Print Page - Leasing out: how to make profit out of it
Airline Mogul Forum
Airline Mogul => Game Strategy => Topic started by: OO-SCZ on March 25, 2012, 07:17:37 pm
Title: Leasing out: how to make profit out of it
Post by: OO-SCZ on March 25, 2012, 07:17:37 pm
Hello fellow AM's!
As I have plenty of cash availble for purchasing new aircraft, but not planning on opening more new routes, I was wondering wheter or not it is profitable to lease aircraft.
What philosophy do you use? Any suggestions, strategies on your behalf?
Kind regards
Title: Re: Leasing out: how to make profit out of it
Post by: AytchMan on March 25, 2012, 09:05:08 pm
Leasing is a tricky endeavor. The badly-flawed revenue model generates so much cash that established airlines will never need to lease. As you can see in your own case, they can always afford to buy all the aircraft they need. So, your only real market is the new entries. These guys often find it cost-efficient to lease in aircraft as they get up to speed. Again, this is because the revenue engine will generate far more income than the cost of a reasonable lease. Thus, you could make some profit if you can anticipate exactly the type of aircraft the startups need. But, for me, leasing out aircraft is far more trouble than it's worth and I've found that it rarely justifies the effort.
Title: Re: Leasing out: how to make profit out of it
Post by: pseudoswede on March 30, 2012, 11:34:02 pm
But, for me, leasing out aircraft is far more trouble than it's worth and I've found that it rarely justifies the effort.
Back when public worlds had 2000-2500 players, you could make substantial supplemental incoming leasing out aircraft. Now, it's much more difficult and not worth it, IMO.