Print Page - Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Airline Mogul Forum
Airline Mogul => Private World Discussion & Invitation => Topic started by: Flybynight747 on August 29, 2010, 09:43:13 pm
Title: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 29, 2010, 09:43:13 pm
Hello everyone at AM. I have been away from the site for a while and not participated in a World for some time. Am looking at setting up a NEW World for players to try established winning techniques BUT also to try something different and maybe learn new tricks. The idea being that if you win the World, GREAT, but maybe also be encouraged by fellow airlines in the game to break new ground.
The term of the game will be quite short, 5 years, however the starting A/C and cash pretty generous. 4 x A318s OR A319s to start. $2,000,000 start cash. Home bases = unlimited Foreign bases = 4 Max players = 15 FULL WORLD.
Alliances will be encouraged. Due to copyright issues, I think your OWN Airline names and Alliance names may be the best way forward.
Anyway, let me know what you think. Cheers.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: 1993matias on August 29, 2010, 09:58:02 pm
I'm in!
When do we start?
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 29, 2010, 11:02:09 pm
Great you want to join! I have plenty of tokens so can start this World pretty quickly.
I just want to see what the general interest is.
I have initially made the game term short as I find that in longer games people often lose interest.
By keeping things short and sharp, hopefully interested players will avoid the usual set ups. I.E. based in ATL, ORD, HND and so on.
Naturally, any player that wishes to start there can, but I want to encourage fresh thinking that others support and can learn from.
Please let me know what your (intended) Airline name would be and what base you would like to start from.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: StephenM on August 29, 2010, 11:08:56 pm
I would like to give it a shot, once I get established I will focus on regional aircraft, probably turbo props in North Western Europe. I will go with an airline name of Celtic Regional based initially in Southampton (SOU).
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: sla31 on August 29, 2010, 11:15:48 pm
I would also join. I would run mainly smaller operations out of Kansas City using Skylite Airlines. :D
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 30, 2010, 01:15:17 am
You know I'm in! First, I think you should go with A318's, because of people basing out of smaller airports. I think I'll go with re:air out of my home base, Dulles (Aka Washington Dull International Airport). Never based there before :) Sounds like a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Japanair on August 30, 2010, 01:35:06 am
Sent a PM... Looks really interesting! :D
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 10:28:26 am
StephenM and Sla, you would both be more than welcome to join as your respective airlines.
I am just finalising the (limited) rules as I want the game to flow easily without to much red tape whilst also ensuring a even spread of experience.
Am really pleased that already some of you are looking at smaller regional operations in different areas. Again, the main idea of this World is not to win at ANY cost, but to develop an interesting operation and sharing what we find works well or doesn't.
I will be setting this up in the next 7 to 10 days, so I hope you can wait that long.
Thanks again for your interest and wanting to join.
I will PM all of you when the World is a GO!
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 11:14:47 am
Just a quick update.
Airlines registered are -
Me (Flybyniight747) IndiAir. Based in BOM. I have never tried an Indian based airline so this is new to me.
steventommyobama re : air Based in IAD. 1st time for him based in Washington.
sla31 Skylite Airlines Based n Kansas.
StephenM Celtic regional Based in SOU
JapanAir Indigo America Based in YVR
1993matias, please submit your airline name and choice of home airport.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 30, 2010, 03:40:31 pm
You know, I think I'm going to do my multi-frequency usual, just because I can't bring myself not to!
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: BINDU on August 30, 2010, 04:08:29 pm
Hey Jay, you're back... Remember the Star World!!...
But, I think that I'm going to run Air Lambda out of AUS...
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: BINDU on August 30, 2010, 04:30:33 pm
Actually, I think I'll Run Air Mex out of MEX instead
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 05:18:58 pm
Hey Bindu, good to be back and already enjoying my return. Great to have you join this World, as I recall, our previous World was great fun and we all got along very well.
I'm hoping this is a repeat of that World.
I will reserve for you
Air Mex, BASED out of MEX.
It's your buddy.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 08:32:31 pm
Thank you to all who have replied through the forum and those who have via PM indicated their choice to join this World.
I thought it timely to share with those interested the minimum rules that will apply to this game.
As the World spec will allow very generous A/C, gate and Expansion choices from early on in the game, I want to limit (briefly) the start rules.
As home bases will be UNLIMITED and foreign bases set to quite a high setting, I would ask that all players choose a LOW initial start airport. So far all interested Airlines have done that. In my experience, if we all choose ATL, ORD, DEN, HND, LHR, CDG and PEK, then the game is settled before it starts. These Airports will be FREE to base in at a later stage whenever you want.
This will put all of the starting Airlines on an even keel to begin with.
So if you would still like to join, please ensure your START base is 27M pax or lower.
Other rules.....
Multiple frequencies. If you really want to do this, feel free. Multiple airport occupancy. Breeds lower prices and cut throat competition, be my guest. Alliances. Encouraged and wanted in the game. Fair play. Expected and discussed through the AM forum. Routes. You can fly from anywhere to anywhere, even local airports without sanction. A/C. Build your own fleet, sell, buy, lease what you want.
I think that these rules should free up each airline to do pretty much as they please. I would ask that should you join you re - read point 4 again.
A/C will be 4 x A318s Start cash 2,000,000 Home bases = UNLIMITED Foreign bases = 4 Max Players = 15 FULL WORLD
Thanks FBN.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: GoldDragonFly on August 30, 2010, 08:52:59 pm
Jay.....welcome back! 8) Hope you have been well....
I am keen to play as Royal Taiwanese Airways out of TPE (Taiwan)
When will you start this world?
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 09:05:54 pm
Hey GDF!
As I recall, you always did the very best updates and pictures to show how you grew your Airline.
Royal Taiwanese Airways is YOURS my friend.
Based out of TPE.
Start time has fallen from an initial 10 days down to poss the next 3. Interest has been such.
I want to just check that TPE is below the 27MILL pax number for a start base.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 09:08:47 pm
GDF, TPE is a 21M pax airport, you are welcome to join!!!
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: GoldDragonFly on August 30, 2010, 09:14:20 pm
Great! I look forward to it! :lol:
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 09:19:01 pm
Me too, your Airline choice and base is added.
Welcome my friend to this New World.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: blue25 on August 30, 2010, 09:37:04 pm
Welcome back! If this world isn't already full, could I be Alto Airlines out of Seattle (SEA)? ;)
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 09:44:33 pm
Hey Blue, good to see you again. Would be great to have you in this World, you are more than welcome.
However, SEA is above the 27MILL start airport base.
No prob with you starting in N. America, but please choose a BASE below 30MILL pax.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: 1993matias on August 30, 2010, 09:48:26 pm
I would like to join as Airflot out of Moscow Domodedovo (DME)
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 09:55:10 pm
1993matias, you are IN as Airflot out of DME.
Thats your base and Airline.
Welcome to the game.
It will start in the next 3 days.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 30, 2010, 09:58:23 pm
GDF!!! Hey, what's up? And Jay - three days? If that is true, that would absolutely rock!
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 10:04:58 pm
Yup, 3 days till this World goes live. The initial joiners will be notified. That should help you before your Semester starts.
PM to all, then let's see how this World unfolds.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 30, 2010, 10:09:54 pm
Not trying to be pushy, but can you get the improved route maps? Thanks!
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 10:11:18 pm
Improved route maps will be part of the game
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 30, 2010, 10:12:08 pm
How many years will it be?
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 30, 2010, 10:19:19 pm
That keeps players interested and short enough to keep Airlines competitive
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 30, 2010, 10:23:51 pm
Something I think we all should do is make a faux-website either on google sites or a similar program. It's just fun to do!
Great ideaYes, if necessary, I will do that for all airlines interested. IE: they can provide the content, and I can set it up for anybody, who's too busy to do so.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: blue25 on August 31, 2010, 04:48:22 am
Something I think we all should do is make a faux-website either on google sites or a similar program. It's just fun to do!
Great ideaYes, if necessary, I will do that for all airlines interested. IE: they can provide the content, and I can set it up for anybody, who's too busy to do so.
Thank you, then I guess I'll choose Santa Ana then as I know there are more airports around it than Bellingham
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 31, 2010, 06:11:11 am
Blue25, your airline Alto Airlines flying from Santa Ana (SNA) is added.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on August 31, 2010, 06:29:38 am
This World is now LIVE and will start in 24HOURS.
I have made 1 adjustment, as many of you wish to set up in the US, I have limited the total number of bases to 12, of which 5 can be Foreign. This should help to restrain some from basing in ATL, ORD, LAX, DEN, MIA and so on.
The World is called New tricks. Please PM for password.
Happy Flying all.
Jase (FBN)
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: blue25 on August 31, 2010, 02:18:35 pm
Thanks! A little tip, try the premium gate search ;)
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: BINDU on August 31, 2010, 03:26:31 pm
Jay, we can restrict so all bases have to be sub 40 million...
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on August 31, 2010, 07:20:35 pm
Jay, we can restrict so all bases have to be sub 40 million...
I'd say 35 Million, but that's okay too.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: blue25 on September 01, 2010, 02:17:58 am
Heads up, If you guys don't see too much development from airline in the next couple of days, I am beginning classes in the next few days and won't be widely available as I was over the summer. However, I will manage to be active in this current world. ;)
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on September 01, 2010, 06:07:30 am
No problem Blue25, understood. Good luck with your studies and drop in and manage your airline when you can.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on September 01, 2010, 05:00:42 pm
Jay, we can restrict so all bases have to be sub 40 million...
I want to make this game as free flowing and free of red tape as possible.
I do understand what you mean though, with such great start A/C etc then our DOCs, even from small initial bases (20MILL and under) soon becomes very big.
As all members of this World have used their tokens to join, we are in a way a collective. This was NOT a rule that was in place when people chose to join. Therefore to retrospectively impose it I think would be unfair as
A. Enrolled airlines will already have thought through their strategy
B. I did state at the start that after choosing a SMALL home 1st base, then everyone would be free to choose their next bases freely.
I am happy to hold a poll using our own in-game forum, however I think it fair that if 1 airline says no, then NO it is and should be respected by all airlines in this World.
How does that sound?
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on September 01, 2010, 05:13:20 pm
I think we should have a poll and see what people think.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on September 01, 2010, 05:17:13 pm
I think we should have a poll and see what people think.
Will add poll now within the 'in-game' forum.
As long as it's outcome is respected by all in the game I have no problem with it.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: steventommyobama on September 01, 2010, 05:21:56 pm
You should have different options of like 40 mil, 35 mil, 30mil, and which ever is the highest even if all but one people pick 30 mil you go with that.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: StephenM on September 01, 2010, 05:51:18 pm
I do understand what you mean though, with such great start A/C etc then our DOCs, even from small initial bases (20MILL and under) soon becomes very big.
Or 2 mil for some of us, I really picked the wrong base compared to everyone else. :lol:
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: Flybynight747 on September 01, 2010, 06:13:38 pm
I do understand what you mean though, with such great start A/C etc then our DOCs, even from small initial bases (20MILL and under) soon becomes very big.
Or 2 mil for some of us, I really picked the wrong base compared to everyone else. :lol:
Your start base is certainly low, however, with respect this is YOUR game, I looked at your plan and thought with free reign after your initial base is up and running with EUROPE as your home, you have plenty of BIG hitting airports to base in.
I am happy to re-set you should you wish to relocate to a better start airport? Also, the whole point of this particular World is to try something new initially until the usual 'killer' instinct kicks in hehe :lol:
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: n301dp on September 02, 2010, 10:20:11 pm
Or 2 mil for some of us, I really picked the wrong base compared to everyone else. :lol:
For more help with AirlineMogul, please check out the Game Strategy forum. If you are in need of a reset or more assistance beyond the forum, I suggest e-mailing :staff:. From what I hear they are usually pretty good at helping people out. >:( >:(
Thanks for the opportunity to join in! I, for one, am planning on doing an intricate study of maximizing route profit/costs over several airplanes. I also am planning on honing my snarky press release writing skills.
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: blue25 on September 02, 2010, 10:22:54 pm
Or 2 mil for some of us, I really picked the wrong base compared to everyone else. :lol:
For more help with AirlineMogul, please check out the Game Strategy forum. If you are in need of a reset or more assistance beyond the forum, I suggest e-mailing :staff:. From what I hear they are usually pretty good at helping people out. >:( >:(
Thanks for the opportunity to join in! I, for one, am planning on doing an intricate study of maximizing route profit/costs over several airplanes. I also am planning on honing my snarky press release writing skills.
He would be answering his own e-mail as he is the creator of Airline Mogul :P
Title: Re: Been away a while... new World Ideas, wotcha think?
Post by: n301dp on September 02, 2010, 10:28:07 pm
I am going to be active this weekend - just and fyi ;)
Never mind on that one :( If need be, you can pull me out of the world as I have realized that I have less time than I thought. Maybe after graduation I'll have 100% more time? :(