Airline Mogul Forum

Airline Mogul => Private World Discussion & Invitation => Topic started by: Flybynight747 on October 25, 2010, 07:40:36 pm

Post by: Flybynight747 on October 25, 2010, 07:40:36 pm
Hi everyone.

Been reading through many of the posts on here regarding New Private Worlds and thought what it would be like to do something a little bit different.

We are all used to playing in 5 year Worlds set from the 90s or newer where really you don't have to think or plan.

Buy ATRs, then Dash 8s, then CRJs, then Airbus or Boeing depending on your usual game play and strategy.
Nothing wrong with that, it's pretty much the bread and butter of the games available (and the ones you have a shot at winning).

Unfortunately, long games also seem to lose players and interest is quickly lost if only a few ACTIVE players remain logging in.

However, I have recently joined my first 'public' World and am having tremendous fun.
Real planning, gate usage, monthly maintenance are suddenly important.

It would be impossible to recreate in a Private World these new pressures of playing against 200 hundred people as people come and go.

However, I thought I would just see what possible interest there is for THIS new Private World.
Game play is long enough so that even those working or studying can dip in and out and not feel the game is moving to fast between log ins for them to compete.

I am happily, one of the 'usual old timer' suspects, but would like to think trying something where you actually have to THINK about your airline could entice some new blood.

Maybe the game I propose doesn't go far enough to stretch some or seems to complex for others, but here goes.

Start year    1975
Game length 25
Start Gate    1
Start A/C     727-200 ADV
Max Base     16
Max F.B       6
Start Cash   1.5M
Max Players  200

Full World
New improved maps
No password

Just let me know what you think.

Ideas appreciated.

Happy flying.
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: jghastings on October 30, 2010, 02:57:04 pm
I would definitely join, but currently only have 15 tokens so it would have to be in a little while.
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: Flybynight747 on October 30, 2010, 08:05:26 pm
I would definitely join, but currently only have 15 tokens so it would have to be in a little while.


You would be most welcome to join, what is really needed is players who can log in and out at their free time even if they are busy doing other 'stuff'.

I am away for most of November then of course Christmas is upon us.

So I was thinking of a (game date which will be January 1st) late November start.

Let me know what you think.

Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: orlando702 on October 31, 2010, 06:27:11 pm
I would love to join this world.. I always like playinig on worlds, when I can start from day one...
Could there be a possibility I can Join?

I have played as Eastern, Mexicana, Carnival And Allegiant in previous years. But i was reading that we can't use real airlines names and logos. Is that True.  If it is then Im working on the logo of a NEW  airline.

Jan 1 would be an awsome time to start..

Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: Flybynight747 on October 31, 2010, 10:02:11 pm
I would love to join this world.. I always like playinig on worlds, when I can start from day one...
Could there be a possibility I can Join?

I have played as Eastern, Mexicana, Carnival And Allegiant in previous years. But i was reading that we can't use real airlines names and logos. Is that True.  If it is then Im working on the logo of a NEW  airline.

Jan 1 would be an awsome time to start..


Hi there, YES, you would need to join with a new fictitious Airline name, but after that would be free to start in any base, Worldwide and create your airline.

There will be NO restrictions on bases ( a few foreign, but not many) so you will be free to grow as you please.

The idea behind this game is that over time you will face REAL competition, need to replace A/C and THINK about how you grow your Airline from day 1.

If this still interests you, please let me know.
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: orlando702 on October 31, 2010, 11:46:50 pm
Thanks Count me in.. I will be Operating as JET America... Do we have to Rsv The Bases or will we do it a the moment the World starts..?
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: steventommyobama on November 15, 2010, 10:06:06 pm
I was wondering if I could play. 
Your old friend.
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: Flybynight747 on November 15, 2010, 10:32:46 pm
Been a little inactive of late as been playing in one AM public World and found it amazingly different, complex and fun.

I do still intend to create this World (Great to hear from you Tommy), will buy the tokens when ready to launch, but as a LONG World need a bit more interest as no point in ending up playing alone in such a big, expansive game.

Will keep you all posted.

Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: steventommyobama on November 15, 2010, 11:27:52 pm
Awesome :D  I'm ready whenever, except probably not this weekend cuz I'm going somewhere.  And if it goes through the end of April, I'm sorry, but there's a chance I'll give up cuz I'm going to Italy for ten days and yeah...
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: BINDU on November 16, 2010, 01:27:33 am
I would like to join as well as Air America
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: gfbeat on November 21, 2010, 06:28:56 pm
I'd definitely be interested to join this world.  :)
Title: Re: NEW WORLD
Post by: gopats1479 on March 06, 2011, 12:43:13 pm
I'll join. Sounds like a lot of fun.