Airline Mogul Forum

Airline Mogul => General Chat => Topic started by: empedocles on December 28, 2007, 03:31:45 pm

Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: empedocles on December 28, 2007, 03:31:45 pm
Question is in the title. What are Miscellaneous Expenses?

COGS for the food & drink?
Insurance?  :D
Security fees?  :D  :D
Bribes to politicians?  :D  :D  :D
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Vamerica on December 28, 2007, 05:27:12 pm
food and drink.
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Japanair on December 28, 2007, 06:32:20 pm
What goes into Miscellaneous revenues?
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: nwadeltaboy on December 28, 2007, 06:37:22 pm
food and drink is miscellaneous revenues (i think that's what Vamerica meant).  miscellaneous fees is like maintenence, leasing costs, etc. :D
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Vamerica on December 28, 2007, 06:37:30 pm
The cash you get from the people buying the food and drinks
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: empedocles on December 28, 2007, 06:56:17 pm
Specifically, the line item labeled Misc. Expense, which is separate from Misc. Revenue. Below Fuel & Staff, above Gate Rental, Maintenance, & Lease.

I don't remember it from the last round, but maybe I'm just experiencing early senility.

If it is Cost of Goods Sold for the Food & Drink, it means I'm only making about €300 per game month from food and drink, and I'm starting to wonder if that is worthwhile.

Misc. Revenue is food & drink sales, as noted previously by my esteemed colleagues. ;)
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Vamerica on December 28, 2007, 07:07:52 pm
Misc. Expense= the money it takes to buy all the food and drinks.
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Japanair on December 28, 2007, 07:32:39 pm
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Air Elbonia on December 28, 2007, 08:00:33 pm
I like all the answers. here's the official one.

A portion of it is food/drink, yes.  It also encompasses a few small fees which have been applied to any given route.  A mild passenger fee, airport landing fee, and one or two other weak fees have been created in a mild attempt to both model more realistic expenses as well as to slow the game down a little more.

Food/drink costs about 1 euro per item [i know, i wasn't quite creative enough to come up with more accurate numbers] sold.
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: empedocles on December 28, 2007, 08:27:28 pm
Cool, thank you everyone for the answers.
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Jps on December 29, 2007, 05:32:35 am
If someone sells at 1. They dont get profit  :lol:
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: DarthRobby on December 29, 2007, 05:48:25 am
i sell at 2, 'cept for alcohol, 20, if you want your alcohol, you need to really pay
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Japanair on December 29, 2007, 06:01:13 am
I sell my alcohols for 65 euro!
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Blue Sky Mine on December 29, 2007, 02:05:35 pm
This is rip-off!

Can we introduce a factor that the pax start rioting if the alcohol costs more then 20$ per bottle?
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: nwadeltaboy on December 29, 2007, 04:16:26 pm
i might start rioting if soda or snack was overpriced -- id be outraged if hot chocolate cost that much, but im underage so i dont drink alcohol :D
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: DarthRobby on December 29, 2007, 06:06:37 pm
same here!
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Blue Sky Mine on December 29, 2007, 06:08:53 pm
Quote from: "nwaboy"
i might start rioting if soda or snack was overpriced -- id be outraged if hot chocolate cost that much, but im underage so i dont drink alcohol :D

Well, come to Germany. Here you can at last drink Beer&Wine starting from your 16th birthday :twisted:
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: Seattle on December 29, 2007, 06:11:01 pm
sure you dont :D

As of now, it doesn't really mater that you can make a profit off of 60 euro booze :)
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: suntoucher on December 30, 2007, 01:07:02 am
Well the Alcohol could be Duty Free and be full bottles of Cognac/Armagnac etc. Or it could be a cheap mini of Smirnoff. Either way the higher charges won't make as much profit due to the fact that they have less customers. I've got all of mine at 13 and make about 8k DOP.
Title: What goes into Miscellaneous Expense?
Post by: ChinaPacific on December 30, 2007, 09:59:55 am
I sell my alcohols for 69 euro
Breakfast / Lunch and Dinner same price : 59 euro