chat / Fleet Uniformity
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:41:14 pm »
..and means you don't make as much if you price to fill the plane as you have to dump seats to fill the plane. In this game, matching the planes to the route network is much more important than commonality as it stands now.

General Chat / What's Your DOP?
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:17:07 pm »
Quote from: "blue25"
I'm moving on up :wink:
€1,398,255 DOP :lol:

Omigawd, it's the JEFFERSONS!

General Chat / Best Plane Type
« on: December 31, 2007, 05:50:16 pm »
744... no better flight experience on earth than sitting in 2A or 2K.

General Chat / Your latest flight
« on: December 31, 2007, 05:36:14 pm »
Last was just CRP-DFW-CRP on AA...

One before was nice, CRP(AA)DFW(DL)JFK(SQ)FRA(SQ)JFK(DL)DFW(AA)CRP. Could've done AA out of DFW, or LH out of IAH but no way I was passing on a chance to fly SQ. They're hands down the best across the Atlantic.

CX is very good. SQ is better. I know the megatops will go someday and I'm very very much going to miss them. No other in-air experience matches Seat 2A or 2K... I've never been big on the 'Kirk' seat, I prefer to look out the window!

General Chat / Airport experiences
« on: December 31, 2007, 05:26:54 pm »
Cool thread...


DFW : My most often used connection airport. I put it first 'cos it's improved so dramatically. With the TrAAin I hated the place. The skylink changes all that in a huge way. JFK could've taken lessons on how to do a peoplemover properly from DFW. I can more often than not get gate to gate in 12 minutes... and Terminal D is *very* nice with lots of options. I do miss the Terminal A Flagship Lounge tho... but that's an AA thing.

TPA : Once they got security sorted out and did away with the 45 minute lines to get into the terminals it made the airport much more bearable. Landside it's awesome, the two-sided design is a bit odd until you get used to it (blue/red) but it's very clean and spacious and lots of amenities compared to other places.

MIA: MIA polarizes people. You either love it or hate it. I love it for two very dumb reasons, La Carreta (the Cuban restaurant just outside term D (?) and the eye candy. MIA CONSTANTLY has some of the most beautiful women in the world transiting... the older parts of the airport suck but the new terminals will make up for that.

FRA : I like the airport so much I stay at the Sheraton when I go. Parking costs a fortune tho but it's sooo convenient. Great spotting, great access to the autobahn, the airport and the rail network. Walk out the hotel to the trainstation... then when it's time to fly home; get a late checkout, go check in early for the flight then go back to the room to hang out until it's time to go.

HKG: Best for last-the best airport in the world and the best airline lounge I've ever experienced (haven't flown EK nor done DXB though). The F side of the Wing is just amazing. I always starve myself just before i go and leave about 3 hours to have time to pillage the buffet (catered by the Peninsula I believe). :D


IAH: WTF is up with needing to go landside to get from one side of terminal A to the other???? I don't care if one side is Skyteam and the other ain't... some of us would like to connect from the CO side of the world to fly elsewhere (UA, etc). DFW is MUCH better in this respect. Not to mention every time I fly I end up having to walk from the very far end of Terminal B to the ass end of Terminal E (E.G. about as far as you can go).

JFK/LAX: I'm not sure which is worse. The Airtrain makes JFK more habitable but is still woefully unreliable and last time I was there the intra-airport train was running BACKWARDS (E.G. a 2 minute trip turned into 12). LAX is just... LAX.

GUM: Humid as all get out, nothing to do and everything shuts down promptly at nine before many flights go out.

PHL : Don't even get me started... nuke the entire effing facility and take the airline with it.

SJC : Not the entire airport, but Terminal C. Beyond a dump. NOTHING to do, one food place and just plain dirty and run-down.

PHX : Terminal 2 - wow. Much as with SJC there just ain't much there.

LAS : Only due to the landside mess. There's just GOTTA be a better way to do security.

DEN : See above. The place is beyond a clusterF.

JNB domestic side : There's worse in Africa but one expects better from the 'gateway to Africa'. Int'l side is actually one of my favorites because the shopping, spotting and people are all so unique.

NRT : Lines to get in, lines to get out... but the new OneWorld facilities are quite nice. CX lounge MUCH MUCH improved and the beer machine ROCKS.

General Chat / Your Worst Flight Ever
« on: December 31, 2007, 05:00:06 pm »
Two come to mind. Alitalia FCO-CDG... flight itself wasnt' bad at all. It was trying to get on it that sucked although in comparison to other nightmares it was minor. On honeymoon and taking the early flight out of Rome to Paris to have a full day. Had I known about morning fog in Rome I woulda gone to PAR the night before! The 6 morning flights, cancelled. After two hours of trying to get my luggage back (and finally succeeding) I managed to bludgeon groundstaff into endorsing my tix over to AF. Made zero difference... except now the groundstaff were contract and cared even less. In the end we got punted BACK to Alitalia and on the 1 PM flight when we shoulda been on the 6 AM.

It gets better. WE MISS THE FLIGHT. Being stupid Americans we trust the screens showing gate info and stay in the lounge. Only then do I find out that the posted gate was not only incorrect, it was 5 gate changes ago! We track down the right gate about 10 minutes after they close the door. Back to the lounge, lather, rinse, repeat. Rebooked on 3:20 flight. This time we learn and go to the gate an hour early. Same gate change gauntlet... except this time no one knows where they moved the flight. Finally wandering in desperation I see a line of people filing out a door down to a bus. Gate has ZERO info posted whatsoever. I go ask the GA if it's AZxxx and she nods. We kinda looked at each other and shrugged and figured if it wasn't we'd figure it out when we got wherever the hell the plane was going (it was the right flight). Only other issue would be that the MD-80 was almost as clean as the Flatbush Ave subway platform in New York and everyone stuffed everything they owned into the first four bins so we had no overhead space. The FA's just shrugged and strapped our hand-luggage to two empty seats. At least the beer was good. :)

Second was just flipping horrible. Flying AA from MIA to LHR. Despite knowing better I don't bother to check the seat out before we push. I'm so exhausted I crash out the moment I sit down and strap in. Wake up about 25 minutes after takeoff and go to swivel the seat so I can recline. No go. I call the FA, he can't get it working either. The manual controls don't work, so somehow the thing jammed. EVERY seat on the flight was full (overbooked) so they had no place to put me... so I spent what was supposed to be sleep-time sitting bolt upright for 8 hours. AA did make good on the flight though and gave me an MCO for the one-way cost of the ticket and the miles back from the upgrade. I'dve rather had the sleep though; I managed to reschedule meetings to the afternoon but was still a wreck.

General Chat / What's Your DOP?
« on: December 31, 2007, 04:05:14 am »
IMO the pace is great. We select where we start. I chose MTY over MEX because I like the challenge of growing from a mid-sized market. If I had it to do over again I'd probably wait to open the second base tho. :) If one is starting at LHR, they're virtually guaranteed to be one of the biggest as just about any route out of there is a moneyspinner. At the beginning, there's not enough competition to absorb the traffic so new additions don't kill the routes. Since A/C are so scarce, no one has the capacity to flood any routes. We're JUST getting beyond that stage for the major Euroairports it seems, but most of the rest of the world is still very much early days.

back on topic, 730k DOP and I'm on track to be #2 in Central America (which is like, #550 worldwide! :D)

Bugs / [FIXED]Gate Rental Fees Not Subtracted?
« on: December 29, 2007, 03:59:45 pm »
They're getting deducted, they're just not showing on the Finance page. Trust me. ;)

General Chat / What's Your DOP?
« on: December 29, 2007, 02:29:01 am »
€240k at present... I hate waiting for planes.

General Chat / London Heathrow-London Gatwick!?
« on: December 29, 2007, 02:27:20 am »
Kinda like running Narita-Haneda, or De Gaulle-Orly, JFK-LGA, DCA-IAD, ORD-MDW, etc.

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