Airline Mogul Forum
Airline Mogul => Airline Reports => Topic started by: Drysen on September 28, 2011, 12:05:49 pm
Nordic Air eXpress (
Year by year:
December. Trans World eXpress is formed with a Fokker F27-400. Announced on behalf of the owner and CEO, Mr Sven Svensson, by the chief pilot, Erik Edlund.
Routes commencing the same month with domestic routes in Sweden and routes to Copenhagen and Oslo.
Airbus A300 and DC-9 leased.
1x DC-9-30 and 1x BAC 111-500 was bought and introduced with the airline.
One year celebration, CEO and owner Mr Sven Svensson not attending, to the disappointment of the press.
Trans World eXpress rebranded to Nordic Air eXpress, announced on behalf of Mr Svensson by, Johan Jakobsson.
Second hub opened, Gothenburg Landvetter, ceremony held at Landvetter Airport on behalf of Mr Svensson by Gösta Hellgren.
Mr Svenssons absence from the press explained by that Mr Svensson was busy in negotiations with Boeing.
The aging Fokker 27-400 scrapped in favor to introduce a fleet consisting only of Jet planes.
Leased DC-9 and Airbus A300 returned to leasing company.
6 x Fokker F-28 Fellowship 6000,
3 x Fokker F-28 Fellowship 1000,
3 x Douglas DC-9-30,
1 x Douglas DC-9-40 introduced to the fleet. All second hand.
10 x Boeing 737-200 Adv. HGW introduced to the fleet.
2 x Fokker F-28 Fellowship 1000, scrapped in favor for arriving Boeing aircrafts.
3 x Douglas DC-9-30, scrapped in favor for arriving Boeing aircrafts.
1 x BAC 111-500, scrapped in favor for arriving Boeing aircrafts.
1 x Douglas DC-9-40, scrapped in favor for arriving Boeing aircrafts.
3 x Fokker F-28 Fellowship 6000, scrapped in favor for new arriving aircrafts.
2 x Fokker F-28 Fellowship 1000, scrapped in favor for new arriving aircrafts.
8 x McDonnell Douglas MD-82 introduced to the fleet to be used on busy routes within Europe.
1x Boeing 767-200 introduced to the fleet to be used on the Dubai flights.
2x Boeing 737-200 Adv HGW to join the main fleet.
Third hub, Helsinki-Vantaa, opened in June, ceremony held at Vantaa airport with the absence of Mr Svensson. Speech held by Jaana Selenne.
Fourth hub, Oslo-Gardermoen, opened in November, ceremony held by Jan-Jakob Jensen, Mr Svensson not attending.
December, 5 years celebration. CEO and owner Mr Sven Svensson once again not attending, to the big disappointment of the press, speech was held on behalf of Mr Svensson by Yngve Johnson.
Press questioning about Mr Svensson, comment by Yngve Johnson: “Mr Svensson is a very busy man and could unfortunetly not attend the 5 year celebrations.”
3 x Fokker F-28 Fellowship 6000, scrapped in favor for new arriving aircrafts, the last Fokker aircrafts to leave the fleet.
1 x Boeing 767-200 sold to due to high costs.
16 x Boeing 737-200 Adv HGW joined the main fleet.
2 x Boeing 757-200 introduced to the fleet to be used on busy routes within Europe and Dubai.
5 x BAe 146-100 introduced to the fleet to be used on regional routes.
Fifth hub, Copenhagen Airport, opened in January, ceremony held by Niels Mikkelsen on behalf of Mr Svensson.
Sixth hub, Keflavík airport, opened in March, press conference and ceremony was held by Valdís Arnardottir in the absence of Mr Svensson.
A trial hub was opened on Greenland with Kangerlussuaq as the main base with domestic routes on Greenland was opened in June and was opened for 2 months before closing. Mr Svensson was not able to contact for a comment.
Long haul routes commenced. New York and Mumbai. Announced on behalf of Mr Svensson by his assistant Miss Hanna Lindén.
15 x brand new state of the are Boeing 737-300 joining the main fleet.
4 x Boeing 757-200joining the current Boeing 757-200 fleet.
2 x BAe 146-100 joining the regional fleet.
3 x BAe 146-100 to join the regional fleet.
8 x Boeing 757-200 to join the Boeing 757-200 fleet.
5 x Brand new state of the art Boeing 767-200ER introduced to the long haul fleet.
Leasing operations commences with 3 x Saab 340A and 5 x ATR 42-300.
1986, year still in progress.
Current fleet, brackets indicates orders:
BAe-146-100 x 1
Boeing 737-200 Adv. HGW x 27
Boeing 737-300 x 52 (8)
Boeing 757-200 x 17
Boeing 767-200ER x 11 (3)
McDonnell Douglas MD-82 x 5
BAe-146-100 x 3 (for sale)
ATR 42-300 x 5 (leased out)
Saab 340A x 3 (leased out)
Current bases:
Copenhagen Airport
Oslo Gardermoen
19 Jul 1986, Nordic Air eXpress, Arlanda International Terminal.
At a cermony just at the departure gate at Arlanda International Terminal, Nordic Air eXpress announced its 500th route. With a special greeting to all the passengers, who is met with a giftbag and a glass of champange before embarking on a brand new Boeing 767-200ER.
A short speech was also held by one of the Nordic Air eXpress' spokesmen:
"Today is truly a milestone in the company's history. From the start up in December 1978 Nordic Air eXpress has grown at an incredible rate and can today proudly announce its 500th route. The route will make a short cut for all of the people living in the nordic countries to the holiday paradise Hawaii, and also bring the people of hawaii closer to the Nordic countries. To the wonders of the northern lights and the home of santa claus. To 500 routes and to 500 more to come!" -Valdís Arnardottir
Applaudes filled up the terminal, cheering, clapping and glasses were raised with the punch line of the speech. And the embarking passengers were smiling when they embarked the aircraft to holiday paradise.
Strangely however the CEO and owner Mr Sven Svensson was nowhere to seen at the cermony. His abscence from the press and other cermony's the airline has held is one of the question of the public when no one hardly knows who the owner of the largest airline in northern europe is.
His assistent comment when upon asking:
"Mr Svensson is a very modest man who enjoys his privacy, but let us focus on our great airline making history instead with its 500th route!". - Hanna Lindén.
And yes, this is history in the making. Never before has an airline giving the opportunity to the people of the nordic countries to travel this easy either direct or via connecting flights within one airline before.
- Jens Grönwall, Aftonexpressbladet.
On behalf of the Mediterranean executive team, I too would like to wish you all the best for the future. Looking over your company's history has shown me just how analogous our two airlines are.
With regard to your sale offer, I will reply with a more private follow up email shortly. Mediterranean Airlines' current stance is to order new aircraft yet under the right terms the airline is open to negotiation.
Once again all the best for the future
Matthew Phillips - CEO Mediterranean Airlines.
If you don’t plan to play it or already have, feel free to proceed. :)
11 October 1986, Aperture Science Laboratories, Detroit, Michigan
A press conference was held in the lobby of Aperture Science Laboratories office in downtown Detroit. It was announced that today Nordic Air eXpress and Aperture Science had come to an agreement to develop the future of travel.
Aperture Science CEO and owner, Mr Cave Johnson and the owner and CEO of Nordic Air eXpress, Mr Sven Svensson, was nowhere to be seen at the press conference, instead their assistants, Miss Caroline and Miss Hanna Lindén held the press conference in their absence.
“With airplanes ruling the sky today and the passenger volumes constantly growing, the sky and the airports are getting more crowded. This puts both the passenger and the environment at stress. Aperture Science together with Nordic Air eXpress are commited to make travelling easier, quicker and more pleasent for the passenger and to save the environment. Aperture Science with their Nobel priced scientist has also made an agreement with several world leading universities in northern Europe, naming one of them being the University of Lund, to provide Aperture with top class science and scientists. Nordic Air eXpress has agreed to invest money and provide Aperture Science with volunteering pilots and crew as test subjects for the science done at the enrichment center . A direct route from Stockholm to Detroit will be the short cut for science, scientist and test subjects” – Miss Caroline and Miss Lindén.
Aperture Science originally a shower curtain manufactuer and providing the US Military with shower curtains is now a world leading experimental physics research institution and the runner-up for several major contracts from the US Military. Aperture Science is also known for the missing astronauts in the 60’s, which might also be the explanation to the absence of Mr Svensson from the press. Upon questioning the relation between Mr Johnson and Mr Svensson and their abscene the following comment were stated: ”Mr Johnson and Mr Svensson are companions and well-known to each other and are currently overseeing some very important tests at the Aperture Science Enrichment Center.”
With a lot of secrecy regarding the location and science done at Aperture Science Enrichment Center it is with great interest to world turns its eyes towards Aperture Science and Nordic Air eXpress to see what the future of travel will be.
-Mike Smith - CNN
16 March 1987. Nordic Air eXpress involved in corruption scandal with Bofors AB.
Today Sveriges Radio (Radio of Sweden) could reveal that the weapons manufacture Bofors AB have been involved in a corruption scandal in India. Journalist Chitra Subramaniam and N. Ram could reveal to the world press that Prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and several other high profile politicians in India have been reciving kickbacks from Bofors AB to vote in favor for Bofors in order to supply India’s modernization of its armed forces. It is speculated that the total amount is Rs. 400 million (almost US$9 Million).
From an unknown source it is said that owner and CEO of Nordic Air eXpress, Mr Svensson, involvement in the affair points to the fact that Mr Svensson is an ex-fighter pilot in the Swedish Air Force and through this connection Bofors AB approached Mr Svensson and offered him and Nordic Air eXpress the opportunity to open routes to the exclusive market in India via their connections in the parliament of India, in exchange for the transportation of weapons in Nordic Air eXpress’ aircrafts. The Swedish government has launched an investigation on both Bofors AB and Nordic Air eXpress.
Bofors AB did not comment on the involvement with Nordic Air eXpress and owner and CEO of Nordic Air eXpress was not able to contact for a comment.
Article updates as the story unfolds.
Ulla Hellgren - Sveriges Radio
17 March 1987. Nordic Air eXpress denies involvement in corruption scandal
The world press turned its eyes towards Sweden yesterday when it was revealed that several high profile politicians in India had received kickbacks from the weapons manufacture Bofors AB. Nordic Air eXpress’ probably involvement in the scandal sent a shockwave throughout the airline industry and several competing airlines demanded the truth.
Given the circumstances Nordic Air eXpress released a press statement where they denied any involvement in the corruption scandal and that no one in Nordic Air eXpress had been approached by Bofors AB nor that Nordic Air eXpress would carry any types of weapons on a passenger jet plane. The statement also highlighted the fact that Mr Svensson himself with the help of the Nordic Air eXpress is giving large amounts to charity every year and founded different projects around the world to benefit the local community, one of the countries being India.
The Swedish government currently has Bofors AB and Nordic Air eXpress under investigation. CNN have successfully managed to contact Bofors for a comment and Bofors spokesmen denies that any corruption have occurred and the money in question is just business. Bofors also denies that Nordic Air eXpress would be involved at all. Nordic Air eXpress spokesmen referred to the press statement denying any involvement.
Without any straight answers only new questions is born, and with the absence of Mr Svensson from the press, this puts the pressure on Mr Svensson to make an appearance but Nordic Air eXpress’ only comment on the whereabouts of Mr Svenssons was: “Mr Svensson is currently unavailable.”
Article updates as the story unfolds.
Mike Smith – CNN.
If you are not planning on playing portal 2 or if you already have, feel free to proceed. :)
15 April 1987, Aperture Science founder dead, Detroit Michigan
For a long time Aperture Science founder, Mr Cave Johnson, has been dealing with an unknown disease and a today it came to the public knowledge that Mr Johnson passed away a couple of days ago. A funeral ceremony was held in Detroit Michigan. With last year’s announcement of Nordic Air eXpress cooperating with Aperture Science to create the future of travel it was no surprise when Mr Svensson was spotted at Detroit airport.
Rumours spread quickly and when arriving at the church were the funeral ceremony was held the press was already there. The press tried to gain accesses to the funeral ceremony but was unable. Once the ceremony had come to an end and Mr Svensson was about to leave the world press tried to get a comment from him about the accusation of involvement in the corruption scandal in India. The only statement made by Mr Svensson reads as follows: “This is a good friend’s funeral. I do not wish to discuss those matters now.” He then proceeded to his car, a Volvo 760, and left the area.
Aperture Science Laboratories is mourning the loss of their founder and did not comment on who will replace him at this moment. All though rumours as pointing towards Mr Cave Johnsons assistant, Miss Caroline or the nobel priced winning scientist Doug Rattmann.
Mike Smith - CNN
23 May 1987, Nordic Air eXpress corruption scandal
Today the swedish government presented its first press release about the corruption scandal in India with Bofors AB. The investigation concludes that Bofors AB is guilty with the earlier accusations of offering several high profile politicians in India kickbacks to win the betting of modernazation of the armed forces of India. Bofors AB will be given a penalty for their actions which will be decided during future negotiations.
The investigation also concludes that Nordic Air eXpress invovlement was a false statement sent out from a unknown source to the press to create a bad reputiation to the airline itself. Nordic Air eXpress answered this conclusion with: "We were never worried about this since we all knew that we had nothing to do with Bofors or the government of India. We believe that the general public is well aware of the high standards of Nordic Air eXpress and the work the airline does for charity all around the world with our leader Mr Svensson in charge and that our passengers won't leave us for our competitors. Instead we have just started to launch more direct long haul routes from or main bases Oslo, Copenhagen and Helsinki. Making it easier, quicker and cheaper for our passengers to see the world." - Miss Lindén.
Question is if Nordic Air eXpress will recover from this media disaster. Without any words from the CEO the whole affair still makes the public wondering what actully happend.
John Doe - CNN
19 October 1987, Black Monday, New York Dow Jones down 23%, Nordic Air eXpress still strong.
The day that will be remered as black monday when the world stock markets saw a huge drop in value today. Experts say it started on the Hong Kong market and panic spread to the European and the United States and when Dow Jones closed it had made a huge drop of 23% showing big red numbers and the well-dressed Wall Street workers sweating in their suits.
Even though this huge drop the Nordic Air eXpress stock is still strong and only saw a 0,7% drop. Nordic Air eXpress’ Dynamic Marketing Manager , Karl Åberg, explains this: “Nordic Air eXpress is a strong and world famous brand, since we are an airline people need to travel no matter what so money and value will not be a problem. I also believe since we are working close together with Aperture Laboratories with the future of travel it makes an interesting opportunity for investments in Nordic Air eXpress and Aperture Laboratories.”
-Jens Hansen.
1 November 1987, Windows 2.0 and Nordic Air eXpress
With the release of Windows 2.0 It was also announced that Nordic Air eXpress will upgrade its computer based systems to Windows 2.0. Bill Gates, after talking to owner and CEO, Sven Svensson, was thrilled about the choice Nordic Air eXpress have made for its database system and said that this was the beginning of a long relationship between Nordic Air eXpress and Microsoft.
When leaving Microsoft headoffice, Mr Svenssons only comment was to speak with the Corporate Intranet Agent. Nordic Air eXpress’ comment: “When Windows 2.0 was presented to Nordic Air eXpress it made an easy choice for us to pick this new platform. It has all the system we need and seems to be quite easy to handle. It’s going to be a lot of fun to install this with the company.” – Lisa Yttergård, Coporate Intranet Agent, Nordic Air eXpress