Print Page - Invitation to PW#3186. The Story of Air Travel!
Airline Mogul Forum
Airline Mogul => Private World Discussion & Invitation => Topic started by: Sakura Matou on July 09, 2016, 12:36:35 am
Title: Invitation to PW#3186. The Story of Air Travel!
Post by: Sakura Matou on July 09, 2016, 12:36:35 am
I welcome you to join PW#3186, The Story of Air Travel! It begins in the year of 1919 and lasts until 2015. We have plenty of room and we have a maximum player count of 1500.
You start with 500,000 dollars in cash, 2 planes (Farman Goliath) aswell as 2 gates. You are allowed to have a maximum of 10 domestic bases and 2 international (full world). There is no password and all are free to join. I only ask for you to be active as inactive airlines will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity. (But you're free to PM me if you need to be absent for an extended period of time.)
Thanks for considering us and we hope to see you soon!
Title: Re: Invitation to PW#3186. The Story of Air Travel!
Post by: Thunderstruck on July 12, 2016, 03:20:30 pm
Hello Sakura,
Thank you for creating this world, it seems exciting and I have just joined as Southern Orient Airways.
It is a long game span (1919 - 2015), and I hope you will be there to keep it alive and well managed for its full duration.
In real world terms, it will end in September 2019. Who knows what we will all become by that date - but I hope we will play here together until the end of time.