Non-Airline Mogul => General Chat => Topic started by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 12:38:19 am
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 12:38:19 am
What was your latest flight, what was it like, and when is the next flight coming up for you?
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: suntoucher on December 30, 2007, 12:50:19 am
Latest flight, Athens to NZ. 6 hours late. Missed my domestic flight. Had my alcohol stolen and travel insurance is being a cock.
Oh and it was Singapore to Brisbane, diverted to Sydney due to fog, then flew back up to Brisbane before flying people back to Auckland. Yes, they diverted to an airport closer to NZ, then flew back to the further airport without letting any passengers off.
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 12:54:32 am
Athens to NZ? :? OA quite going to Australia in the 90's....... :? :D
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: suntoucher on December 30, 2007, 01:04:00 am
Well there were stopovers as we were flying 777-200s Athens/Dubai/Singapore and Brisbane before finally to Auckland but all with Emirates and all increasingly late.
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 01:11:56 am
Emirates :shock: Its so posh... not like United...
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Pacific on December 30, 2007, 01:31:38 am
Oasis Hong Kong on Hong Kong - London Gatwick. Excellent flight, flight attendants friendly and cheerful. Right on time on departure and arrival. They went to the effort of new carpeting, seat covers, and overhead bins to give the aircraft the fresh look (ex-SQ 744s). Only complaint is the air being unusually dry.
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: CornField on December 30, 2007, 01:34:34 am
SEA-ORD on AS 738. Same as always.... Too long a flight, Window seat sucked donkey balls......
Next one, not sure. My work schedule for next year isn't out yet.
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: blue25 on December 30, 2007, 01:37:33 am
If you want to talk about worst flights ever, post here
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 02:18:00 am
My last trip was, SEA-LAX-MCO drove to TPA, TPA-DEN-SEA. United/Ted. Service is ok. Flight was nice. To problems. :)
Next flight:
SEA-SFO-KON-SFO-SEA. (On the 2nd and 6th of Jan.)
All united... SFO-KON is 767.... i think.... I hope it is becuase If we get upgraded, International business class!!! :shock:
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: nwadeltaboy on December 30, 2007, 03:06:50 am
i was on a school field trip when the United flight MSP-ORD for the M-Z half of the alphabet was delayed 6 hours (lucky me, im in the A-L half :D ). My friend managed to run outside security to try and find a McDonalds, walked all the way down to the other end of the security building, discover that there was no McDonalds, walk back, go back through security, find a McDonalds and eat there, and he made it back to his gate in time for the flight :P
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: pck on December 30, 2007, 03:28:05 am
Last Flights
PER-KUL MH Airbus A330-300 Economy
Standard Configuration, 2x4x2. Sucked donkey balls, small seats, no PTV, only 5 hours. Flight was smooth. Midnight
KUL-PVG MH Boeing 777-200ER Economy
Bad Configuration, 2x5x2, but way more comfy than previous flight, and at least with PTV and AVOD, only 4 hours. Flight was very smooth. Morning
PVG-HAK HU Boeing 767-200ER Economy
Standard configuration, 2x3x2, seats OK, surprisingly, there was PTV and the flight was only 2 hours but no AVOD. Landing was very rough, quite a lot of turbulence. Evening
HAK-PVG HU Boeing 767-200ER Economy
Same as Previous Hainan Airline flight, but smoother. Night
PVG-KUL MH Boeing 777-200ER Economy
Same as KUL-PVG. Afternoon
KUL-PER MH Boeing 747-400 Economy
Standard Configuration, 3x4x3, Very Comfy, equipped with PTV and AVOD, sadly, air-con wasn't working. 5 hours. Morning
Next Flight
PER-KUL Boeing 777-200ER (aww... they stopped flying to Perth with a 747...) Afternoon KUL-PER Boeing 777-200ER Morning
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Vamerica on December 30, 2007, 03:29:55 am
Mine would be RNO-SFO-LAX-SYD-AKL-CHC on United and Air New zealand. Way back was CHC-AKL-HNL-LAX-SFO-RNO. Air Mew Zealand and United
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: dktc on December 30, 2007, 04:10:41 am
1. original... IND-DTW-NRT-HKG with NW... got stranded in IND, then IND-JFK with DL, and JFK-YVR-HKG with CX. All economy. Did you know CX has Haagan Danz (spelling?) icecream bar on request for free? :D
2. HKG-DOH-TUN with QR. Posh plane for HKG-DOH. *vegetable*ty one for DOH-TUN. Lack of air-conditioning even after complaint to cabin crew.
3. TUN-DOH-HKG... worst flight ever... see
coming up next,
HKG-EWR-IND with CO, economy. At least I would get a PTV :wink:
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 04:29:12 am
does anyone know what metal they fly on SFO-KON?
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: blue25 on December 30, 2007, 04:29:53 am
777-200LR? IDK :?
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 04:31:21 am
777 on a Hawaiiflight! :? (UA) :? :shock: COOL! PTV's X)
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Vamerica on December 30, 2007, 04:34:54 am
On SFO to HLN with UA is a 767-300
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: nwadeltaboy on December 30, 2007, 04:35:00 am
767's and 757's :D
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 04:37:49 am
Quote from: "Vamerica"
On SFO to HLN with UA is a 767-300
This is to Kona-Keahole
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: nwadeltaboy on December 30, 2007, 04:39:32 am
yes, it is :roll:
anyway, you got the IATA code wrong -- its KOA. :P
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 04:39:52 am
:roll: w/e
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: on December 30, 2007, 05:20:49 am
Mine was DAL-OKC-DEN on December 20 & DEN-AMA-DAL on December 25! All on Southwest, the best airline ever (With UA holding a close 2nd).
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: pseudoswede on December 30, 2007, 07:07:57 am
Last flight was MUC-ARN on LH.
Last flight of note was the previous flight, DEN-MUC. Volunteered to be VDB'd, and I got upgraded to C instead. Senator Lounge in MUC was pretty nice, too.
Next flight is ARN-EWR in a few days. Hoping to get VDB'd since bulkhead bassinets are all booked up (and the flight is full).
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Triple_7 on December 30, 2007, 08:31:37 am
Last my sig....Fort Wayne, Indiana to Taipei, Taiwan and return. Explained in detail here... :shock:
Next flight. Unless something happens to either my grandparents or great grandparents in Florida before then my next flights could be.
FWA-SXM-FWA...want to go there for 3 or 4 days...maybe even a week.
Or possibly back to Taiwan for another 2-3 week visit...This time possibly starting at IND instead.
Either way it will probably be a good year or more off so not in any hurry to plan details or decide. See how things go :wink: Would be nice if EVA got their 777-200LR and opened up nonstop service to say...ORD 8) Would save me a LOT of hassle and possibly some money if they would :roll:
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: gizgiz on December 30, 2007, 08:56:51 am
JAL SFO-HKG transiting through NRT.
NRT-HKG leg was blissful, since I checked in like 12 hours early when I checked in for the SFO-NRT leg...they stuck me up on economy upper deck 744 :D :D :D
It's real quiet up there
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: StephenM on December 30, 2007, 09:51:28 am
My last flight was DUB-SXL on REA (Aer Arann) and my next one is probably DUB-SXL tomorrow depending on whether or not I take the train instead...
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: AirHanoverInternational on December 30, 2007, 11:09:24 am
Last flight: late November 2007 EDDV-LOWW (Hanover-Vienna and back next day) with Air Berlin. As always nice flight and nice service
Next one: probably the same route in late January 2008
Best flight: Dont know. There were several ones like: 1995 Delta B727 KATL-KMLU (seat in the last row closest to the engines) 1996 Sabena RJ85 EDDH-EBBR 1996 Continental Prop KIAH-KMLU (possibly an ATR72 on that route but not sure; if someone could help me to find out what a/c Continental used that time on the route Houston,TX - Alexandria, LA - Monroe, LA?) 1998 German Air Force B707 LIEE-ETNS 2000 German Air Force C-160 LPOV-EDDK (jump seat :D )
Worst (civil) flights: 1996 Sabena DC-10 KEWR-EBBR (although I had a good service onboard the seat spacing was horrible for such a long flight) 2007 TUIfly B737 EDDV-EDDS (a 40 minute ride -> too short to enjoy; snack and soft drink prices almost like mine in AM :lol: )
I love to fly with the older classic planes. All the newer birds look almost the same to me. From the inside I would not be able to find out if I was flying in a 737 or a 320.
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: nwadeltaboy on December 30, 2007, 11:17:17 am
Quote from: "gizgiz"
JAL SFO-HKG transiting through NRT.
NRT-HKG leg was blissful, since I checked in like 12 hours early when I checked in for the SFO-NRT leg...they stuck me up on economy upper deck 744 :D :D :D
It's real quiet up there
hmm, on all the 744's ive been on the top deck is the super ultra mega business class :)
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: blumage on December 30, 2007, 11:59:16 am
My last flight was LHR-MXP(Milan) onboard of BA. The flight was cozzy nothing to complain except for LHR Security. I almost missed my flight i got to the gate 15 min after EDT.
@DKTC CX gives HAgen Dasz ? Really? Nvr knew that. One thing for sure is that KLM gives u free hagen dasz ice cream even with out request. Although service at CX is the best.
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Seattle on December 30, 2007, 04:16:05 pm
I've been on a United 747-400 in First class, from Melburne to Sydney :D
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: BigDerriAir[FT] on December 31, 2007, 05:36:14 pm
Last was just CRP-DFW-CRP on AA...
One before was nice, CRP(AA)DFW(DL)JFK(SQ)FRA(SQ)JFK(DL)DFW(AA)CRP. Could've done AA out of DFW, or LH out of IAH but no way I was passing on a chance to fly SQ. They're hands down the best across the Atlantic.
CX is very good. SQ is better. I know the megatops will go someday and I'm very very much going to miss them. No other in-air experience matches Seat 2A or 2K... I've never been big on the 'Kirk' seat, I prefer to look out the window!
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: mwdfdolan on December 31, 2007, 07:14:52 pm
My last flight was DFW-JAX on AA in F.
Wonderful experience...nothing beats the convenience of direct flights to pretty much anywhere! :D
...and, IMHO, AA has the best domestic F class by far. I would say UA is a close second. :wink:
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: NIKO on January 06, 2008, 03:24:01 am
Glasgow Airport (UK) to Faro Airport (PT)
Futura 737-800 EI-DKD
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: CornField on January 06, 2008, 04:05:43 am
Got one job notice today.....
ORD-MSP NW DC-9-30-40-50(what else) MSP-ORD NW A-319(Hey, who stole my DC-9?)
It will be my first NW mainline flight in almost two years..... They were a dollar cheaper than United......
Title: Your latest flight
Post by: Vamerica on January 06, 2008, 04:07:41 am