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Messages - rossettini

Pages: 1
Airline Branding Center / Re: [Partly active] 1993matias' paint job shop
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:51:17 pm »
I love it!  I agree that we can lighten the blue but it looks great.  What do you think about painting the lower half of the fuselage airframe silver (like the bottom of the jet was never painted)?

Airline Branding Center / Re: [Partly active] 1993matias' paint job shop
« on: October 16, 2011, 03:32:42 am »
Thanks Matias:

Your Airline Name: Tidewater Airlines
Your Airline Logo: "T" in the shape of an upside down anchor
Font of the logo text:Your Choice
Country Your Airline Is Registered In (if you want registration): United States
Aircraft(s): Boeing 272 (distance) and AĆ©rospatiale N 262 (commuter service) (you did nice work on the jets - it would be neat to see what a commuter would look like)
Colours: Royal Blue and White
Do you want a special style (e.g. 80's or modern)? Let's go modern (I always wondered what Eastern livery would look like now)

Again my thanks.

Airline Branding Center / Re: [Partly active] 1993matias' paint job shop
« on: October 08, 2011, 06:41:05 pm »
Hi matias:

I'm hoping that your creativity has recharged.  I've fallen in love with this game (much to my wife's dismay).  I'm playing as Tidewater Airways (based in the PW out of Norfolk, VA).  I want to brand that name for all future gameplay.

What information do you need from me?  If your not painting liveries I understand.

General thoughts:
Jet - I'm a Sud/Boeing guy
Name - Tidewater Airways
Colors and paint scheme - I'm an old Eastern Fan if that helps =)

Thanks if you're interested.  If not I understand.

P.S. - I look forward to the realistic 3.0 world.

Private World Discussion & Invitation / Re: Realistic World v3
« on: October 08, 2011, 06:32:18 pm »
I like a mid to late 1960's starting point.  We would be firmly in the jet and commuter prop age.  Transcontinental jet service is still limited by distance as well.

On another note, what if we played a "max-pax" style of game.  What I mean is how many passengers can you transport on a route for the maximum amount of money?  For example, my orf-atl route is carrying three flights of SC10B pax at the highest max-pax ratio.  This might improve game realism on both fronts (profit and total passengers).

I would also like to change my airline name.  I'm currently playing as Tidewater in the public world.  I like that name and would like to play in this world with it as well (based in atl?  Norfolk (current original base)? NJ/NY (what I'm leaning towards?)

Private World Discussion & Invitation / Re: Realistic World v3
« on: September 06, 2011, 01:50:10 am »
Hi all:

I would like to join this game when it starts as Royal Canadian Airways out of Toronto.  Or, if that base is already taken by another player, I want to join as QuĆ©bec Airways Nord out of Montreal.  Thanks and keep me posted.

Pages: 1
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