Airline Mogul Forum

Airline Mogul => Suggestions => Implemented Suggestions => Topic started by: ashuji on February 05, 2011, 12:41:41 pm

Title: In Game Mail Suggestions
Post by: ashuji on February 05, 2011, 12:41:41 pm
I am writing the following after doing a thorough search of the "suggestions" area.Hopefully I am not repeating them.

The suggestions are not directly related to the basic gameplay, but would hopefully improve the message system.

This is just my two bits regarding what I thought would simplify and enhance the IGM system. I have absolutely no idea if the above mentioned are feasable or practically possible.
Title: Re: In Game Mail Suggestions
Post by: StephenM on February 05, 2011, 01:04:21 pm
There are a number of improvements needed for the messages system alright and I will take your suggestions into account once I get around to doing it.