Have you got what it takes to rule the Airline Mogul skies? Have you got what it takes to go from rags to riches in the airline industry?
If you answered yes then new Private World #2966 is for you! In the revival of my previous sensationally popular AIR EMPIRES series, the third instalment will see you start small and rise like a phoenix from the ashes to take over the skies and become the Air Ruler of the PW #2966 Kingdom!
The world is now open for you to join (no password) and set up your routes but it will only go live in 24 hours from now so get in there now!
World information:
Start year: 1995
Game length: 20 years
Start aircraft: 2 x ATR 42-500
Maximum bases: 6 [2 foreign]
Start cash: €1,000,000
Aircraft type: All commercial aircraft
World type: Full
Players: 50
There are just a few simple rules I will ask you to please agree to before joining:
1. No real airline names please as per Airline Mogul's standard terms and conditions for playing the game.
2. Play fair. No delibarate and malicious fare undercuts or alliance routes will be tolerated. One warning and the next time you'll be out!
3. Remain active. Please try to remain an active player in the game. It's nice to see how airline's grow with a bit of friendly competition thrown into the mix.
Current standing of airlines in the world:
Asia - None
Africa - None
North America - None
Central America - None
South America - None
Europe - 1 Airline - me! :)
Middle East - None
Pacific - None
The in-game forum section will also play an integral part of this game so be sure to also keep an eye on it for some private world news and surprises I have up my sleeve!
If you fancy joining me, please click below to join now! I look forward to welcoming you!
JOIN PW #2966 AIR EMPIRES III: THE RETURN (http://www.airlinemogul.com/world_info.php?wid=2966)
There's one hour left before the world goes live so I thought I'd give you a quick update. A few airlines have now joined which is great and there are still plenty of space left for others to join too!
The current airlines are:
North America
- Atlanta Airways based in Atlanta
- Air Pilsen based in Chicago
- America West Airlines based in Phoenix
Central America
South America
- Frankfurt Airlines based in Frankfurt (Germany)
- Air Espana based in Madrid (Spain)
Middle East
If you fancy kicking some dust on the runway of other airlines or in the mood to take control of the skies as the number one airline of the world, then please come and join us! It will be great fun and a bit of friendly competition has never done any harm!
CLICK HERE TO JOIN US NOW! (http://www.airlinemogul.com/world_info.php?wid=2966)
World details below... :lol:
*UPDATE* PW #2966 Air Empires III: The Return
The world is well and truly taking to the skies now and there are still several places left for others to join us! The current standing of airlines are:
- Shangri-La based in Beijing, China
North America
- Atlanta Airways based in Atlanta
- Air Pilsen based in Chicago
- America West Airlines based in Phoenix
- 123 Airlines based in Los Angeles
Central America
South America
- Frankfurt Airlines based in Frankfurt, Germany
- Air Espana based in Madrid, Spain
Middle East
We're still a brand new world so it's NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN us NOW! Come take charge of your airline empire to ultimately rule the skies! Have you got what it takes? Prove it!
CLICK HERE TO JOIN US NOW! (http://www.airlinemogul.com/select_world.php?id=2966)