Airline Mogul Forum

Airline Mogul => Airline Reports => Topic started by: skh0627 on June 07, 2015, 06:58:42 pm

Title: [PW #3024] African Airlines
Post by: skh0627 on June 07, 2015, 06:58:42 pm
So I created a lot of hype with my previous report but never followed up. I'll try follow up this one. Decided to play one game in my break. Please note that I'll be playing a "relaxed" game, so not aiming to get to the top but rather enjoying myself creating a more realistic airline. Hope you all enjoy it!

Issue 1 [21 November 1986]

African Airlines Launches
As world airline traffic increases, Africa has been left in the dark. Today aviation history in Africa will start with a blank new page. A humble new airline has been launched in South Africa. After numerous test flights the past month, African Airlines is proud to commence full operations starting this month.

ZS-AAA taxiing at OR Tambo International Airport

Based in Johannesburg, African Airlines will operate from OR Tambo International Airport. Using the ICAO code ZAA (ZA for South Africa and A for airline), we will operate various routes within Southern Africa.

Our flight schedule is as follows:
ZAA101 Cape Town
ZAA102 Durban
ZAA103 Port Elizabeth
ZAA104 East London
ZAA105 George
ZAA106 Bloemfontein
ZAA201 Nairobi, Kenya
ZAA202 Harare, Zimbabwe
ZAA203 Maputo, Mozambique
ZAA204 Windhoek, Namibia
ZAA205 Lusaka, Zambia

All flights are operated on our MD83 aircrafts. Plans to acquire more aircrafts in future are in place once operations have stabilized over the coming months, particularly over the traditional December holiday season.

The test livery at Cape Town International Airport (top) vs the new livery in flight (bottom)

As today marks the official launch of our airline, we are also proud to present our African livery to the world. Although our aircrafts carried out test flights in a test livery, we are very proud of our in-house designed final livery. Although the Lion was a popular icon amongst the staff, our Lion received new life in the new livery, leaping with wings. The green and gold of the African plains have been retained, making African Airlines instantly recognizable.

Stats (As of November 1986)
Airline Value: €132,234,871
Total Routes: 11
Daily Passengers: 3,612

Fleet (As of November 1986)
McDonnell Douglas MD-83: 2
On Order:
Total: 2

We hope you follow us with this new journey over the African sky. We cannot wait to welcome you on board your next flight to Africa.

Until next time,
CEO African Airlines
Africa's Pride
Title: Re: [PW #3024] African Airlines
Post by: skh0627 on June 13, 2015, 10:10:26 pm
Issue 2 [24 May 1987]

Our brand new ATR42 (ZS-AAC) performing a low fly by before its inaugural flight to Mauritius as ZAA221

We are very proud to announce that we placed and order for 2 ATR42's back in February. The first one arrived on 24 March 1987 (ZS-AAC) and the second just recently 23 May 1987 (ZS-AAD). These ATR's have a range of 3,109km and can carry 50 passengers. These turboprops suit our network and strategy perfectly as they are profitable on smaller and thinner routes around Africa but are also much more fuel efficient than our larger MD88's which will operate more popular routes from now on.

We are currently negotiating with ATR for further ATR42s that will arrive later this year. As of now, our fleet has doubled in the first six months of operations.

As an airline we have been struggling to keep up with fuel costs. Popular routes have been hindered by high fuel costs. However with the addition of our ATR42's we have rapidly expanded in recent months. We have now launched offices in 5 more countries which means that African Airlines now operates to 11 countries including domestic operations in South Africa.

Our new routes are as follows (*new countries):
Domestic   International
ZAA107 Nelspruit Kruger
   ZAA206 Pointe Noire, Congo*
ZAA207 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania*
ZAA208 Gaborone, Botswana*
ZAA209 Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
ZAA210 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
ZAA211 Livingstone, Zambia
ZAA212 Maun, Botswana*
ZAA221 Port Louis, Mauritius*
ZAA222 Reunion Island, Reunion*

Stats: (As of 24 May 1987, brackets from previous update)
Airline Value: €155,346,253 (€132,234,871)
Total Routes: 21 (11)
Daily Passengers: 4,484 (3,612)
Fleet: 4 (2)

Fleet (As of 24 May 1987, brackets from previous update)
McDonnell Douglas MD-83: 2 (2)
ATR 42-320: 2 (0)
On Order:
Total: 4 (2)

Although these stats seem significant, we realize we are still a growing airline. Changes will be marginally big especially as we are expanding at such a rapid rate. However, we will not let challenges keep us down. With true African spirit, we will continue to expand and provide our legendary African hospitality to all our valued guests.

Until next time,
CEO African Airlines
Africa's Pride